Reduce Odors with Filtrete Air Filters

Filtrete Odor Reduction Filter

For years I have battled with allergies.  Some places I’ve lived have made it easier to deal with than others but unfortunately living in this part of North Carolina has me continually struggling.  I try my best to keep the floors vacuumed, surfaces dusted, sheets changed, windows shut, and air filters up to date.  I’m a huge fan of Filtrete air filters for a little allergy relief but now they have a new Odor Reduction Filter!  A filter that blocks dust, and pollen, and ickiness is great on it’s own but now it helps minimize obnoxious odors!  I’m in love!


Healthy living expert and author Lisa Beres has shared tips with us on how to naturally remove odors from the home and I hope you find them helpful.  I know I have!


Lisa’s tips include:

  • Clean the fridge drawers and shelves by adding a few drops of natural dish soap to a bowl of baking soda and stir until it creates a thick paste.  This will remove odors as well as stains left behind from food.
  • To rid towels of the mildew smell, first wash them once in hot water with a cup or two of white vinegar. Then wash them again with a natural or eco-friendly laundry detergent. Finally, dry the towels in the dryer on high heat.
  • Reduce the unpleasant smell of pet dander by bathing and grooming your pet weekly.
  • Pesky ants and other insects can make their way into your kitchen but instead of using harsh toxins, set a line of coffee
    grinds, lemon juice, cinnamon or cayenne pepper around doors and windows to create an effective barrier they won’t cross.  {I need to try this!}


Filter Benefits:

  • 65 times more effective than other carbon filters at removing odors, such as those from cooking, tobacco smoke, pets, mildew and cleaning chemicals. {65% is HUGE!}
  • Starts to remove even the strongest odors in minutes, after the furnace fan is turned on.
  • Captures large airborne allergens such as household dust, pollen, mold spores and dust mite debris.
  • Captures microscopic particles such as smoke, pet dander and smog.
  • Last up to three months for odor removal and particle capture for air passing through the filter.

These Odor Reduction Filters have a suggested retail price of $15.99 which isn’t much more than a regular filter!  They can be found at your local hardware, home center, grocery store, or they can be purchased online.


I LOVE this!  Filtrete has an eNewsletter that will email you when it’s time to change your filter!  I’m actually going to sign up for that right now because we’re always a month late.  They’ll also email you clever tips and money-saving coupons.  You can also follow @Filtrete on Twitter and like Filtrete on Facebook to stay up to date on their latest products and promotions.


“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Filtrete and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Big Honkin’ Summer Fun at Target

Big Honkin Summer logo


Target is the destination for everything families need to make the most of summer and to prove it Target sent a few bloggers a “Big Honkin’ Summer” kit to review.  Target has items to keep your family occupied whether you are traveling to the beach, mountains, or having a staycation.  Target has all the essentials for you to make the most of your summer.  If you’ve been in a Target store recently, you may have noticed the giant beach balls, sunglasses, and sand buckets that lead you directly to their brightly colored summer merchandise.


Here are the items that I received to review and check out Target’s kid catalog where you can find all of these products and more for summer:


  • Kid Made Modern Printed Tape Set – $6.99
  • Kid Made Modern Board Book Kit  – $14.99
  • Toy Golf Club with Ball Set – $2.99
  • Giant Badminton Set – $7.99
  • Lemonade Stand Banner – $2.00
  • Lemonade Stand Money Box – $3.00
  • Lemonade Stand Sign – $4.00
  • Lemonade Stand Juice Container – $6.00
  • Lemonade Stand Ice Bucket – $6.00
Lemonade Party Collage

We fired up the grill, gathered about ten different couples and their kids and we had a big honkin’ pink lemonade party!  The Giant Badminton set was my personal favorite as it reminded me of playing in the yard as a kid.  The Kid Made Modern Board Book Kit & Kid Made Modern Printed Tape set are adorable and could keep kids busy for quite a while.  The Toy Golf Club with Ball Set was probably a favorite with the kids.  Even when they weren’t “playing”  you could always see one kid carrying it around.
Lemonade Party Collage 2
The Lemonade Stand Banner, Money Box, Sign, Juice Container, & Ice Bucket were all used at the party and will probably be used over and over again for summers to come.  I was surprised how well each piece was made for being so inexpensive.  We colored the lemons on the banner and the sign with a pink Sharpie to make them look like pink lemonade.  I can’t help it, I’m girly!  : )
Lemonade Party Collage 3
Summer is my favorite season and it always seems to go by so fast.  Sometimes I honestly can’t believe how fast time flies!  Can you believe my little girl just had her first birthday?  {She’s the one above in yellow}  In hopes that summer won’t pass me by so quickly this year I’m trying to slow down and make the most of every moment.  Our family has a few weekend trips planned but for the most part we’re staying home and enjoying homemade ice cream, watching fireflies, playing in the yard, grilling out, taking walks in the evening and well, just spending time together.  Target makes it easy to have a Big Honkin’ Summer without leaving town.



Target Summerizer App


Target has a fun Facebook app called “Summer-zier” that allows you to add large “Big Honkin’ Summer” icons to your favorite photos.  You have the option to share them online with your friends and you could even to order prints at your local Target Photo Center.


To learn more about Target’s Big Honkin’ Summer you can find more information at or follow Target on Facebook.


Disclosure: “I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Target and received products to facilitate my review and thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Arm & Hammer Sensitive Skin + Skin-Friendly Scent Laundry Detergent Review

Arm & Hammer


Maybe it’s just me but I hate laundry.  I don’t mind the task so much as the fact that it’s never, ever, ending.  Because this is a task that I’ll do over and over again for the rest of my life I want to use products and machines that make this job as easy as possible.  As a busy mom I don’t have time to soak, wash, and repeat.  I want a dependable and quiet washing machine that gets the job done and I want a detergent that gets stains out the first time.


When I first married I soon learned that my husband has very sensitive skin and could only use one brand of detergent.  That brand got the job done but unfortunately it’s one of the more expensive brands and often I had to soak stains before I washed them.  When Mom Central contacted me about doing a review for Arm & Hammer laundry detergent I immediately thought there was no way that I could do it without writing a negative review because I was sure it would make my husband’s skin react.  Then I noticed that it was for Arm & Hammer’s new Sensitive Skin Plus Skin-Friendly Fresh Scent laundry detergent.  Yes!  Finally a brand that I love has made a laundry detergent perfect for my family.


I was still nervous that it wouldn’t be sensitive enough but I gave it a try anyway.  I made sure not to tell my husband that I was switching so that it wouldn’t be in his head and would be a fair review.  One day went by, two went by, and I hadn’t heard a thing.  Then one morning he asked me if I did something different to the laundry.  I gasped.  I was nervous!  Immediately I felt a wave of guilt rush over me for making my husband become a guinea pig for my little experiment.  They he said, “It smells better!”  I breathed a huge sigh of relief!  Success!  I proudly revealed my new bottle of Arm & Hammer laundry detergent and apologized for making him an unknowing test subject.


We’ve used Arm & Hammer Sensitive Skin Plus Skin-Friendly Fresh Scent laundry detergent for two weeks now and I’ll be honest, I love it!  I think it’s better at getting stains out, it has a light fresh scent my husband loves, and it’s an affordable detergent.  I would recommend it to anyone!  Plus, Arm & Hammer Sensitive Skin Plus Fresh Scent laundry detergent is specially formulated to work with both standard and high efficiency (HE) washers.  You can get additional information at the Arm & Hammer website and you can keep up with them on the Arm & Hammer Facebook page.


While you’re here, don’t forget to check out our posts, 9 Ways to Save Money on Laundry Costs & Beauty Tips from Arm & Hammer!


“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Arm & Hammer and received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Banana Boat’s New Sunscreen Natural Reflect Lotion Review & Giveaway!

banana boat oil


When I hear the name Banana Boat I immediately think of their Dark Tanning Oil that I used for many years.  I loved the stuff!  My mother has never believed in sunscreen.  Sure she would put it on me as a kid as I cringed and complained {I hated that greasy feel!} but every year after I got a tan she didn’t see any need for it.  I kept this idea until I married my husband who has a history of melanoma in his family.   He’s very cautious of the sun…and rightly so!


Since we’ve been married I’ve pretty much avoided the sun.  My husband is a fan of Banana Boat’s spray on sunscreen.  I admit that it’s handy in that it’s quick to apply and I can take it with us on an outing and not have to worry about it leaking in my bag.  Honestly though, I’ve never tried it.  I keep hearing my mom’s voice talking about the negative effects of sunscreen.




Now that summer is here and I need sunscreen for my little girl I’ve been reading labels like a mad woman.  Researching words I can’t pronounce.  All in hopes of finding a safe sunscreen for her sensitive skin.  When Mom Central approached me about a campaign for Banana Boat I was all on board!  Get it?  All on board?  Ha!


Banana Boat Natural Reflect

I was not only able to research Banana Boat’s new Sunscreen Natural Reflect Lotion but also try it out myself.  Banana Boat said that this lotion “contains 100% naturally-sourced mineral sunscreens with proven protection against sunburn and prevention against long-term skin damage”.  Sounds pretty great, right?  They have a sunscreen formula for adults, children, and babies.


Banana Boat Party


Banana Boat didn’t just give me a bottle of sunscreen, I was given enough supplies to host a Banana Boat party!  We enjoyed a cookout with our friends; we chatted while the kids played in the pool, tossed a Frisbee, hit a t-ball, played in the sprinkler, and played with bubbles. They had a blast and we could rest assured that they were safe from the sun!




Here’s a little more about the about Banana Boat’s Sunscreen Natural Reflect Lotion:
•  100% naturally sourced mineral sunscreen active with Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide!
•  Oxybenzone free!
•  Paraben free!
•  Gentle on sensitive and delicate skin
•  Proven effective against sunburn and to help prevent!long-term skin damage
•  Broad spectrum UVA and UVB protection
•  Water resistant
•  Recommended by The Skin Cancer Foundation


Banana Boat doesn’t want people hiding indoors {like I was doing}!  To get families out and playing together they’ve created a fun 101 Days of Summer Play activity guide.  If you go to Banana Boat’s Facebook page you can pledge to play and download their activity guide.  To learn more about the Banana Boat brand you can visit


My thoughts:


I’ll admit I was very hesitant to try to the sunscreen because I had awful flashbacks to the goopy film, also known as sunscreen, that my Mom would put on me as a kid.  I have to say that this new Banana Boat wasn’t bad!  It took longer to rub in than regular lotion but I suppose that’s normal of any sunscreen.  After a few minutes I couldn’t remember I had put it on!  My little girl doesn’t mind it and my husband gives it his approval.  If you’ve tried it already, what are your thoughts?


If you haven’t tried it yet, how would you like to?


Banana Boat Giveaway:


One lucky Embracing Beauty winner will receive a Banana Boat kit!  To enter fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of BananaBoat® Sun Care and received a party kit to facilitate my review, party kits to give to my guests, and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

Crest and Oral-B Pro-Health Clinical Plaque Control Test Drive #CrestSponsored

A month ago I wrote a review of  the new Crest and Oral-B Pro-Health Clinical Plaque Control line of products which I received to review from Crest and Mom Central Consulting.  After using the products for a full month I’m back here to share my thoughts.




The Crest Pro-Health Clinical Plaque Control Toothpaste has a pleasant taste that isn’t too overpowering.  I love the texture of it!  It leaves my teeth feeling unbelievably clean.  I never thought I could really have “just from the dentist” feel at home.  Everyday.


I’ll be honest, I’m not too picky when it comes to toothbrushes.  I want a nice comfortable handle, super soft bristles, and well, that’s about it.  The Oral-B Pro-Health Clinical Pro-Flex Toothbrush was very nice though!  The handle is comfortable with the squishy little grippies that I like.  You know the ones.  The head on the toothbrush is raised slightly to give it a good angle and it’s flexible to reach all those hard to reach spots.  I’ve been consciously brushing in circles because I know it’s suppose to clean better and be gentler on my gums.  I’m pretty proud that I’m now doing that which I thought a month ago was an impossible task.  It’s so much easier to go back and forth, you know?


I know I said in my previous post that I still preferred woven floss to Oral-B Glide Pro-Health Clinical Protection Floss but I have since changed my opinion!  My husband disagrees and still loves his woven floss better because he can grip it easier but I love this floss because it never, ever hurts my gums.  Remember recently when I was in the hospital for a week or so?  I was able to brush daily but I didn’t bother with flossing or mouth wash.  When I came home I immediately started back with my plaque control routine and my gums didn’t bleed at all!  If I had used any other floss on the market my sensitive gums would have at least bled for the first two days.


Last but not least, the Crest Pro-Health Clinical Rinse!  My husband insists on the floss, brush, rinse method and I prefer the brush, floss, and rinse method.  My method makes sense, right?  You get the majority of nastiness off, floss in the crevices to get the leftovers, and them you use mouth wash to rinse it away.  My dentist said that it doesn’t matter which order you do the three steps as long as you do them but I still think my way is right. : )  I like the Pro-Health Clinical Rinse!  My teeth feel clean afterwards without a burning sensation on my mouth and gums.


All in all, I think the Crest and Oral-B Pro-Health products are great!  If you’re unhappy with your current regimen you should look into these products.  I can also tell you that I’ve found a couple great deals on these products in the last month so the price is right if you look for the deals!


Disclosure: “I wrote this review while participating in a test drive campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Crest and Oral-B and received product samples to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central Consulting sent me a promotional gift to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

McCormick’s Look Book + Spring Thyme Salmon Recipe

Hurry!  McCormick is having a Pinterest contest that is ending tonight!!!  There are some pretty neat baking prizes up for grabs!  Here’s how you can enter:


pinspiring contest


If you’re like me McCormick is no stranger to your home.  It’s a brand that makes food coloring dye, spices, and pre-measured spice mixtures with recipe cards (such a neat idea!).  McCormick products are a staple in our house.  We have an overflowing spice cabinet with spices for just about every meal imaginable.  Do you need meal inspiration?  If so, check out McCormick’s Look Book that is filled with yummy recipes with gorgeous pictures!


Here’s the recipe that I tried:

Spring Thyme Salmon

Makes 4 servings.

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Refrigerate Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

1/3 cup tangerine or orange juice (I used OJ)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon McCormick® Thyme Leaves
1 teaspoon McCormick® Mustard, Ground
1/2 teaspoon McCormick® Garlic Powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon McCormick® Black Pepper, Ground
1 pound salmon fillet


1. Mix tangerine juice, oil, thyme, ground mustard, garlic powder, salt and pepper in small bowl. Place salmon in large resealable plastic bag or glass dish. Add marinade; turn to coat well.

2. Refrigerate 20 minutes, turning occasionally. Remove salmon from marinade. Discard any remaining marinade.

3. Broil 10 minutes or until fish flakes easily with fork.


McCormick Recipe


You may have noticed that I substituted salmon for chicken but let me tell you, it was yummy!  I’m anxious to try more of the simple recipe ideas from McCormick’s Look Book.  I’ve already saved a few of my favorites so they’ll be easy to access the next time I need a meal idea.  What are you waiting for?  Go check it out McCormick’s Look Book for yourself; I’m sure you’ll find more than a few recipes you’ll want to try.


Oh and if you want to follow us on Pinterest you can follow McCormick on Pinterest here and Embracing Beauty on Pinterest here!


“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for McCormick. I received product samples and a promotional item to thank me for participating”

Crest and Oral-B Pro-Health Clinical Plaque Control Kick Off #CrestSponsored

I am very excited to let you know that I am participating in the Crest and Oral-B Pro-Health Clinical Plaque Control Test Drive Program.  A clean, healthy mouth is important for confidence, social interaction, and most of all, the health of your body.  At this stage of life I am pretty good at brushing, flossing, and rinsing but I haven’t always been that way.


One of the many reasons I’m so dedicated to my routine is the clean feeling my mouth gets right after I’m finished.  I love it.  It’s really the little things in life that delight me.  Most people dislike going to the dentist but I don’t mind it.  My dental hygienist is super nice and she even reads my blog {Hi, friend!}.  With each visit I get a free toothbrush, tooth paste, & floss in a goody bag.  My favorite part of going to the dentist is how clean my mouth feels right afterwards!  I try to avoid eating for as long as I can so I can enjoy the most of it.


For this test drive program I received a bundle of Crest and Oral-B items that were developed to work together to help keep plaque at bay and make it possible to get that “dentist-clean” feeling at home.  Crest’s new Pro-Health Clinical Plaque Control toothpaste not only rids your teeth of plaque but it helps to prevent plaque from forming. Crest Pro-Health Clinical Rinse is clinical-strength protection against plaque and gingivitis.  I am glad to have found a mouth wash that doesn’t burn my mouth and doesn’t have a strong overpowering taste either.  I love my new Oral-B Clinical Pro-Flex Toothbrush in very soft!  Last but not least, I received a package of Oral-B Glide Pro-Health Clinical Protection Floss.  While I’ll admit that I like the woven floss better this is still one of the best that I’ve tried.  I’ll continue using these products for two weeks and I’ll let you know how it goes!


Crest and Oral-B Pro-Health Clinical products


Here’s a list of the items that are included in the Clinical Plaque Control Regimen:

  • Crest Pro-Health Clinical Plaque Control Toothpaste
  • Crest Pro-Health Clinical Rinse
  • Oral-B Pro-Health Clinical Pro-Flex Toothbrush
  • Oral-B Glide Pro-Health Clinical Protection Floss

Oh, before I forget…I have an incredible giveaway to tell you about!  You can enter for a chance to win a trip to the London 2012 Olympic Games!  That’s right – the London 20120 Olympic Games!!!  By entering the Olympic Game Sweeps you’ll also have a chance to win the weekly drawing to receive the full product line.  This sweepstakes began on March 15th and will run through May 13th.  There is no purchase necessary and it’s void where prohibited.


Disclosure: “I wrote this review while participating in a test drive campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Crest and Oral-B and received product samples to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central Consulting sent me a promotional gift to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Belvita Breakfast Biscuits Review

belVita Logo


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?  If that’s true then why is it so hard to make it a priority?  It’s hard for my family to make time for breakfast because we’re night owls who like to savor each moment of sleep in the morning.  I’m pretty sure that we walk around like zombies for the first hour or more each day or at least it feels that way!

Even on the busiest morning I try to at least grab a banana or a piece of bread and spread Nutella on it.  Eating breakfast helps speed up my metabolism and eating a breakfast high in fiber helps sustain that energy.  I was pleased to have been invited to take part in a promotion from Mom Central and belVita called the Five Days of belVita Breakfast.  belVita Breakfast Biscuits are the hottest thing for today’s busy moms.  If you haven’t heard the buzz on Facebook about them yet let me give you the details!  They come in small individually wrapped packs with 4 biscuits in each package.  There are 5 packs in a box and each one regularly retail for $3.69.


These biscuits are pretty much cookies, healthy cookies.  They are ridiculously yummy!  They are crunchy, slightly sweet and go wonderfully with your morning coffee.  Not only do they taste amazing but they are a good source of fiber and vitamins.  They have a sustained energy release which comes from a combination of ingredients and the baking process which helps preserve the grain’s integrity.  These keep me fuller longer and gives my body continual energy instead of a giant spike that a sugary breakfast would.

My family absolutely loved these bars.  I wanted to take pictures of them for my review but all three boxes disappeared before I had the chance!  My husband eats them without me having to remind him and if you know how my husband hates breakfast you’ll know that that is HUGE!  I love how belVita Breakfast Biscuits are so versatile.  You can eat them with yogurt and fruit, with peanut butter and Nutella spread on top, or you could spread yummy strawberry cream cheese on top.  Yum!  My favorite way to eat them is straight out of the package.

I can’t help but think how great these must be for pregnant ladies.  I remember constantly snacking on crackers to avoid nausea and I hated they were so bland and boring.  These biscuits make great snacks for anyone.  They are the perfect size to toss in a purse or backpack for snacking on the go.

Check out belVita on Facebook.   Be sure and try all available flavors including: Blueberry, Golden Oat, and Apple Cinnamon.  I love them all but Blueberry is my favorite.  They are so sweet that you can find belVita Breakfast Biscuits in the cookie aisle.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of belVita Breakfast Biscuits and received belVita Breakfast product samples to facilitate my review, and a promotional item to thank me for participating.

RSV Awareness from MedImmune & Tips to Keep Baby Healthy

Before I was pregnant I had never heard of the many dangerous things that can plaque babies.  Thankfully, I didn’t have to learn about RSV the hard way but a friend recently took her little one to the hospital with it.  Now that I’ve researched it more I want to share this information with you so you can pass it along to your friends and family.


Ashley and Baby

This is me and my little sweet pea at one day old.


For most infants, respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-uhl) virus (RSV) causes an illness like a common cold. But some babies may be at high risk for severe RSV disease. This can lead to serious complications, hospital visits, breathing treatments and more.  I don’t want to imagine how terrifying that must be!


Here are some quick tips to preventing RSV from infecting your baby. Remember if you have a high-risk baby (or even a healthy baby) it is ok to remind every visitor to wash their hands.  This is the health of your child, it’s worth the inconvenience and time it takes to ask!  After you finish reading this blog post share it with your friends and family and allow them to read about the dangers of RSV without you having to communicate it to them.


A few tips to remember when a loved one has a new baby:

  • Call before you visit. New parents need time to set up a routine and bond. By giving them time to do so before you visit, you are respecting the new family.
  • Bring them a meal.  This will be ever so helpful to them but remember to steer away from overly spicy foods.
  • Postpone a visit if you feel that you may be getting sick, have recently been ill or exposed to illness.
  • Remember that parents know best. If you feel they are being overprotective or overly cautious, just consider that only they know what’s best for the health of their new son or daughter.
  • Offer to do something to ease their responsibilities as they spend time as a family, such as laundry, cooking or dishes. Sleep-deprived moms and dads will appreciate your help!


If you do schedule a visit with a new baby:

  • Wash your hands frequently—upon entering the home and especially prior to holding the baby. Parents, and the new baby, will appreciate it.
  • Leave toddlers at home, especially during the winter months. Young children, especially if they attend day care or preschool, often carry germs and viruses, like RSV, that are easily spread.



A few facts about RSV that all parents, caregivers and loved ones should know:

Person washing hands

  • Almost every baby will contract RSV by age 2, but only 1/3 of moms say they’ve heard of the virus.
  • Serious RSV infection is the leading cause of infant hospitalization, responsible for more than 125,000 hospitalizations and up to 500 infant deaths each year.
  • RSV occurs in epidemics each fall through spring. The CDC has defined “RSV season” as beginning in November and lasting through March for most parts of North America.  For more information or to verify when the RSV season is in your area you should check out and click on the right hand tab called “Understanding RSV season.” 
  • There is no treatment for RSV, so it’s important for parents to take preventive steps to help protect their child (ex. wash hands, toys, bedding frequently; avoid crowds and cigarette smoke).
  • Certain babies are at an increased risk of developing serious RSV infection, so it’s important to speak with a pediatrician to determine if a baby may be at high risk for RSV, and discuss preventive measures.
  • Symptoms of serious RSV infection include: persistent coughing or wheezing; rapid, difficult, or gasping breaths; blue color on the lips, mouth, or under the fingernails; high fever; extreme fatigue; and difficulty feeding. Parents should contact a medical professional immediately upon signs of these symptoms.


MedImmune provided me with a letter that you can read, copy, and even print if you want.  You can use it as a way to kindly convey the extreme caution you want taken around your little one.  This open letter from Mom is a gentle and simple way to get the message across without having to bare the wildly fluctuating emotions of a new mom as you try to explain why  you want what’s best for your child.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of MedImmune and received promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.


See those little buttons below here?  Use those to share this post with your friends and family.  Especially if you have a new baby, a baby on the way or if you know someone who is expecting or has a new baby please share this with them.  RSV is a dangerous, dangerous virus and it could be a matter of life or death if not caught soon enough.


Chef Boyardee: Think Outside Of The Can

Chef Boyardee

As a kid I LOVED Chef Boyardee.  I loved their pizza (still do!) and occasionally I got their ravioli as a special treat for dinner.  Even though I now have kids of my own I still enjoy their food.  As a busy mom, who likes simple, healthy meals I was excited when when Mom Central asked me to be a part of their latest Chef Boyardee campaign.


They sent me a huge box full of items to help me prepare a Chef Boyardee party.  It included a a bunch of colorful nesting mixing bowls, a Curious Chef measure and prep kit, Le Creuset bakeware, Chef Boyardee coupons and some fun Chef Boyardee brand goodies (matching aprons, a chef’s hat, & notepads).  We had just about all we needed for a great dinner party!




Chef Boyardee Recipe

 In one dish we made the Ravioli Lasagna.



Chef Boyardee

In the other we made my own creation.  It was Chef Boyardee’s Beefaroni covered with my favorite baked macaroni and cheese recipe.  It was yummy!


I have to say that I love Chef Boyardee recipes because they are so simple to make!  Both recipes were a huge hit with everyone who was over that night and I know my family can’t wait to try some of the other Chef Boyardee recipes.


Enter to Win FREE Groceries for a Year!  Here’s how:


Enter the Make it Boyardeelicious Recipe Contest on the Chef Boyardee Facebook page for a chance to win a grand prize of free groceries for a year.


Now through March 11, 2012, submit an original recipe that uses Chef Boyardee as an ingredient (anything your mind can dream up!), upload a photo of your recipe, and about share why your family loves it.  Each week there will be a winner chosen based on creativity, all-family appeal, ease of preparation, and palatable appeal by an expert of panel judges.Those winners will get $500 as well $75 in Chef Boyardee coupons. If you don’t win one week,  you can re-enter again the next week.  At the end of the promotion one of the 10 weekly winners will win the GRAND prize – free groceries for a year! I don’t know about you, but I would LOVE to win free groceries for a year!!!!  The winner will be chosen based on taste points and votes.


The voting period lasts March 26-April 8, 2012. Don’t forget to check back to vote because voters get entered into a daily sweepstakes for the chance to win $100


For more information, visit You can also find Chef Boyardee on Facebook. {Don’t forget to follow Embracing Beauty on Facebook too!}


“I wrote this review while participating in a In Home Party campaign by Mom Central Consulting  on behalf of Chef Boyardee and received product samples to facilitate my party and review, and a promotional item to thank me for participating.”