Letter to My Daughter – About Life

My Girl


My Dearest Daughter,

When I was a little girl, your grandmother and I had a nightly tradition.  She would lay with me in bed and just listen as I told her about my day.  I’m sure I rambled on and on about nothing but she was always good to listen to me.  I would often ask her to share stories from her own childhood, something I could relate to.  I can still vividly remember many of her stories.  I think I rehearsed them over and over in my mind because they made me feel like I was normal, like I was on the right path.  I cherished those times and I hope to share this tradition with you soon.  You’re learning many new words everyday so I don’t think it will be too long now before we can start this.

I’m astounded at how fast you’re growing and learning!  Here is a small list of the things I want you to always remember:

  1. You are loved, very loved! By everyone in your family and by so many others.
  2. You’ll have lots of friends in life.  Some will stay with you for a lifetime but most will come and go.  Always be the best friend you can be.
  3. Learn from your mistakes.  You’ll make mistakes, everyone does, but it’s important to learn from them and move on.  Don’t waste an opportunity to learn.
  4. Love your body. You are beautiful just the way you are. You don’t have to be skinny to be pretty.  Beauty is found in all shapes and sizes.  Take care of your body by eating healthy and exercising but don’t put too much focus on outward beauty.
  5. Try your very hardest in school but don’t worry too much about what your grades are.  Believe in yourself.  I believe in you, your Dad believes in you, and so do all of those other people I mentioned before that love you.
  6. Work hard.  My grandpa taught me the joy that comes from working hard.  I hope you’ll learn this lesson too.  Don’t be afraid of hard work.  Take a break from time to time but don’t give up, even when you feel like it.
  7. Don’t worry about the cool kids and what they think of you.  The less you care about them the happier you’ll be.  Don’t ever do anything just because someone else is doing it.  Trust your instincts.  If you have to think twice about doing something or if you’re worried you’ll get caught doing it, walk away.
  8. Don’t be discouraged by the word “no.” You will hear it many times from your Father and I but there’s always a reason behind it.  Remember #1 when you’re tempted to be discouraged.  You are loved!  There is a reason for the “no.”  Trust us.
  9. You can’t change people.  You can’t change your friends, your parents, and even men later in life.  Always accept people the way they are and if they aren’t someone you want to become then don’t hang around them (except your parents of course, you’re stuck with us!).
  10. When you’re having a down day, find something that makes you happy and do that.  I like to listen to music and dance like a crazy person.  You might like to run, draw, sing or write a poem.  Find something that you like to do that brightens your spirits.
  11. Your attitude is your choice.  This is a great lesson to learn early on!  You control your thoughts.  Always try and see the bright side of a situation and see the good in people.  You can’t always change your circumstances but you can always change your attitude.
  12. God loves you.  He created you special and He cares about you more than you can comprehend.  He wants to be your very best friend.  He’s always there to listen, even when Mom and Dad are busy.

I enjoy spending each and every day with you and I look forward to the watching you grow up.  You’re a beautiful little girl!

I’ll love you always.

– Mom


A few bloggers and I decided to put together a Letters to our Children blog hop and we hope you’ll enjoy reading these heartfelt letters to our children.  There are 9 blogs in total and to hop over to the next blog please visit, Penelope’s Oasis.  She’s fabulous, I know you’ll enjoy her!

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.


  1. This is so beautiful! I loved reading this, and she is so cute!

  2. Oh my gosh how beautiful is she?! I loved your letter! It’s amazing to see how they all are growing/changing even with just a month’s difference. It really makes you stop and take in all they do with life going on around.

  3. What an adorable little girl. I love the word from your grandfather that all the joy that comes from working hard. how itrue!

  4. She is such a cutie. She looks so much like you, Ashley! Those are great lessons that all of us can benefit from hearing.

  5. Awwwwww that moved me. What a beautiful letter. Loved all the Mama-Dottie advice esp the bit about not focusing on outward beauty and that she’s loved so very much.

  6. kSquaredGlamour says

    this is beautiful! I need to write letters to my children like this.

  7. What a sweet post – to be treasured in the future!

  8. What a great list, Ashley! Beautiful letter and beautiful daughter!

  9. A Mom's Take says

    That is such a sweet idea! #12 is my favorite! 😉

  10. daisy bryce says

    What a sweet letter and idea!

  11. Dawn Lopez says

    What a beautiful note to your daughter 😉

  12. Brett Martin says

    Beautiful letter. I love this idea <3

  13. Aww this is so sweet! I need to write more for my son!

  14. This is beautiful! 🙂

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