Stay Safe While Shopping This Black Friday #LifeLock

5 Tips to Stay Safe While Shopping Online


As Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals are quickly approaching I know many of you will be shopping in physical stores and online.  Each fun shopping opportunity presents different threats of identity theft. I’ve been paranoid about my physical safety most of my life but ever since I’ve been married I’ve been more concerned about the safety of my identity.  For some reason I had never thought about it before but my husband quickly educated me.  He wisely introduced me to the idea of shredding old bills and credit card offers, not carrying my social security card with me, and many other things.




Here are a few other tips to help keep your identity safe:


1.  Don’t shred your receipts, save them. Keep receipts in case you need to compare them against your credit card statement. If anything suspicious comes up you want to be ready to dispute it.  I’ve found that craft stores sell cute little storage boxes for  a dollar or two that are perfect to store receipts.  We keep a pile of them in the box with a paper weight until it gets to the top of the box then we wrap a rubber band around it and start a new pile.


2.  If a company or store calls and asks for your PIN or SSN don’t give it.  Ever!  I’ve had this happen before and I politely told them that I would call them back via their official number and they understood.  I called back and it was a legit problem that I was able to fix.  Don’t be afraid to tell them you want to call them back, if they are the real deal they’ll be understanding.  If they get upset or pushy them they are probably just phishing for your information.


3.  Smartphones are great for a lot of things but they are not foolproof shopping devices. In 2011, a 76% increase in malware targeted at Android devices was cited. This made Android smartphones the most targeted smartphone platform. Malware has also been reported via holiday themed applications and QR codes.  Be careful, don’t think that just because you’re buying over a phone that you are safe.


4.  Unfamiliar sites selling the hottest items of the year can often be fake and are set up just for this time of year.  These websites are set up with no inventory or intention of actually selling anything.  Use reputable websites and don’t try to save a few bucks by buying through a smaller site.  If you give your credit card information to a scammer you could end up paying much more in the end.


5.  Online auction sites that sell gift cards are more likely to be counterfeit or obtained through fraudulent means, according to the National Retail Federation.   It’s best to buy them in a store and getting the authorization slip with your receipt.


What tips do you have for snagging the best deals while remaining safe?


Don’t forget Lifelock for Life Sweepstakes that is going on now as well as Lifelock’s Twitter Party coming up this Friday for even more chances to win great gifts!


This is a sponsored post on behalf of LifeLock. Opinions are my own.

How To Clean Crayon Scribbles

How to Clean Crayon Scribbles


This morning was like any other morning; my kids were up at 7 am, breakfast, TV, playtime while mommy cleans and checks emails. While I was cleaning the kitchen from breakfast I noticed the kids were being really well behaved. (That should have told me right there they were not!) Instead I thought little about it and kept on with the dishes. After the dishes I went to my next spot to clean which was the living room. The kids have a table and two chairs in there that they sit at to eat meals and draw. The table was covered in black crayon. I was a little upset and told them both that’s not how we played with crayons and cleaned it up. (Soap and warm water did the trick.)


Five minutes later I walked further into my living room, where it turns into my dining room, and noticed that the time out bench was out of it’s place. I turned it right side up to put it back where it belonged and what did I find…..BLACK CRAYON! I was very upset at this point! They both got time out and we again talked about how we play with crayons. Then I went on with cleaning (soap and water again got the few marks off).


As I am turning around from putting the time out bench back what do I find??? Their slide (that usually looks like it is brand new) COVERED in black crayon marks!!!! I was furious! The WHOLE slide is covered and I am not sure how to get it out! My soap and water trick from earlier did nothing! I am freaking out because I cannot get the crayon marks off and this was a present to them from their Nana!


I wracked my brain, searched the net, and asked friends… I was told many tricks that may have worked but nothing I had here at my home! Finally, one of my fans on my Facebook page, Infant and Toddler Mommies, said baking soda and water! They said to make a thick paste; take a clean damp rag, and SCRUB! The slide was completely clean in fewer than 15 minutes!!!! Oh and while I was scrubbing my kids had to sit in floor and watch me until I was done. They tried to get up a few times but when they realized how upset I was they sat patiently and watched.


One big thing I learned out of this: MAKE SURE TO BUY WASHABLE CRAYONS!


PS: I later found large crayon marks on their bedroom door and still have not located the black crayon.


This post was contributed by my friend, Linda. She’s a busy mom of twins who always has a smile on her face. I feel blessed to know her!

Solution for Measuring Sticky Substances

Simple Solution for Measuring a Sticky Substance


Before you pour your sticky substances into a measuring cup, first fill it with hot water. Empty out the hot water but don’t dry cup. Then add your sticky ingredient, such as peanut butter or honey, and watch how easily it comes right out.


If you have a tip you would love to submit please contact me here.

Choosing Fashions that Complement Mature Women

Fashionable woman


Choosing Fashions that Complement Mature Women

All women have the ability to enhance their natural beauty as they age by choosing appropriate beauty products and selecting flattering styles. Clothing that is fashionable and form fitting creates a confident and becoming appearance. Tasteful hair and makeup styles that are subtle yet flattering create a youthful look that is appropriate for mature women.


The key to maintaining appeal throughout the years is to evaluate your favorite features and make careful choices that always make you feel good about yourself. Stick to your best colors and make changes gradually.


Fashion Statements that Flatter


An absolute first requirement when choosing clothes is to ensure that they fit properly. Tight jeans may look great on a slim figure, but too often they draw unwanted attention to the wrong places. Wearing overly loose clothing isn’t the answer either. There’s no reason to wear a pair of baggy pants and an old sweater that may give off an unattractive and sloppy appearance.


If you need to cover up the hips, try putting a fashionable blouse or tunic over a pair of leggings, and make sure that the top fits well in the arms, bust and shoulders. For women who want to draw attention away from their upper body, a pair of slimming pants and some colorful sandals will inspire compliments and improve your self esteem. Accessories can do a lot to help disguise flaws and add pizzazz to an outfit. Scarves, for example, can be tied at the neck or waistline, and add softness and color. Focal point jewelry, either a statement necklace or stunning earrings, add a young-looking touch and help lift the spirits. Older women often look best with bolder jewelry, particularly when the pieces complement eye color or complexion tones. Hair Styles and Makeup for Mature Women


As we age, we should emphasize our best features. Applying subtle colors rather than bold shades often softens lines, and creates a more cohesive overall look. Experimenting with a new shade of lipstick or adding sparkling eye shadow is fine, but the color palette should always blend. A fun, fashion hairpiece from stores like can help enhance facial features while offering a classic style.


Performing a periodic reevaluation of clothing and hair styles helps you stay in touch with current trends. Adding a single new piece may be all it takes to feel uplifted and in style. Well-fitting clothes and neat hairstyles can promote confidence for the long term.

Credit Cards Manipulate You Into Debt

Credit Cards Manipulate


I just read an article on Wise Bread that tells 4 ways credit cards manipulate people into more debt.  I thought it was an interesting read and I wanted to share it with you.  I would love to hear your thoughts!

New Car or Used Car: Five Ways To Be Content with What You Have!

Family car

A new car or used car: 5 Ways to be content with what you have!


No matter what kind of car you have, if you don’t have the right mindset, it can always seem like there’s another car out there that’s better than what you have. Just as with anything else in life, feeling happy about your car starts with you. You don’t have to run out and buy or lease a top-of-the-line car if you’re not happy with your car now, because eventually you’ll find things you don’t like about your new car either.


Happiness with anything in life starts with your attitude first and radiates outward to everything else. So if you want to achieve inner peace about your car, start with the small things. Appreciate what you do like about your car, and make an effort to take care of it just as much as you would if it was your dream car. And remember, the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence. If you’ve got a fuel-efficient car, there will always be cars with bigger and stronger engines, and if you’ve got an amazingly powerful and spacious SUV, avoid the temptation to look enviously upon the fuel efficiency of cars with 3- and 4-cylinder engines.


Rule #1: Keep Your Car Clean


When you treat your car as if it were already the car of your dreams, you’re setting yourself up to feel happier with any kind of vehicle you may have, now or in the future. Additionally, you’ll enjoy looking at your car and riding in your car if you keep it clean and looking as new as possible. Make the time to clean your vehicle’s interior and exterior on a regular basis, or bring it to an auto detailing shop to have it professionally cleaned.


Rule #2: Get Regular Maintenance


You’ll be more content with your car, no matter what type of car it is, if you get regular maintenance work done at recommended intervals. Whether you’ve got a top performer like a Porsche, a reliable budget vehicle like the Hyundai Getz, or an old clunker that barely runs, getting regular maintenance work done on your vehicle will keep it running well. Regular maintenance decreases breakdowns and the need for emergency maintenance. You’ll feel happier with your car if you don’t have to pay for expensive repairs that could have been prevented.


Rule #3: Don’t Fall into the “Grass Is Always Greener” Trap


The grass always seems greener somewhere else. Similarly, it’s easy to fall into thinking that if you just had a different car, you’d be happier with your vehicle. To increase your happiness with your current vehicle, remember that no vehicle is truly perfect and that every car, truck, SUV or motorcycle has benefits and drawbacks. High-end manufacturers make some amazing vehicles that are real jaw-droppers, but they are often terribly expensive to maintain. Smartcars may have some of the highest fuel efficiency ratings, but they also leave a lot to be desired in terms of space and power.


Rule #4: Appreciate Your Vehicle


Since every vehicle has positives and negatives, if you want to be happier with your car, focus on the positives. If your car gets amazing gas mileage, remind yourself of that when you’re driving, and cultivate gratitude that you don’t have to spend a fortune in gas. If you’re vehicle has a superbly comfortable interior, think about that when you’re riding in your car and remind yourself of how much you enjoy it.


Rule #5: Remember Why You Bought Your Vehicle in the First Place


You can increase your happiness level with your vehicle by taking the time to remember what motivated you to buy it in the first place. If you got a station wagon or a sedan to accommodate your family, remember that you had that goal in mind when you acquired the vehicle. Remembering the qualities that motivated you to purchase your vehicle can make it easier to feel gratitude for what you have and avoid the “grass is greener” syndrome.

Boys and Girls Club – Tools for Back to School

Back to school season is here, whether we like it or not!  I’m sure I’m not the only one who has mixed emotions about school starting but it’s happening. What are some of the things you do to prepare your kids to go back to school?  A big shopping trip, one last weekend of vacation fun, or maybe a quick refresh of last year’s studies?




Boys and Girls Club of America and Disney have partnered to launch the Tools for Back to School initiative.  This initiative features a pop-quiz style game, where supplies are donated to BGCA for correct answers. It’s fun, easy, and it only takes a few minutes!  Plus, it will help prepare several kids with the supplies they need to start school.




Boys and Girls Club of America also has a few tips to help your kids have a great start to their new school year.  There are tip sheets and educational content for parents to take advantage of. Go to to check them out.  Simply visit their site, click “Get Ready” on the sidebar to begin browsing the free info.
BGCA has also partnered with JCPenney – and in August you can join JCP Cares and round up your purchase at the register to benefit BGCA.  Visit to find out how to ‘round up’ if you visit JCP during August!


Do you know if you have a BGCA in your area?  If you do, what have they done locally in your community?


“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Boys and Girls Club. I received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

15 Beauty Uses for Vaseline

15 Beauty Uses for Vaseline


Vaseline is a wonderful product, wouldn’t you agree?  It’s probably the most inexpensive and versatile products out there.  Right up there with the many uses of baking soda!  You might be surprised of all of the things Vaseline can do.  Here’s a list of my favorite 15 uses for Vaseline.


1. It softens dry and cracked elbows.


2.  Rub a little over your perfume places {behind the ear, neck, wrist, etc.} to keep your scent lasting longer.


3. Massage it into your cuticles every night before bed to keep your cuticles soft.


4. For kissably soft lips add a little Vaseline over your favorite lipstick.  You can also mix Vaseline with a drink mix, such as Kool-Aid powder, to make a colored and flavored lip gloss.


5. To avoid spray on tan streaks or dark spots rub Vaseline all over your knees, ankles and hands {any dry spot} to achieve a beautiful no-bake tan.


6. To prevent lipstick smudges just spread a little Vaseline over your teeth and lipstick smudges won’t be a problem!  As a side effect, you’ll also smile a lot more. : )  This is a tip used by beauty pageants contestants and cheerleaders.


7. To tame wild eyebrows, add a little to Vaseline your brows with a clean mascara wand or a clean toothbrush.


8. If you have a bottle that is always difficult to open make it a easier next time by rubbing a little Vaseline along the edges of the bottle under the cap.  This is fantastic on nail polish bottles!


9. In need of a quick shoe shine?  Swipe a little Vaseline over on your shoes and buff gently for a beautiful shine!


10. Vaseline is wonderful for soothing and smoothing skin after shaving.


11. After you carve your Halloween pumpkin, rub Vaseline on the exposed edges to keep your pumpkin from going dry and rotting. {You can see the results of this put to the test in our how to keep a pumpkin from rotting post.  Maybe add it on after the #1 tip?}


12. If you have very sensitive skin, Vaseline will make a perfect make up remover for you. Plus, you’ll have super soft skin the next day!


13. Mix sea salt {or sugar}, Vaseline and a drop or too of your favorite essential oil for an incredible exfoliating scrub.


14. If you have dry hair with split ends add the tiniest amount to the ends of your hair to cover them up until your next haircut.


15. Last but not least… Apply some under your eye shadow for a dramatic glossy effect.


What are some of your favorite uses for Vaseline?

DIY Lavender Aromatherapy Bubble Bath

DIY Lavender Aromatherapy Bubble Bath


Taking time to pamper yourself is important and here’s a simple way to make your own DIY Lavender Aromatherapy Bubble Bath.  I chose to use lavender because it’s been clinically proven to relax and reduce stress but this recipe will work with any essential oil scent.



  • 1 cup mild shampoo or dish soap {Baby shampoo is gentler but dish washing liquid is more bubbly. It’s your choice!}
  • 1/3 cup Liquid Glycerin {Glycerin moisturizes and gently cleanses. It’s also aids in making your bubble bath extra bubbly.}
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • 15 drops Lavender Essential Oil {or your favorite scented oil}



  • Mix together the shampoo, glycerin, water and 15 drops of lavender oil.
  • If desired, add 5 – 10 extra drops of essential oil and mix again.
  • Pour your bubble bath into a bottle or jar that will seal tightly. Before each use shake well to mix and then pour into the tub’s running water. Then sit back, relax, and enjoy!


Making your own aromatherapy bubble bath is a great way to pamper yourself affordable and without harmful chemicals and fillers.

Depression Clinical Research Study Enrolling – Compensation up to $800

Depression Clinical Research Study

Do you or a loved one feel like you’re not interested in anything anymore?  If you or a loved one has depression, as I’ve shared before about postpardum depression, it’s important to go to an expert and get proper treatment.  I just heard about this new clinical study where you can get paid to explore new and free treatment opportunities. They’re currently looking for people with depression who are willing to participate in a research study.
If you qualify, you may receive: • Free depression medication — in some cases, FDA-approved medication • Free care from a local doctor • Compensation up to $800.  Don’t wait — click the image above to see if you qualify and to learn more.