Johnson’s Natural Baby Care Line


johnsons naturals


I was recently given the opportunity by Mom Central to review some of the new Johnson’s Natural baby skin, bath and hair products. Having been a fan of Johnson’s since I was a baby I was excited about the opportunity. Below is a list of the natural items I’ve tried:

  • John’s Natural Baby Lotion
  • Johnson’s Natural HEAD-TO-TOE Foaming Baby Wash
  • Johnson’s Natural Baby Shampoo
  • Johnson’s Natural Kids 3-in-1 Shampoo Conditioner & Body Wash
  • Johnson’s Natural Kids 2-in-1 Hand & Face Foaming Wash


Johnson’s is a name that families have trusted for years and it’s hard to believe that they could improve their products but they have!   Johnson’s Natural line recently won the 2012 Better Homes and Gardens Best New Product Award!  That is a pretty impressive award, in my opinion.

Johnson’s Natural products have:

  • No Parabens
  • No Dyes
  • No Animal Byproducts
  • No Silicones
  • No Lanolin
  • No Paraffin
  • No Petrolatum
  • No Phthalates
  • No Essential Oils
Johnson’s Naturals products are available at retailers nationwide with a starting price of only $4.59.  Plus, there is usually a $1 off any Johnson’s baby coupon to be found.


The ingredients are 98%-99% natural from plants and fruit and they still have a nice, clean, fresh scent.  The shampoo and body wash lather well and the lotion absorbs quickly leaving your baby with soft, non-greasy skin.  My favorite part is that they are tear-free!


I think you’ll also appreciate the fact that these products have up to 60% Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) packaging.   That means that these products are not only safer for your little one’s skin but they’re safer for the environment as well.


Johnson’s products have always been a favorite in our home and this Natural’s line is no different! All the products reviewed were gentle and worked just as well as it’s previous version. All in all, we loved the new products and will continue to happily use them.


You can visit Johnson’s Baby for the ingredients in each product, valuable coupons and a series of videos with frugal tips on how to incorporate natural living into everyday life.


“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Johnson’s Natural and received a product sample to facilitate my review, and a promotional item to thank me for participating.”

JCPenney Secret Santa Revealed!

Do you remember how I told you how I teamed up with and Mom Central for a fun Secret Santa gift Exchange?  Well, now it’s time for the reveal!


To quickly recap, I went shopping at to pick out a gift for the blogger that I was assigned. I didn’t get to pick who the blogger was and the person that was my Secret Santa didn’t get to pick me.  It was all a big secret until our presents arrived and our SantaTags revealed our Secret Santas.


When looking for a gift I searched and searched and finally decided on what I thought would be the perfect gift!  I recorded my message to my chosen blogger and sent her gift on it’s way!  I chose a set of snowflake fleece sheets .  Even though I haven’t tried out the new fleece sheets for myself I have heard wonderful things about them from friends.  I hope she liked them!  There were tons of great blogger gift ideas at so it was a tough choice.

So what about my Secret Santa?


I anxiously waited to see who my Secret Santa was and what they got for me!   The delivery man dropped off a package with a gorgeous silver box inside.  Inside the box was a…are you as excited as I was?  A very nice Liz Claiborne sweater was my gift from Faithfully Free.


Liz Claiborne Sweater

The sweater was a great gift!  It was the perfect fit, so soft, and a comfy shirt that I can throw on to go just about anywhere.  I absolutely adore it!  She


I loved the process of listening to the personalized Santa Tag, choosing a gift for someone else, and being introduced to another NC blogger!  The whole experience was incredibly fun and I hope I can participate in a fun blogger gift exchange next year!


“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of jcpenney and received a jcpenney Secret Santa gift and a promotional item to thank me for participating.”

The Listerine Oral Care Challenge – Update!


Four weeks ago, I posted about how my family was taking part in the Listerine Oral Care Challenge and here I am to give you an update on how it went!


I expected the challenge to go smooth as silk because I never forget to brush or floss…or so I thought.  When I started keeping track on paper I realized just how easy it is to skip a day of flossing here and there.  We never skipped brushing or rinsing but personally I would let flossing slide by.  My husband was right on track the entire time.  He is competitive and may have just wanted to show me up but he’s usually more on top of routines than I am anyway so I’ll give it to him.


While thinking a lot about oral health care through this challenge I remembered back to my pregnancy and how difficult it was to brush once a day.  I could rinse all day long but something about brushing wasn’t good for me (I’m sure you know what I mean!).  I have never been so thankful to have Listerine!  Okay, I don’t know why but I just wanted to share that.


After the challenge my mouth feels cleaner and healthier.  They say that a habit is formed in 20 day and well, I would say that after the 30 days of this challenge I have a new routine formed.


This challenge has also been a good reminder to brush my little one’s gums.  She’s at the age where her teeth will be popping through any day and it’s now that I need to start a good routine of cleaning her mouth and making sure I don’t give her a juice sippy cup to carry around or go to sleep with.  I want to raise her with good oral habits so she’ll never be afraid of the dentist’s chair.


Reach floss


This challenge was very good for my family.  We had a common goal to unite us and we had fun keeping each other accountable.  We were able to try flavors of Listerine and different types of floss than we normally buy.  By the way, the Reach woven floss {the pink one} is incredible!!!  I’ve never used a floss that was so gentle on my gums and it didn’t leave my mouth tasting waxy.  You seriously should try it!


If you’re stockpile is running low on Listerine, go here to snag a $1 off Listerine coupon.  Also, while supplies last, there is a $1/1 – Reach Floss Product at  For more information about all of the great products Listerine offers and for more information about taking the Oral Care Challenge visit!


“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Listerine and received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Finish Jet-Dry Review and Giveaway Ends 1/6!

Update: This giveaway is now over.  Out of 205 entries, our winner is Dianna T.!  Congratulations, Dianna!!!

Everyone has household chores they like more than others, right?  I don’t mind dusting or vacuuming but I despise ironing.  Second on my most hated list is emptying the dishwasher.  I don’t know what it is about it that bugs me so but I would rather wash all the dishes by hand than to empty the dishwasher.  Maybe it’s the bending over part that gets me, who knows?  What’s worse than emptying it is when I do and find that the glasses still have spots on them!  That means that I have to dab a little water on each glass and scrub it dry.  Not fun.

Jet Dry

When I was offered a chance to review Finish Jet-Dry I was excited for the opportunity to try it out free of cost!  However, I was skeptical.  I had never used Jet-Dry before or any rinse aid actually.  I was thrilled to find that I could empty the whole bottle into my dishwasher and I wouldn’t have to think about it again for 40 washes.  40 washes.  Awesome.

Not only is Jet-Dry low maintenance but it works wonders on my spotted glasses.  Hooray! All of my glasses were sparking clear and squeaking clean!  I would pay good money to have these streak-less glasses but luckily with Jet-Dry I don’t have to!  Jet-Dry is an affordable product that saves me time.  Time is something that is precious in my family so I’m grateful for any product that will save me a few minutes here and there.

One bottle of retails for around $3.99 and will last 40 washes!  You can read more about Jet-Dry by visiting the Finish website.  You can also snag a $0.50 off Jet-Dry coupon!
Enter to win a free bottle of Finish Jet-Dry by filling out the Rafflecopter form below!








“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Finish and received a FinishJet-Dry product sample to facilitate my review, a sample to giveaway, and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

The Listerine Oral Care Challenge



Until I was first pregnant I never really understood how extremely important a healthy mouth is.  I knew a clean mouth meant fresh breath and shiny teeth but I had no idea the health implications it could have!  Not only can a bad oral care routine give you bad breath, dry mouth, and gingivitis but it can increase your risk for diabetes, affect your cardiovascular health, and other health concerns.


I’ve always been a little paranoid about my breathe so I’m a faithful one to brush, floss, and rinse on a regular basis!  However, I know that kids are less self-conscious and less likely to stick to a routine of any sort without continual guidance from adults.  It takes only a few minutes of our time each day to instill in kids a good oral care routine.


I’ve partnered up with Listerine and Mom Central to take part in the Oral Care Challenge! For 3 weeks my family will be on a strict brushing, flossing, and rinsing twice a day routine.


You and your family are certainly welcome to join us in the Oral Care Challenge!  I will be posting my family’s results in a few weeks and I would love to hear your results too!


The Oral Care Challenge


Here are some helpful tips for the challenge:

Replace your toothbrush every three months. Sooner if the bristles are frayed or if you get sick. Keep a few extra toothbrushes, like REACH, on hand.  When you’ve mastered extreme couponing it should be no problem to gather a dozen or so free toothbrushes a year.


Visit your dentist twice a year for professional cleanings and exams. This is an important habit to get into at an early age.


Keep your bottle of LISTERINE® in a visible spot to remind you to rinse. Rinsing twice a day was shown in a clinical study to help reduce 52% more plaque and 21% more gingivitis than brushing and flossing alone!


Limit foods that are high in sugar. If you have a sweet tooth like I do try eating sugary foods with your meals. The mouth produces more saliva during meals, which helps to neutralize acid production and rinses food particles from the mouth.


Limit between-meal snacks. We all do this, right?  Well, if you indulge try to chew sugarless gum afterward to help increase saliva and rinse away the acid that causes tooth decay.


Maintain a healthy oral care routine. Brush and rinse twice daily and floss once.  {I still brush three times a day even though they have moved the recommended number of times down to two.  It’s hard to kick a habit that started as a child!}


So what do you think, will your family take the Oral Care Challenge with me?  For more information, check out the Oral Care Challenge website!


“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Listerine and received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Keeping Your Home Healthy with Filtrete



Since I was in junior high I have battled with allergies.  Some places I’ve lived have made it easier to deal with than others but unfortunately living in this part of North Carolina has me continually struggling.  I try my best to keep the floors vacuumed, surfaces dusted, sheets changed, windows shut, and air filters up to date.


Not only do I want to keep the air quality in our house clean for myself but also for the health of my entire family.  With a little one in the house I am ever conscience about allergens in the air and the overall cleanness of my home.  Small children are much more “in touch” with their surroundings.  They are nearer to the ground, they have their hands in their mouths, and well, they like to put everything in their mouths!  I like to be proactive when it comes to creating and maintaining a healthy home for my family.


I’ve read lots of tips on keeping a clean home but until recently I’ve never came across advice on how to winterize your home.  I’m excited to share with you some tips given from expert Jodi Marks on ways to winterize your home.  Some of you may know Home improvement expert Jodi Marks as the former co-host of HGTV’s Fix It Up! and co-author of Fix It In a Flash, a how-to book on the basics of home repair.  She is currently a cast member of the show Today’s Homeowner with Danny Lipford and an expert on the Filtrete Healthy Home Authority panel.  I’m pretty excited to share her tips with you!


“Homeowners often ‘summerize’ the home by sealing up windows and inspecting the furnace, but it’s just as important to ‘winterize’ the home for cooler temperatures.  In addition to keeping the home warm and safe for family and holiday guests, preparing the home for winter can help reduce monthly energy bills.


  1. When sealing up the home to help keep the warm air in, keep in mind that indoor air can be two to five times worse than outdoor air, according to the U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA).  To help improve your home’s indoor air quality and keep your heating system running efficiently, use a high performance filter, like the Filtrete Elite Allergen Reduction filter from 3M.  It captures 94 percent of large airborne particles, such as pet dander, mold spores and dust mite debris, from the air passing through the filter. The EPA suggests changing your filter every three months, so a good rule of thumb is to change your filter at the start of every season.
  2. Properly installing weatherproofing around your doors and windows and ensuring the insulation in your attic hasn’t gotten compacted can reduce air leakage in the home and help you save on your energy bill, according to Energy Star.  Be sure to check around the dryer vent, the kitchen exhaust hood vent and even the water bib for your garden hose. These are prime areas where warm air can escape through your walls to the outside.
  3. No one enjoys coming home to a frigid house at the end of a long day, but no one wants to expense of running the heat at full blast all the time, either.  An easy solution is to use a programmable thermostat can also help to reduce energy costs and keep your home warm and toasty.
  4. The leaves are falling from the trees as winter quickly approaches.  Heavily weighted down gutters from water and leaves can begin to pull them away from the fascia boards and lead to structural problems down the road.  Be sure to keep your gutters clean and ensure they drain water properly by filling in low areas with soil and slope the ground away from your home’s foundation.
  5. A large and costly roof problem can be avoided by identifying small leaks, which can occur from the effects of strong winds that push rainwater under the shingles of your roof.  Just because shingles are still in place doesn’t mean that there aren’t tears in them that could result in leaking, so be sure to have your roof inspected by a licensed professional.”


Filtrete Filter Chart


Filtrete’s Elite Allergen Reduction filter captures 94 percent of the large airborne particles and allows the clean air to easily pass through.  94%!  It’s easy to see how Filtrete’s Allergen Reduction Filters can help clean your air but did you also know that they can help save you money?  It’s true!  These high quality air filters can help you save money by:


  • Keeping you healthier {Dr. visits can be costly}
  • Helping your air conditioner and heater run smoothly
  • Avoiding wasting money on a cheaper less efficient filter


If you are forgetful like me, you might enjoy Filtrete’s reminder system where you can sign up for email reminders to change your filter!


If you’re interested in learning more about the Filtrete Elite Allergen Reduction Filter, then make sure to visit the Filtrete website. Filtrete’s current offers and specials for rebates & coupons.  Here are just a few of the Filtrete coupons available:


$10 off a 8 or 12 cup Filtrete water pitcher


$10 Filtrete water station


$3 off any Filtrete filter (out of prints)


“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Filtrete and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

David’s Bridal Special Occasion Dresses!

I am a girlie girl and I always have been. As a kid, I never had to be drug to the dressing room to try CopyofIMG_3548.jpg on a frilly Christmas or Easter dress. I loved dressing up when I was a little girl and I still do! Now a days Christmas is about the only time of year that I get the opportunity to buy a special occasion dress, fix my hair up, and pull out the fancy jewelry. I LOVE it! This year I had the opportunity to shop at David’s Bridal for a dress and accessories courtesy of David’s Bridal and Mom Central.



I made my appointment on a weekday evening to avoid the crowds. When I arrived I was quickly greeted, measured, and asked a serious of questions to help them find my “dream dress.” I was greatly impressed with the staff’s friendliness and professionalism.



I haven’t shopped much for myself much since having my baby 5 months ago and I sure haven’t shopped for a formal dress since then!  Even though I went shopping at David’s Bridal alone  I felt like I was shopping with a friend.  The lady that helped me was  so kind, honest, and helpful!  She even found me a “sexy” dress on clearance to buy for a night out with my husband.  It was only $25 but I think it was too sexy for me!  I had such a blast dressing up and trying on different styles.  I ended up buying a sparkly dress that flattered my new figure and came in a sophisticated shade of navy.  I was able to score the dress, beautiful earrings, and bracelet for under $150!

I would highly recommend David’s Bridal for any special occasion, prom, and certainly for a wedding dress!  If you go to my “About Me” page you can see a small glimpse of my wedding dress that was bought from David’s Bridal several years {and several sizes} ago.



I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of David’s Bridal and received a gift certificate to facilitate my review.

Activia Selects Yogurt Parfait Review

Activia Selects French Yogurt

When I was offered to try one of Dannon’s new Activia Selects yogurt I jumped at the chance!  My family loves yogurt!  We like it a little frozen and slushy, frozen hard like a popsicle, and right out of the refrigerator too.   We can’t keep the stuff in the house!  While we occasionally stray to greek yogurt our brand of choice for several years now has been Act-iv-i-a! {I can’t help but want to say it like they do in the commercial}  I’m excited that Dannon has came out with their own Activia thick and creamy Greek yogurt.  Now there’s no need to buy any yogurt other than Activia!

I knew I would like the Greek yogurt so I decided to use my free coupon toward Activia’s new French style yogurt.  Oh my goodness!  I can’t tell you how much I liked it.  It had fruit on the bottom and it was heavenly!  All of the Activia Selects have fruit on the bottom and are larger than their regular size cups.  I don’t know if I’ll be able to try any other types of Activia because I think I’m addicted to the French Selects.  Seriously, if you like yogurt, you have got to try it!!!

Activia Selects YogurtOn top of revealing my new love and devotion to Activia I have some other news to share with you.  Some good news.  Your purchase of Activia will not only make for a yummy, nutritious, quick, and easy snack but it will also help the National Breast Cancer Foundation.  Dannon has a campaign going right now called Cups of Hope.  During the campaign, every cup of Dannon yogurt that has a Cups of Hope logo on it will have a code on the bottom of the lid that can be redeemed online for a $0.20 donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.  So what are you waiting for?  Give Activia Selects a try today!


“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Dannon ActiviaSelects Yogurt Series and received a coupon to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.”

OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover Review & Coupons

OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover

I have loved OxiClean for years so when Mom Central asked me to “review” OxiClean I was glad for the chance to promote this great product.  Even though I didn’t technically review OxiClean {as if it were the first time I’ve ever tried it} I did use it and take pictures so I could give you an informative review.

My mom introduced me to OxiClean long ago and I’ve been using it ever since!  You can make a paste out of it to treat difficult carpet or stains.  I always add a scoop on top of my regular laundry detergent for that extra stain boosting power.

Shortly after my little angel was born I was shocked at the difficult time I had removing baby formula.  I wanted to use baby friendly laundry detergents but they weren’t cutting it.  As a new mom I was emotional and very upset that we were going to have to throw away so many newborn outfits due to stains.  My mom calmed me down and said she was going to try something.  She soaked them in the washing machine with OxiClean for one hour and then washed them like normal.  Why didn’t I think of that?  They came clean!  I could not believe my eyes.  She rewashed them in the recommended baby detergent to make sure they were safe for my little one’s delicate skin.  I honestly don’t know what I would do without OxiClean!

OxiClean is also powerful enough to get my husbands yard work clothes clean.  As you can see in the before picture {bear with me, the picture isn’t displaying properly at the moment} it has stains all over it.  After a short 2 hour soak and a wash it looks a lot better.  Keep in mind this shirt is his yard work shirt that hasn’t been treated for stains since he bought it 5+ years ago.  The grass, sweat, and dirt stains were removed.  The grease stains were significantly lightened.  OciClean doesn’t remove paint so you can see that those spots still remain.  All in all, I don’t think the shirt looks too bad now {for a work shirt}!

I was at the Gap last week and they were having a great sale!  I found this adorable dress for my daughter but it had a nasty spit-up looking stain all over the front of it.  It was gross but I knew OxiClean could bring it out.  Not only did I get the clearance price but I got the extra 25% off for the sale, and 30% off because it was “damaged.”  As predicted OxiClean removed the stain without having to even soak it and I walked away with a $56 dress for under $5!  OxiClean is amazing, trust me.  For more information on how OxiClean can work for your family visit OxiClean’s website.  If you want to try OxiClean for yourself be sure and grab these OxiClean printable coupons first!

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of OxiClean and received OxiClean items to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Back to School Shopping with TJ Maxx & Marshalls

TJMaxx Marshalls

If you’re like me, you have already bought all your office/back-to-school supplies long ago and are finishing your Christmas shopping.  I realize that most people aren’t like me though.  According to a study conducted by Mom Central Consulting and T.J.Maxx/Marshalls, 25% of moms surveyed wait until the last minute to do their back-to-school shopping.  If you fall into that 25% I have good news for you!  Well, it’s actually good news for anyone who likes to save money.

With the rising cost of gas, groceries, and just about everything else, people today are pinching their pennies like they never have before!  That makes blogs like mine and stores like TJMaxx and Marshalls even more popular.  81% of Moms surveyed said that the rising cost of items has affected their family’s back-to-school budget this year.

Here are my top ten tips for saving money on back-to-school shopping:

-#1  Set a budget! This may sound like a waste of time but it is oh so important to staying on track financially throughout the year and in this instance for school shopping.

-#2 Plan ahead. Make a list of what you need before you leave home.  Don’t forget to check and see what items you can reuse from last year.  You may also want to bring bottled water and a small snack if you plan on being there a while.

-#3  Quality counts. Decide on which items you can buy cheap and which items it’s worth spending more on.  Crayons and clothes are probably worth the extra money because they will last longer.  Pencils and hair-bows will probably be the same regardless of the price.

-#4 Get your child involved. You don’t have to cave into every item that they want and you find repulsive but it’s a good idea to let them choose some.  Not only will it make the shopping experience more pleasant but they will be more likely to wear it, feel good in it, and take care of it.

-#5 Shop early for school supplies! With coupon usage on the rise you can find several manufacturers coupons for basic school supplies.  Pair them with Walmart’s earliest mark downs for the best deal.  Don’t forget office supply stores!  They have some great back-to-school bargains around the middle of summer.

-#6 Buy clothing items that go with {almost} anything! I learned this trick from my great grandmother who grew up not having much.  Instead of buying a complete coordinating outfit that will  go with nothing else, opt for versatile articles that work well with each other.  This exponentially multiplies the number of potential outfits available.

-#7 Shop for off-season, clearance items.  When it is 99 degrees outside it is hard to go shopping for long-sleeve shirts and coats.   However, this is the optimum time to pick up clearance deals on these winter items as stores are practically giving them away.

-#8 Shop off-price retailers. Shopping at TJ Maxx and Marshalls will help you get quality {and designer} clothing at affordable prices.  Discount stores may offer similar prices but the quality is different.  For instance, at a discount retailer a $20 backpack was meant to sale at that price.  At off-price retailers, a $20 backpack was made by designers to sell at $40+.

-#9 Shop online. Especially if you know your child’s in a brand shopping online can save you big.  Shop through Ebates or ShopAtHome to save with coupon codes and get cash back in the form of a check!

-#10 Follow Embracing Beauty! When you follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or through my daily newsletter you’ll find the latest deals, sales, and coupons to help you save!

TJ Maxx/Marshalls gave me a $50 gift card to see what all bargains I could find.


The survey conducted by Mom Central Consulting and TJ Maxx/Marshalls show some interesting results.

Fashion Survey Results:

• When it comes to Moms and their kids agreeing on fashion choices, 75% say they only sometimes agree.
• Although finding a compromise on clothing choices can be a challenge, only 1% say they NEVER agree with their children.
• When asked what kind of clothing style their kids have, Moms equally say their child’s style is sporty, fashionista or classic, with each getting about 25% of the responses.
• 14% said other and 6% said geek-­‐chic
• 81% of Moms said their kids will be using a backpack to tote around their school supplies this season
• Sneakers are the most important type of new footwear during this years back-­‐to-­‐school shopping trip according to 84% of Moms.

About Marshalls:

They offer the hottest designer fashions for up to 60% off department store prices.  They have buyers traveling 40+ weeks each year to negotiate with more than 12,000 vendors in over 60 countries!  Marshalls is able to help consumer’s add this season’s designer looks straight from the source to their closets for less.  Marshalls is one of the nation’s leading off-price family apparel and home fashion retailers with over 870 stores spanning 42 states and Puerto Rico.  Marshalls not only offers brand name fashions but they also domestics for the home at prices 20-­60% less than department stores.

“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of T.J.Maxx and Marshalls and received a gift card to facilitate my review and thank me for taking the time to participate.”