This past weekend my family had so much fun together. We read books, played ball, went to a Valentine’s banquet together, and ate leftover cupcakes and cake squares that my sweetheart bought his two ladies for Valentine’s Day. We had a great time! Every Monday I’m always sad to see my husband leave and go back to work. We still have a good time around the house but it’s not the same as when everybody’s here. Does that make sense? Well, yesterday around 3 o’clock my little girl went to the window to wait for Daddy. She stood there for a while admiring the surroundings and watching a neighborhood cat stroll around but eventually she got tired of waiting and started calling out his name. “Daddy, daaaaddy.” It was adorable! I took a picture {the one above} and shared it with my husband on his Facebook page with the note “Someone sure misses you today!” He had to come home early from work so I could head out to an appointment so they were able to enjoy some extra Daddy/Daughter time last night.
This morning we went through our usual morning routine and just as he was about to leave she wanted him to read her a book. He stopped and took the time to read it before leaving which I thought was awfully sweet. I also took a picture of that too! {Having an iPod can be very convenient for spur of the moment pictures.}
We waved goodbye to Daddy like we do every morning and sat down for a time of reading. We read through a few books but then she wanted down. She will usually sit my lap as long I’m reading to her so when I sat her down I was curious to see where she would go. You may have guessed it; she went back to the window! We’re currently “storing” her Minnie Mouse 4-wheeler in front of the window until we can find a better place for it. {You can just see the front of it in the picture above.} She worked hard to carefully push and pull on it until it was free from the window. Then she returned to the window, placed both elbows on the window sill and rested her chin in her hands. She sat content for a few moments and then again started calling for her Daddy. How sweet!
When she went down for her nap I emailed her Daddy to tell him what happened. He emailed back, “Oh that makes me sad! Can’t wait to see her again.” *My heart melts!* I say, “She can’t wait to see you, that’s for sure!” Then he emails back and says this,
My heart once again turns into a dripping puddle of love. All I can think is how amazingly blessed I am to have such a sweet husband! While I am writing to her once a month here on my blog in my Letters to My Daughter series, I never thought about emailing her. What a great idea! I can write a long letter or just a short thought for the day. Gmail has a massive storage so chances are very slim that we would ever run out of room. I love the idea!
One of my most prized possessions is a small stack of letters my Mom wrote me when she was pregnant. I hope my husband and I can be a blessing to our little girl the way that my Mother was to me through her letters!
What do you think about sending emails to your baby? Have you ever done it?
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