Search Results for: guest post

Terrific Tips for Organizing Cosmetics and Toiletries

This is a blog post from my friend, Eva Wallace, who blogs at I think you’ll find this guest post to be extremely useful in keeping your make up drawer fresh and organized.

Most of us use cosmetics or toiletries of one kind or another, but far fewer of us put a lot of thought into organizing them. Keeping these items organized can shave minutes off of your morning routine.

The first step in organizing your cosmetics and toiletries is to go through and get rid of anything that’s past its prime. Below are some helpful guidelines for weeding out the old stuff.

Cosmetic shelf life guidelines:

Unopened, sealed products usually have a shelf life of 3-5 years or more. As long as they stay sealed, they will last for years. The shelf life countdown begins when you open it. Consider using a makeup spatula or baby spoon to dispense non-pump products to reduce bacterial contamination and extend the shelf life.

  • Oil-Free Foundation: 1 year
  • Cream or Compact Foundation: 18 months
  • Concealer: 12-18 months
  • Face Powder: 2 years
  • Blush and Bronzer Powder: 2 years
  • Cream Blush: 12-18 months
  • Powder Eye shadow: 3 years
  • Cream Eye shadow: 12-18 months
  • Eyeliner: 3 years, sharpened regularly
  • Liquid eyeliner: 3-6 months
  • Mascara: 3 months
  • Lipstick: 1-2 years (longer if stored in the refrigerator)
  • Lip liner: 3 years, sharpened regularly
  • Lip gloss: 18-24 months
  • Nail Color: 1-2 years
  • Cream & gel cleansers: 1 year
  • Brushes: Wash every 2-3 months in a mild detergent
  • Sponges: Wash weekly and discard monthly
  • Natural cosmetics: These don’t contain preservatives and should be discarded sooner. Check with the manufacturer.
  • Perfume: 2 years. Best if stored in a cool, dark place.
  • Hairstyling products: 3-5 years.
  • Bar soap: 3 years.
  • Shaving cream: 2 years.
  • Deodorant: 2 years.
  • Anti-aging and acne treatments: 3 months to 1 year.
  • Body lotion: 2-3 years, particularly if it’s in a pump container.
  • Shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel: 3 years.
  • Bath oil: 1 year.
  • Sunscreen: Check the package for an expiration date.

Remember, these are just guidelines. Regardless of how long you’ve had it, if it smells different than when you bought it, trash it. If it’s separated or changed color, trash it.If you can’t remember when you purchased it, trash it. The old adage for food applies to cosmetics as well; When in doubt, throw it out.

Handy tip: Keep a Sharpie with your makeup bag. Write your own expiration date on them so you will always know when it is time to toss.

Next, you need to decide where you want to store your cosmetics.

Ask yourself these questions: What kind of storage space do I have available; drawers, cabinets, counter space? Do I want my products out where I can see them or tucked away out of sight? Answering a few simple questions before you begin will help you purchase exactly the organizers you need, and will save you time and money in the end.

Here are a few suggestions for organizers:

·Store lipsticks vertically. This way you can easily see the name or color dot on the end and can avoid digging through a pile to find the color you want.

·A nice countertop organizer can keep your makeup looking pretty and in easy reach at the same time.

·Vanity drawer organizers fit in most drawers and some are even stackable. They can hold everything from hair accessories and lotions to makeup and nail polish.

·Small drawers are perfect for the countertop. They are compact and the clear ones allow you to see what’s in them easily.

·A nice travel case work well for home use, too.

Handy Tip: Sometimes we have what we need already. Try some of these repurposed items for your cosmetics:

·Pencil cups: Great for makeup brushes.

·Flatware trays: These make good organizers for drawers and have spaces long enough for mascara and long brushes.

·Portable tool box or tackle box: The ones with the divided trays that lift out make super cosmetic organizers. As long as it doesn’t smell like hubby’s last fishing trip.

·Craft storage containers: There are so many shapes, sizes and styles out there, you may have the perfect one already.

·Stacking drawers: There are a multitude of plastic stacking drawers available to fit anything from a large cabinet to a small corner of your countertop. I have one from Iris in my cabinet for cotton balls, cotton swabs, spare razors and toothbrushes, and feminine products.

What tips do you have for organizing cosmetics and toiletries in your bathroom?

Eva Wallace is the website manager for, the blog manager for and has become the go-to girl for all things organized.

The Making of a Diamond

I’m excited to share this guest post from one of my favorite writers! Tammy is the owner of Garden Glimpses and a guest contributor at Heart of the Matter. Enjoy!

flowers wedding ring diamond

Diamonds and marriage go together. Having recently celebrated my 29th wedding anniversary, I glanced at the diamond wedding band on my hand and smiled. It is not my original wedding ring as years of wear and tear managed to damage the delicate band and diamond to a point of no return. The sturdy brilliance of my replacement ring represents our years of committed marriage with all its ups and down.

When we marry, our lives together represent a diamond in its natural form. Not always pretty, but definitely full of potential. Our marriages can be compared to the four qualities that are looked for when shopping for a diamond ring: color, clarity, carat, and cut.

Diamond color: The degree to which a diamond is colorless. The less color, the higher the rating.

How can a marriage become colorless when you combine two very colorful people? Does it mean we become plain, bland, and dull? No, not at all. In fact, I think it can mean quite the opposite. Through the years the two blend together to become a wonderful well working one. A husband and wife team that have learned the value of unity and endeavor to be their best as they balance the strengths and weaknesses of one another with God at the center of their lives. Like a prism that looks colorless, yet when God’s light shows through their relationship the multi-colors are revealed.


Diamond clarity: The presence of natural phenomena called inclusions which are the tiny feathers, crystals, or clouds only seen under high magnification. Flawless diamonds have no inclusions on the surface or internally. Many flawed diamonds still maintain their integrity with no visible inclusions.

How can a marriage become flawless when you combine two imperfect people? The reality is that none of us will become perfect, but we certainly can maintain integrity as we allow God to look at our flaws and allow Him to help us with those things that may cloud our marriage. When it comes to marriage, a good test to see how your are doing it is to read through a familiar wedding Scripture – I Corinthians 13:1-10 using your name in place of the word LOVE. It’s easy to see our shortcomings and yet as you consider the end of that passage, when God who is perfection is part of our lives the imperfections disappear as we apply grace over and over again to one another.

Diamond carat: The unit of weight of a diamond, not size. One carat can be divided into 100 points. Value rises with weight.

What adds weight to a marriage? There are many factors that can add solidity to our marriages. Making simple connections with one another in the midst of busy homeschooling lives is critical. It’s easy to put our children first, but the value of putting our spouses first is worth 100 points. Simple acts of kindness such a a little note in his lunch, making sure his favorite clothes are clean and ready, a loving voice message. Reading about our love languages and applying those gifts to each other or engaging in a study such as Love & Respect which has wonderful marriage principles to apply. Time spent one-on-one is truly priceless and builds the weight of intimacy in a marriage relationship.


Diamond cut: The angle and proportions of a cut will determine the diamond’s fire and brilliance. The shape and how well the cutting has been executed will also influence the cut.

What trials have shaped your marriage? It is well known that all marriages will have conflict in some manner. The key, however, is how we will allow these to affect our relationship with one another. Will we allow the angle of the cuts to destroy or to be a healing cut of pruning that we can grow from? Keeping God centered and relationship focused will execute healthier cuts during difficult times. Marriages will flourish and become stronger if both partners are willing to become humble and speak those difficult words of “I’m sorry” or “Forgive me” adding a dimension of brilliance to their relationship.

My husband and I have a long way to go to our Diamond Anniversary, yet we are both willing to consider the color, clarity, carat, and cut of our marriage to allow it more polishing as our Heavenly Father works in our relationship. May all of our marriage relationships continue to grow and flourish with our Heavenly Father’s love as that truly is the Heart of the Matter.

Heart of the Matter TammyMarried in 1980 and still living in the same house in a woodsy rural setting, Tammy’s homeschooling journey began in the fall of 1987 when her oldest turned six years old. As rather new believers professing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, homeschooling was a way to live out the principles found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Through all the challenges of life Tammy has stayed the course growing to a family with nine children who presently range from preschool age to college graduates married with children. Her role has transitioned from learning everything she could about homeschooling to becoming an encourager to others coming along the way. Please visit Tammy at Garden Glimpses.

7 Most Popular Work at Home Myths

This is a guest post written by Gagandeep Singh just for Beauty 4 Moms. Enjoy!


7 Most Popular Work at Home Myths


Who don’t like to leave his boring 9-5 job and work from home according to his convenience? Obviously everyonehas a dream of working at home where nobody monitors them and wants to enjoy the freedom of working whenever they want. Due to the numerous advantages which one can get from working at home more and more people are now searching work from home opportunities. But there are some misconceptions too which need to be addressed. So in this article I am going to bust some of the most common myths related to working from home.


Myth #1: I’ll be rich overnight by working from home

Many people think that they will start earning six or seven figures of money daily by working from home and will get rich overnight. Do not waste your hard earned cash in buying “get rich quick schemes” books. Buying these types of products will only make one person richer and you’re not that person (Guess, who is that person?). There is no easy way to get rich online unless you are an exception and going to launch a new Search engine.


Myth #2: I’ll be my own boss.

This statement is correct to some extent. While working at home you have some freedom to work according to your convenience but it doesn’t mean that you are relieved from all sorts of deadlines. You have to work day and night to chase deadlines set by your clients. Working from home is not a kind of vacation and you have to work really hard to be successful. Many times you will find yourself working for more than 40 hours a week, on holidays, weekends. Don’t think that working from home is a piece of cake.


Myth #3: I’d be having more time to spend with my family.

Have you read Myth #2?Working from home is just like any other job where you need to focus on your work. Almost all people think that they would be having more time to spend with their family and kids but it’s completely untrue. You won’t even realize that how quick your day will pass while working without giving you any time to talk with your family.


Myth #4:Getting online work is very easy.

In online world you have to compete at global level to win projects. So if you are thinking that getting anonline legitimate job is easy then you should think again. The time that it will take to get first job depends on how much effort you are willing to put in and may varies from few days to few months


Myth #5: Nobody makes any money from working at home.

This is completely rubbish. The person making such kind of statement has either never tried to work online or has never succeeded in making money online. It doesn’t imply that all online jobs are scams, if you are unable to find any legitimate online job.

Myth #6: I’d be more productive while working at home.

It’s not completely true. Obviously you will feel more secure and relaxed while working from home and would be away from all kind of dirty office politics but your productivity also depend on your home atmosphere. That said, sometimes it may become difficult to work when your kids have holidays.


Myth #7: I’ll dress up like a professional while working at home.

Are you serious? Why are you working from home then if you want to follow that stupid dress code policy? Ok, it depends on you, but I am sure you won’t be able to stick to your professional dress code for more than a week and will find yourself working in your night pajamas.


There were the seven myths which I knew. Now it’s your turn to share your working at home myth with us. Feel free to tell us about more myths in your comments below.


Gagandeep Singh is a freelance writer and loves to write on landing pages, making money online, affiliate marketing, web 2.0 and conversion rate optimization.

Dogs and 2 Year Olds on Same Mental Plane

This is a guest post from HealthDay Reporter, Amanda Gardner. I found this article interesting so I wanted to share it with you.

More and more, scientists are realizing that dogs can think and solve problems in ways previously thought to belong only to humans and higher primates. ©
More and more, scientists are realizing that dogs can think and solve problems in ways previously thought to belong only to humans and higher primates. ©

By Amanda Gardner, HealthDay Reporter

MONDAY, Aug. 10 (HealthDay News) — According to accumulating research, the beloved family dog is really a toddler with a snout and tail.

“Dogs basically have the developmental abilities equivalent to a human 2-year-old,” said dog expert Stanley Coren, who was scheduled to present recent canine research developments at the American Psychological Association annual meeting this week in Toronto.

The average dog can learn 165 words, although “super dog” Rico, a border collie, could understand 200 spoken words. Experts think some dogs can learn up to 250 words.

Dogs can count up to four or five and can correct you if you can’t add one plus one.

One dog apparently learned to “read.” Coren recounted the case of the canine who was able to “deliver” mail addressed to two girls, one with a short name and one with a long name. Although the owner thought the dog was actually reading, it turns out the canine was gauging the length of the name, not the individual characters, enabling him to deliver the mail to the right person.

Different breeds of dog differ in their intelligence, with border collies topping the list for working (instinctive) and obedience intelligence. The next six smartest are poodles, German shepherds, golden retrievers, Dobermans, Shetland sheepdogs and Labrador retrievers. (The third type of dog smarts is adaptive or problem-solving ability.)

“There are two extreme viewpoints when we talk about dogs,” said Coren, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and author of numerous books on dogs including How to Speak Dog and How Dogs Think. “Some tend to think of dogs as if they are little human beings with fur coats. The other extreme is to think of dogs as if they’re unthinking but programmable robots. My little beagle would then be a beagle-shaped bag, a biological equivalent of transistors and gears. The truth of the matter is somewhere in between.”

More and more, scientists are realizing that dogs can think and solve problems in ways previously thought to belong only to humans and higher primates.

Indeed, one recent study also found that dogs were like 24-month-old children, at least when it comes to figuring out where humans have hidden a treat.

Like 2-year-olds, dogs can experience fear, anger, happiness and disgust (perhaps at a human’s sub-par math skills), but not guilt. Humans don’t feel guilt until about age 4, Coren said.

That doesn’t mean they can’t make humans feel guilty. That desolate look when a dog’s human leaves the house is probably legitimate. “Dogs are pack animals,” Coren explained.

Dogs apparently can ponder the meaning of “dog,” in a way. According to Coren, they do have a consciousness of self, though not as complex as that of humans.

They also recognize differences among beings and are cognizant of others’ variable viewpoints and talents.

And they dream, as demonstrated through movements they make while they’re asleep.

Dogs can figure out how to get to the couch before you do and how to operate a latch or other simple mechanism.

They can also deceive other dogs.

Not to mention people.

Coren has both a beagle (ranked seventh from the bottom in obedience intelligence) and a cat. The cat is fed on the counter so the beagle can’t interfere with feline meal-time.

One time, though, the beagle started scrabbling around, digging at the kitchen floor. “I was quite confused,” Coren recalls. “He looked around and continued again, then he looked up at me. I finally got down on my hands and knees and he immediately jumped onto my back and onto the counter. He decided his psychologist father could be used as a ladder.”

“This presentation asks and answers some very deep questions about if, and then how, dogs might think,” said Bonnie Beaver, a professor in the department of small animal clinical sciences at the College of Veterinary Medicine and amp; Biomedical Sciences at Texas A and amp;M University. “[But] there is always the possibility that generalizations do not quite fit the data or that the original data may have been weak. Serious students of dogs are advised to go back to original studies, lovers of dogs should view this with interest and leave a little room for doubts.”

More information

The Humane Society of the United States has more on canine behavior.

SOURCES: Stanley Coren, Ph.D., professor emeritus, psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; Bonnie V. Beaver, D.V.M., professor, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station; Aug. 8, 2009, presentation, American Psychological Association annual meeting, Toronto

Copyright © 2009 ScoutNews, LLC. All rights reserved.

Pregnant and Pretty: Maternity Jeans for Moms to Be

This compensated post was written by our guest contributor, Sophie West.  She has a passion for women’s fashion and enjoys blogging about great looks for every stage of life.

Maternity Pose

Designers have created a fabulous range of maternity jeans that allow you to go through your entire pregnancy in comfort and style without having to resort to baggy tracksuit bottoms during the final months. Every possible cut and style is available from skinny jeans to flares and all include an elasticated waistband that will accommodate your growing belly. There are a few different types of maternity jeans, and some are designed to stretch over your belly whilst others will sit just below it. The style you pick depends on your own personal taste, and whatever waistband you find to be the most comfortable during your pregnancy.

Do I Need Maternity Jeans?

During the first stages of pregnancy you may be able to extend the life of your regular jeans by purchasing a maternity band. This works by attaching to the waistband of your regular jeans and holds them up so you can leave the button and zip undone. This is an ideal option for the early stages of pregnancy, but as your body grows in other places such as your hips and thighs you may find that you need some extra room. Many women are tempted to purchase regular jeans in large sizes instead of maternity jeans, but these will sag around the seat and will not be able to fit comfortably around your new shape. After the first few months, maternity jeans will be the best option as they are specially cut to fit snugly through the legs and hips whilst leaving plenty of space for your bump.

What Style Is Best?

Bootcut jeans are a fabulous option as they flatter every figure and are easy to dress up or down depending on the occasion. Skinny jeans can be worn during the first half of pregnancy or if your bump is relatively small, but wearing them with a huge belly will make you resemble a lollipop. Three-quarter length jeans are a nice option for summer and can be worn with flip-flops and a flowing tunic for a casual look.

What Are The Different Types Of Maternity Jeans?

Maternity jeans come with many different waist bands, and it is best to try all the options to decide which is the most comfortable for you. A stretchy, elasticated band made from either jersey, lycra or spandex is attached to the top of the jeans and will stretch with your body as it grows during your pregnancy. The most popular type of band can be stretched over your entire bump providing the most coverage, and this is usually the most comfortable method. Another type of band is designed to sit underneath your belly and has a reinforced elastic rubber band built-in to stop the jeans from slipping down. The third option can be rolled over your bump or left underneath your belly depending on the level of cover you prefer. Maternity jeans feature either a button and zip or a drawstring at the front to close them.

How Do I Know Which Size to Choose?

Maternity jeans are sized in the same way as regular jeans therefore if you were a size 12 before pregnancy then chances are you will need the same size in maternity clothes. However, if you have gained a lot of weight around your hips and thighs then you may need a larger size. The elasticated bands are also available in different sizes, so it is important to measure your waist and refer to the manufacturers size chart to find your perfect fit.

Most maternity jeans are made from a lightweight denim that is blended with some form of stretchy material such as elastane for added comfort. Whilst dark colors such as navy blue and black are traditionally seen as more slimming, this does not mean that you cannot experiment with a range of different colors. Pastel shades such as baby pinks and lemons are preferable to bright neon colors, and team these with some super-comfy Uggs or tennis shoes. Whatever styles you preferred before pregnancy such as ripped or faded denim and diamante details are all available in maternity versions, and the wide range of different options allow you to dress your baby bump in style without having to sacrifice your personal comfort.

Party Planning Help from Cottonelle

Disclosure: This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Cottonelle, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #CottonelleHoliday


Do you like to keep a good stock of household supplies like I do?  Don’t worry, I won’t call you a hoarder!  Having supplies on hand makes it easy to set up a party spur of the moment.  On hand right now I would say that I have enough toilet paper, liquid soap, plates, cups, napkins, and silverware to supply a large party.

While I can set out enough plates and cups for everyone, the one thing I can’t set out enough of is toilet paper. We have a small downstairs bathroom with absolutely no place to store an extra roll.  Normally, I’m left running in to check every so often for fear that someone would run out.  {I also keep a spare roll in the pantry across the hall so I can replace it quickly when I need too. Shh, that’s our secret!}  Plus, even if we had a storage place I would hate for a guest to have to change the toilet paper.  I always feel so awkward when I’m over someone’s house and I have to peek in cabinets and closets to try and find a spare roll.  Not to mention having to try and change the toilet paper roll without dropping the center piece of the holder.  Ya’ll know what I’m talking about!  Some of those are built with industrial strength springs and can jump right out of your hand.

To avoid having your guests awkwardly asking you for a roll, having them mortified when they run out, and to keep from running back and forth to the bathroom all night, simply pick up a package of Cottonelle’s Triple Roll.

Cottonelle Triple Roll

This Triple Roll fits standard roll holders and boasts of being Cottonelle’s longest roll!  It still comes with Cottonelle’s Ultra Care Comfort design too.  With this roll you don’t have to sacrifice anything!

Cottonelle Rolls

Check out the difference in size.  One of these rolls will last all night at your party and then some.

Cottonelle in Cart

Not only are these rolls great for parties but they’re great for every day.  I picked up a 12 pack today at Target for my family’s regular use and for an upcoming party {I’ll tell you more about the party later!}.  Note: the 12 Triple Roll pack is the same as 36 regular rolls.  36!!  That means I won’t be running out for toilet paper anytime soon.

Cottonelle from Target

If you’re having a party this holiday season, pick up a pack of Cottonelle Triple Roll and have one less party detail to worry about.

Right now, you can buy a Cottonelle Triple Roll 12 pack or larger and get a FREE box of Kleenex with this Coupon at Target! (Coupons available while supplies last)

The Ultimate Christmas Handbag Checklist: Don’t Leave Home Without Them!

This post is a guest contribution from Sam who happens to know a lot about beauty products.  I think you’ll enjoy it!

Have you ever been caught out at Christmas looking far from your best? Perhaps it was the mystery hot single male at your friend’s house, old colleagues who turned up out of nowhere or even an ex-boyfriend you bump into while you are feeling the worst for wear?

We can’t look at our glamorous best all the time and certainly Christmas is a time when we are most likely to be thrown into situations where we’re wearing our fluffy bear slippers, sporting our best bed-head hairstyle and without a spot of make-up on.

But never fear, with these make-up essentials in your handbag this Christmas you’ll always come out looking flawless!

Essential Skin Care Items

If your face is blotchy from too much alcohol and rich foods and those bags under your eyes look like they’ve already hit the shops on the Boxing Day sales, you need a quick fix.

Facial Wipes

Always carry a packet of facial wipes in your handbag just to cleanse and tone and set your face ready for a little fix-up magic.


This is a must at this time of year and the brand Soap & Glory have brought out a fantastic Double-Action Under Eye Dark Circle Corrector which reflects the light and instantly transforms your tired looking eyes to give the illusion of someone who’s had one of the best night’s sleep ever!

Finish off with just a dab of foundation. Maybelline’s Dream Matte Mousse Foundation is ideal for quick coverage.


If you have time, just blend in a little blusher along the cheekbone for a touch of colour. Alternatively you can pinch both your cheeks, but having some blusher in your handbag spares you the pain and gives more of a professional finish!

L’Oreal’s Touch-On Colour does a splendid job and can be used for both eyes and cheeks.

Revitalising Tired Eyes

Put the sparkle back into your dark and tired eyes by following this simple tip:

Tip for Sparkling Eyes

Apply a shimmering light colour to the inner corner of your eyes for instant sparkle!

As eye-liner is far from quick to apply and can go horribly wrong, we suggest some brown mascara instead for long, full looking lashes that aren’t over the top but which will widen and highlight your eyes beautifully.

Kiss Those Cracked Lips Goodbye

This winter weather can play havoc with your lips, leaving them in much need of some TLC. Having some lipstick in your handbag is a must at any time of the year and in winter you need to plump for bold reds, burgundies and deep maroons.

If you don’t have time to carefully apply some lipstick try a quick swab of colored lip gloss. Max Factor has brought out their Silk Gloss Sheer Frost which promises three benefits in one. Firs, its high moisturization hydrates your lips. Secondly, the balm properties protect your lips and lastly the high sheen adds a touch of color and glamour that will leave lips feeling kissably gorgeous. Plus you have three Christmassy colours to choose from.

These simple winter makeup essentials won’t take up much room in your bag but will prove to be very handy the next time you find yourself facing the man of your dreams whilst you look more like a character from Dawn of the Dead. Oh, and don’t forget your mirror, these makeup items might not require you to concentrate too much, but we wouldn’t recommend you try applying any makeup with just the help of a reflective surface.

This post was lovingly crafted by who believe that beauty shouldn’t be bound by budget and so strive to offer the famous brand names but for bargain prices. If you love beauty on a budget then why not follow us on Facebook?

Disney Classics Box Set is Now Available!

I am participating in a campaign from One2One Network and Walt Disney Records. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this post but was given one sample CD from the set.

Disney Classics Box Set

I love Disney music!  Disney songs remind me of my childhood and singing loudly to our Disney CDs on road trips that we took in college.  They’re fun, lighthearted songs that you don’t mind getting stuck in your head.

I’ve always wanted a CD set of my favorite Disney Classics and now my wish comes true!  Disney just released a 4-disc CD set this past Tuesday that includes 94 original Disney recordings {I love the originals!}.  I’ve included the list of songs below so you can reminisce along with me.

The suggested retail price for this box set is $49.98 but of course prices may vary based on the retailer.  You can order on now for $31.74 which also includes the MP3 version of the set for free!  Keep in mind that prices on Amazon can change at any second so double check before you head to check out.

Disney Classics

Here’s the full list of songs include in the Disney Classics box set! There are 94!!

Disney Modern Classics – CD 1
1. Under the Sea – The Little Mermaid
2. Be Our Guest – Beauty and The Beast
3. Seize the Day – Newsies
4. A Whole New World – Aladdin
5. What’s This? – The Nightmare Before Christmas
6. Circle of Life – The Lion King
7. Colors of the Wind – Pocahontas
8. You’ve Got a Friend in Me – Toy Story
9. Out There – The Hunchback of Notre Dame
10. I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) – Hercules
11. Reflection – Mulan
12. The Time of Your Life – A Bug’s Life
13. Strangers Like Me – Tarzan (Phil Collins)
14. When She Loved Me – Toy Story 2
15. Whopp-de-Dooper Bounce – The Tigger Movie
16. If I Didn’t Have You – Monsters, Inc.
17. Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride – Lilo & Stitch
18. Look Through My Eye – Brother Bear
19. One Little Slip – Chicken Little
20. Happy Working Song – Enchanted
21. Dig a Little Deeper – The Princess and The Frog
22. I See the Light – Tangled (Mandy Moore)
23. We Belong Together – Toy Story 3


Disney Theme Park Classics – CD 2
1. The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room – Enchanted Tiki Room
2. Swisskapolka – Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse
3. YoHo – Pirates of the Caribbean
4. Splash Mountain Medley – Splash Mountain
5. The Bear Serenade – Country Bear Jamboree
6. Grim Grinning Ghost – Haunted Mansion
7. It’s a Small World – It’s a Small World
8. Great Big BeautifulTomorrow – Carousel of Progress
9. Great Outdoors – CountryBear Vacation Hoedown
10. Space Mountain – Space Mountain
11. Soarin’ – Soarin’ Over California
12. It’s Tough to Be a Bug – It’s Tough to Be a Bug!
13.California Screamin’ – California Screamin’
14. The Best Time of Your Life – Carousel of Progress
15. Space Mountain – Space Mountain (2005)
16. Universe of Energy – Universe of Energy
17. Kitchen Kabaret Medley – Food Rocks
18. One Little Spark – Journey Into Imagination
19. Canada (You’re a Lifetime Journey) – O Canada!
20. Golden Dream – The American Adventure
21. Finale – Fantasmic!


Disney Timeless Classics – CD 3
1. Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf – Three Little Pigs
2. Whistle While You Work – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
3. When You Wish Upon a Star – Pinocchio
4. When I See an Elephant Fly – Dumbo
5. Little April Shower – Bambi
6. The Three Caballeros – The Three Caballeros
7. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah – Song of the South
8. Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly) – So Dear to My Heart
9. A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes – Cinderella
10. All in the Golden Afternoon – Alice in Wonderland
11. You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly! – Peter Pan
12. What a Dog/He’s a Tramp – Lady and The Tramp
13. Once Upon a Dream – Sleeping Beauty
14. Cruella De Vil – 101 Dalmatians
15. Let’s Get Together – The Parent Trap
16. The Ugly Bug Ball – Summer Magic
17. A Spoonful of Sugar – Mary Poppins
18. The Monkey’s Uncle – The Monkey’s Uncle
19. Fortuosity – The Happiest Millionaire
20. The Bare Necessities – The Jungle Book
21. Ev’rybody Wants to Be a Cat – The Aristocats
22. Whistle Stop – Robin Hood
23. Someone’s Waiting for You – The Rescuers
24. It’s Not Easy – Pete’s Dragon
25. Best of Friends – The Fox and The Hound


Disney Television Classics – CD 4 {This is the CD I got!}
1. Mickey Mouse March – The Mickey Mouse Club
2. The Ballad of Davy Crockett – Davy Crockett
3. The Triple R Song – Adventures of Spin & Marty
4. Theme of Zorro – Zorro
5. Scarecrow – The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh
6. Winnie the Pooh–Winnie the Pooh &the HoneyTree
7. Minnie’s YooHoo – The Mouse Factory
8. Who, What, Why, Where, When and How Day
9. Gummi Bears Theme – Adventures of Gummi Bears
10. Duck Tales Theme – Duck Tales
11. Chip n’ Dale’s Rescue Rangers Theme Song
12. Darkwing Duck Theme – Darkwing Duck
13. Theme to Lizzie McGuire (Extended Supa Mix)
14. Rockin’ at the House of Mouse (Extended Version)
15. The Naked Mole Rap – Kim Possible
16. Cheetah Sisters – The Cheetah Girls
17. Aloha, E Komo Mai – Lilo & Stitch
18. Hot Dog! – Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
19. Get’cha Head in the Game – High School Musical
20. Nobody’s Perfect – Hannah Montana 2
21. Gitchee Gitchee Goo – Phineas and Ferb
22. This Is Me – Camp Rock
23. What Time Is It – High School Musical 2
24. Everything Is Not as It Seems – Wizards of Waverly Place
25. Mickey Mouse Club Alma Mater

Minnie Mouse Birthday Party

Some of the items featured below were given to me in exchange for featuring them in this post.

Minnie Mouse Birthday Party

It’s that time of year again…time for me to share about my little girl’s birthday party.  This year she had a Minnie Mouse party because she loves that giggling mouse.  She has a Minnie Mouse phone, purse, microphone, book, and on and on.  This theme fit her perfectly with it’s feminine flair and pink hues.  I hope you’ll enjoy this overview of her party.  I’m sorry there are so many pictures but I just got carried away!

Minnie Mouse Party

This was our food table that held sweet treats, drinks, and hamburgers and the fixings.

Minnie Mouse Cupcake Stand

This Minnie Mouse cupcake stand was custom made for this party. {See Bella Livelli} I chose an old fashioned Minnie Mouse image and requested it in the colors you see above.  I was able to choose the number of tiers, the ribbons used, the design of each tier.  I love that each tier is washable and can be used time and time again.

Minnie Mouse Cupcakes

Here is an up close shot at the cupcakes.  Shhh!  Don’t tell anyone but I bought all of these cupcakes at Walmart and later embellished them at home.  It was a busy month and this saved me a lot of time and my sanity.

Minnie Mouse Bow Cupcakes

I made bows out of fondant the night before the party {with this mold from Kreative Koala} and threw them on the sprinkled cupcakes right before the party.

Minnie Mouse Ears Cupcake

These bows and ears came pre-made from 1StopParty and I quickly put them on the pink cupcakes myself.

Minnie Mouse Cupcake Picks

The Minnie Mouse cupcake picks came ready to use {from this CYN Paperie} and I think added a lovely touch to the chocolate cupcakes.

Minnie Mouse Cookies

The cake pops were bought in the freezer section of Walmart and were surprisingly tasty!  I kind of feel bad for totally cheating on these Minnie Mouse cookies but it was so easy.  I bought cookies from Walmart and used a cookie cutter {See UniqueCookieCutters} to cut out the Minnie head.  They were finished in ten minutes tops!  {Don’t worry, we ate the scraps later too.}

Chocolate Cake

Because my life was so crazy at the time of the party, my good friend, Jennifer, asked if she could help out with anything.  I was tempted to say no but she makes this a-maz-ing fruit dip so I asked her to bring some.  I’m so glad she did, it was delicious.  {Remind me to get that recipe for you sometime!}

Minnie Mouse Banner

I got this lovely Minnie Mouse banner from Sutton and Co.  I always enjoy handmade items and I personally think these Minnie decorations are a lot less tacky {is that the right word?} than a lot of the mass produced Minnie party decorations.

Minnie Mouse Gift Bags

Check out these cute party favor bags from the Etsy shop, Barn Nest.  Are they not adorable?!  I was able to choose everything about these bags from the color bag, color bow, types and color of ribbons.  I decided everything but I didn’t have to spend time working on them.  Can you tell how much I love shopping at Etsy?

Minnie Mouse Party Favors

These party favors were perfect for even the smallest partiers – pink crayons!  {See Lil Nicks}

Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse Ears

These cute Minnie and Mickey Mouse ears were purchased on clearance from a local party store.  I don’t know how I lucked into running across these but I was ecstatic about this find!!

Minnie Mouse Party Straws

I also stumbled upon these fun straws at the party store.  They were fun for the kids to use and later take home with them.

Minnie Mouse Birthday Party

Here is another look at our table filled with yumminess.  You can see the chocolate cake for the guests to eat, pink marshmallows which the kids loved, raspberry M&Ms {yum!}, and on top of the cupcake stand you’ll see a tiny cake with two candles for the birthday girl.

Minnie Mouse Cake Topper

Here’s a closer look at the Minnie Mouse topper and my daughter’s turtle cake {bought from Walmart – Shh!}.

Minnie Mouse Birthday Girl

The birthday girl loved her cake and while she didn’t get too messy she enjoyed it.

Minnie Mouse Party Candy Table

Our sweets included a variety of pink shades and candy for both adults and kids.

Minnie Mouse Party Plate

These DIY Minnie Mouse plates were so easy to make that I even did this myself!  I already had a Cricut so I went and bought a Mickey/Minnie Mouse cartridge for it.  Once I had my Minnie heads cut I simply glued them to the back of clear plates.  Very simple!

DIY Minnie Mouse Plate

I used the same size Minnie head for simplicity and here’s what they look like on the smaller dessert plates.  If you want to get really creative you could even add a bow on there too!

Minnie Mouse Streamers

Here is a look at our decorated back porch where the men spent their time talking as they grilled.  The Minnie Mouse streamers which you see here {and you can see from other pictures that they were used inside} came from the Etsy shop called Welcome to My Store.  The pink hanging lanterns and such were bought at a local party store.

Thank you for letting me share this birthday party with you!  I also want to thank all those who were involved in helping me set everything up,  tear everything down, and those who came to celebrate my daughter’s birthday.  I appreciate you all!

For those that I don’t know personally who found my site while searching for Minnie Mouse party ideas I hope that I’ve inspired you a little.  Feel free to Pin any idea you see so you can remember them later!  If you want to blog about any part of this party feel free to do so, all I ask is that you link back to this post.

{Also see last year’s Pink Lemonade Birthday Party}

Thank you again for reading and have a beautiful day!

Party Bag Dilemmas

In years gone by kids attending parties received a small treat like a bar of chocolate as a thank you for coming but these days it is standard practice to hand out party bags containing several items to all of the children. This does often mean that the kids have something to keep them occupied which is always a blessing but it is yet another thing for the parents to sort out when they are organizing the party and can add a considerable cost to the event. There can be a little one-upmanship with these gifts as well as parents vie to present the best party bags at their events. So if you are organizing a kids party what should you put in your bags to keep the kids happy and your bank account under control?


There has long been a tradition of handling out gestures of appreciation to guests at parties. Take weddings for instance. You rarely attend a wedding which does not have some form of favor on the table even if it just a small bag or box containing sweets. The practice has also been extended to include major celebrity events like awards ceremonies where the gifts have simply become promotional vehicles for large companies. The star guests receive goody bags of treats of really quite ridiculous value in order to raise big headlines for the providers. Take the Oscars as an example. The 2012 ceremony saw all Oscar nominees gifted $60,000 worth of goods including an elephant safari in Botswana and a cocktail party by Disaronno!

This year’s Brit Awards saw celebrity guests walking off with perfume, sunglasses, jeweler  luxury handbags and a hotel stay worth £1800. All this and these guests are the very people who don’t need the gifts and may not even want them. One of the Brit Award giveaways was a Karaoke Kit!

Real World

Back in the real world us ordinary folk inhabit, party bags are a nice touch and a great way of showing your appreciation to those who have taken the time to attend your event but are never going to contain incredibly expensive luxury goods. With kids parties potentially having dozens of young guests it can be difficult to make up party bags which the kids will really like but which do not cost the earth.  Most parents want to show a little individuality and do not want to simply resort to sweets for their bags but there is no need to fret too much about making a big impact. In order to save time and a lot of thought it is a good idea to seek out ready-made solutions. It is now possible to buy party bags complete with a range of appealing goodies without breaking the bank. Sites such as Gifts for Tweens offer an excellent range of really original bags and goodies which look great but are reasonably priced.  There are bags for junior explorers and little fashion freaks and some great fillers like lovely Santoro journals and cards for magic tricks. Much better than a few sweets and no effort required!


Ultimately it is the thought that counts and there is no need to fret over your party or party bags. Kids will appreciate any gift and no one is going to expect an elephant safari or a karaoke kit for that matter! Choose an attractive ready-made option or take a look at the sites who sell these bags to see what other interesting elements you could include in yours and job done! You can now spend your valuable time (and money) on other aspects of the party.

Sally Stacey, the author of this post, is a blogger and party enthusiast who currently writes on behalf of Gifts For Tweens.