Letter to My Baby

Dear Baby,

Wow, I can’t believe you’re already three months old.  You’re still inside my belly so I guess I don’t officially start counting till you come and meet us.  Oh, and how we can’t wait to meet you!  Your dad and I are very excited to hold you and cuddle with you.  You have a sister who will be just over two and a half years old when you arrive.  She doesn’t quite understand the fact that she’ll have a new sibling around the house soon but we’re working on it.  She’s a sweet girl and I hope the two of you will be great friends.

I can’t wait to spend hours together just cuddling, feeding you, and enjoying life together.  I’m  very excited to be your Mommy.  I can’t promise I’ll be a good mom but I promise I’ll try.  Taking care of you and your sister and teaching the two of you how to take good care of yourselves sounds like the most fun and rewarding thing I could possibly do in my life.  Thank you for helping me fulfill my life’s purpose.

You are going to love your daddy.  He’s fantastic.  He’s a wonderful daddy, so kind, sweet, and supportive.  On top of that, he’s hilarious!  With your daddy in our lives, our days are sure to have lots and lots of laughter and fun.

So, enjoy your last few months comfy and cozy in my belly and know that we love you.  Unconditionally.  You’re part of our family now and no matter what we will always love you.

All my love,

Your Mom

For those of you who may have your heads tilted slightly and are looking at your computer with a funny face…yes, I am pregnant!  Our little family is growing and I couldn’t be more blessed.  Thank you for allowing me to share a little of my joy with you.

A few bloggers and I decided to put together a Letters to our Children blog hop and we hope you’ll enjoy reading these heartfelt letters to our children.  There are several blogs in total and to hop over to the next blog please visit, A Little Oven.

Letter to My Daughter – About Time

A Letter to My Daughter About Time

My Dearest Daughter,

One of the happiest days of my life was the day you were born and I can’t believe your second birthday is coming up so soon!  Your birthday will always be important to me because it’s the day I became your mother.  That’s something that nobody else but me can be.  Your ten little fingers emerged into the world that day and grabbed hold of my finger and my heart.  It seems like yesterday that you were born.

The sad truth about life is that it always goes by so fast.  James 4:14b says, “It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”

Baby Girl in a Box

Each day I try to soak in precious memories of time spent with you.  Sometimes I take pictures, record videos, or jot down notes about you but many of the memories have to stay just that.  Memories.  Today you learned how to scoot down the stairs on your bottom.  It has taken weeks to teach you but once you found the confidence to do it for the first time, this afternoon, you wanted to do over and over all day long!  Today you wanted to call PawPaw {which you say with an adorable southern draw} so we called PawPaw.  It made his day!  He’s been laid up in bed with a bad back but when he was talking to you today and listening to your babble and giggles I could hear the smile in his voice.  Tonight, when your Daddy and I put you in bed and waved at the door as we always do saying our “Goodnight”s and “I love you”s you surprised us by saying, “I love you” perfectly.  It made my heart swell up and I hugged your Daddy tight after we shut the door.  I feel so blessed to have you in my life.

Life passes very quickly.  Try to remember that and enjoy what you have.  Right now.  There will always be another goal to achieve but there will never be another today.  I used to get caught up preparing for tomorrow and missing out on today.  For instance, I would work all spring and summer trying to get a good tan so that I would have one when I went to the beach.  Then I would lay out non-stop at the beach so that when I came home everyone would comment, “You must have been to the beach.”  I did this ritual for years without realizing it was pointless.  Not to mention, it was horrible for my skin!  I don’t advise it.

Don’t live for your peers approval.  This is a lesson it took me a long time to learn and am still reminded of every once in a while.  No matter what you do someone won’t like you.  Or they won’t like a decision you made. Or your dress that day.  That’s okay!  Seek to please God above all else and don’t worry about what people say.

Precious time.  I cherished the time with my grandparents and still do with the ones who are still here on earth.  I can remember sitting as a little girl on my grandfather’s porch {who I called PaPa, pronounced PawPaw with a southern draw}.  We sat together often, played often, and talked often.  He was a wonderful man and I wish you had the opportunity to meet him.  If you ever have a baby brother he’ll be named after my PaPa.  I remember one afternoon sitting on that porch step drawing as PaPa was in his porch chair.  He asked what I was drawing and I remember trying to keep my voice from shaking as I told him I was drawing him.  I was a young girl at the time and I’ve never been much of an artist but I tried my hardest to make a realistic image of my Papa.  I wanted to remember him just like he was, right there on that porch.  I don’t know whatever happened to that picture but I’m sure it was thrown away by now.  More importantly I have that memory.

I have the memory of us taking turns scratching each other’s back.  I have the memory of him driving me and Nana {pronounced Nanny with a southern draw} to the mall many Sunday afternoons and him sitting in the car listening to the race. I have the memory of coming home from college and after spending a few minutes with him remembering how precious people are and that I need to slow down and not always be in such a hurry.  I have the memory of making cheese and cracker sandwiches with him for our tea parties.  At the same table you and I have have tea parties at now.  I have the vivid memory of him hugging me at my college graduation and telling me how proud he was of me.  That meant the world to me!  I have the memory of the last time he spoke to me.  We were leaving his hospital room and he was sitting up and in good spirits.  I was sitting on the side of his bed.  I hugged and kissed him goodbye and told him that I loved him.  Oh and how did I ever!!  I remember his last words to me were, “I love you too, Dollbaby.”  He always did call me that.

Baby with sunglasses

In your life there will be a lot of people who come and go.  Some are worth your time and your tears and others are not.  Try to find the ones who are worth it and enjoy being with them.  Don’t grow up too fast.  Stay a kid as long as you can, enjoy your high school years, make lifelong friends in college, when you’re married adore your husband, and enjoy every minute with your little babies.  Life goes by so very fast!  Dream but don’t live for tomorrow, hug those who mean something to you and let them know how you feel today, and above all, think of each day as a gift from God.  Because it is.

I love you, Sweetheart!

I hope all of this makes sense one day and doesn’t seem like a bunch of jibberish like it does to me right now.  I’ve written the majority of this letter with tears streaming down my face.  I don’t know how to effectively convey how precious time is but I hope you’ll think about it and figure it out on your own before you’re too old.

All my love,


A few bloggers and I decided to put together a Letters to our Children blog hop and we hope you’ll enjoy reading these heartfelt letters to our children.  There are 7 blogs in total and to hop over to the next blog please visit, Brandy.  She’s wonderful, I know you’ll enjoy her!

Letter to My Daughter – About Life

My Girl


My Dearest Daughter,

When I was a little girl, your grandmother and I had a nightly tradition.  She would lay with me in bed and just listen as I told her about my day.  I’m sure I rambled on and on about nothing but she was always good to listen to me.  I would often ask her to share stories from her own childhood, something I could relate to.  I can still vividly remember many of her stories.  I think I rehearsed them over and over in my mind because they made me feel like I was normal, like I was on the right path.  I cherished those times and I hope to share this tradition with you soon.  You’re learning many new words everyday so I don’t think it will be too long now before we can start this.

I’m astounded at how fast you’re growing and learning!  Here is a small list of the things I want you to always remember:

  1. You are loved, very loved! By everyone in your family and by so many others.
  2. You’ll have lots of friends in life.  Some will stay with you for a lifetime but most will come and go.  Always be the best friend you can be.
  3. Learn from your mistakes.  You’ll make mistakes, everyone does, but it’s important to learn from them and move on.  Don’t waste an opportunity to learn.
  4. Love your body. You are beautiful just the way you are. You don’t have to be skinny to be pretty.  Beauty is found in all shapes and sizes.  Take care of your body by eating healthy and exercising but don’t put too much focus on outward beauty.
  5. Try your very hardest in school but don’t worry too much about what your grades are.  Believe in yourself.  I believe in you, your Dad believes in you, and so do all of those other people I mentioned before that love you.
  6. Work hard.  My grandpa taught me the joy that comes from working hard.  I hope you’ll learn this lesson too.  Don’t be afraid of hard work.  Take a break from time to time but don’t give up, even when you feel like it.
  7. Don’t worry about the cool kids and what they think of you.  The less you care about them the happier you’ll be.  Don’t ever do anything just because someone else is doing it.  Trust your instincts.  If you have to think twice about doing something or if you’re worried you’ll get caught doing it, walk away.
  8. Don’t be discouraged by the word “no.” You will hear it many times from your Father and I but there’s always a reason behind it.  Remember #1 when you’re tempted to be discouraged.  You are loved!  There is a reason for the “no.”  Trust us.
  9. You can’t change people.  You can’t change your friends, your parents, and even men later in life.  Always accept people the way they are and if they aren’t someone you want to become then don’t hang around them (except your parents of course, you’re stuck with us!).
  10. When you’re having a down day, find something that makes you happy and do that.  I like to listen to music and dance like a crazy person.  You might like to run, draw, sing or write a poem.  Find something that you like to do that brightens your spirits.
  11. Your attitude is your choice.  This is a great lesson to learn early on!  You control your thoughts.  Always try and see the bright side of a situation and see the good in people.  You can’t always change your circumstances but you can always change your attitude.
  12. God loves you.  He created you special and He cares about you more than you can comprehend.  He wants to be your very best friend.  He’s always there to listen, even when Mom and Dad are busy.

I enjoy spending each and every day with you and I look forward to the watching you grow up.  You’re a beautiful little girl!

I’ll love you always.

– Mom


A few bloggers and I decided to put together a Letters to our Children blog hop and we hope you’ll enjoy reading these heartfelt letters to our children.  There are 9 blogs in total and to hop over to the next blog please visit, Penelope’s Oasis.  She’s fabulous, I know you’ll enjoy her!

Letter to My Daughter – About Love

A Letter to My Daughter About Love


My Dearest Daughter,


It’s true that Valentine’s Day might be a big over-commercialized holiday where companies everywhere are shoving their cards, candy, flowers, stuffed gorillas holding hearts that says, “I’m ape over you,” BOGO dinners, and everything pink and red imaginable at us.  I love love and I enjoy celebrating it.  The love between a husband and wife is special, the bond between grandparents and grandkids is sweet, and of course, as you know, the Daddy & daughter relationship is one of a kind.  However, the marketing of Valentine’s Day can sometimes leave me feeling a bit jaded about the holiday itself.


I am so ridiculously in love with your father, and he’s in love with me.  I desire that for you.  When you are much older and the time is right, I want you to feel this degree of mutual love.  Self-sacrificing, want-what’s-best-for-the-other-person, long suffering kind of love.


“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” – John 15:13


As you grow up and you start feeling your heart thump in side your chest when you see a certain boy remember to slow down and just be friends for as long as you can.  You’ll want to marry someone who is your best friend.  Try and wait for someone who knows what you’re like on a bad day and wants to be around you anyway.  Someone who can make you laugh when you’re feeling blue.  Someone who can admit when they’re wrong and apologize for it.  Someone who accepts you as you are but being around them makes you want to be a better person.  Wait for someone like that.  A box of chocolate hearts is nice but it won’t mean much if the person who gave it to you doesn’t cherish your heart.


Though I think the commercialization of Valentine’s Day is a bit over the top, I’ll never tire of your Daddy showing his love for me – even when he brings a heart shaped box of candy or musical candles that play, “You light up my life.”


All my love,



A few bloggers and I decided to put together a Letters to our Children blog hop and we hope you’ll enjoy reading these heartfelt letters to our children.  There are 13 blogs in total and to hop over to the next blog please visit, Penelope’s Oasis.  She’s fabulous, I know you’ll enjoy her!

Letter to My Daughter

My daughter


To my dear, beautiful, sweet daughter,


You are the happiest, most amazing, gorgeous little girl.  Today, your Mommy is not having a good day. I woke up tired and it’s only gone downhill from there. Today is one of those days when it’s hard being a Mommy.  I’m trying my best but it’s difficult.    It’s especially hard because you are so precious and I feel like I’m letting you down.  Today, I’m not the Mommy you deserve.


I know that in the long run it’s okay.  Some days will be filled with fun, educational play and some days we’ll settle for blocks and a little cuddling on the couch watching Sesame Street.  I hope you’ll remember the afternoons where we cooked french fries in your kitchen, read books, and had a ball practicing our fake sneezes.  I hope you’ll remember knocking down my block castles, rocking your baby doll to sleep, and dancing like lunatics in the living room.


I also hope that I remember days like these.  In 20 or so years when it’s  your turn to love and care for a toddler I hope that I remember what a hard day is like, how lonely this parenting gig can be, and how cabin fever can mess with your head.


I hope that in remembering I’ll make up for the sluggish days like today by comforting, loving, and championing you; by letting you know that I think you’re a wonderful woman and mother.  I know you will be!  Please know that I will always be your Mommy and I will always be here for you!


You and your Daddy are the best things that have ever happened to me.  I’ll love you always.





A few bloggers and I decided to put together a Letters to our Children blog hop and we hope you’ll enjoy reading these heartfelt letters to our children.  There are 13 blogs in total and to hop over to the next blog please visit, Penelope’s Oasis.  She’s fabulous, I know you’ll enjoy her!