Cash Back Site and $10 Bonus! Members


I’ve never heard of so chances are some of you haven’t either. is another cashback shopping site that gives a percentage back for online purchases made after clicking through their links. Similar to others, it’s also offering a $10 sign-up bonus for a limited-time to get you started. You need to “earn” $25 to withdraw your rewards and it’s at that time you’ll receive your extra $10 bonus.


This company is very similar to eBates which offers a $10 new user sign-up bonus after any purchase of $25 is made.  This post contains my referral link.  Thank you for supporting my blog!

Food On The Table – EASY Online Meal Planning!


Food on the Table is an easy meal planning service that is based on sales at local grocery stores.  With Food on the Table, you’ll be able to:

– find thousands of easy, healthy recipes

– save money by knowing the items that are on sale

– simplify your shopping experience with a well organized grocery list


How cool is that?  I found this site last night when I was searching for meal ideas for the coming weeks.  I just signed up and I am excited to check it out!  It’s free if you use the service for 3 meals or less a week {that’s what I chose to start with}. For more than 3 meals a week and more recipes, you can upgrade to the premium version for a low introductory rate of $5/month. Click the image above to sign up!


10 Ways to Save Money in the Home Office

This is a guest post from Mr. James Adams.  I hope you enjoy it and please feel free to leave comments on additional ways you’ve found to save money in your home office.

10 Ways to Save Money in the Home Office


Each home office is created for the purpose of meeting a specific need for the person who must accomplish tasks. Some home offices are simply a place for mail to rest until the bills are paid. Other home offices are the launching pad for businesses that will move to a commercial space after a certain growth milestone is reached. Efforts spent saving nickels and dimes are essential in the first scenario, but not as important when the business is flourishing. Every home office owner will benefit from approaching the home office through a series of decisions that guide all purchasing decisions.


1. Evaluate The Office Purpose

If the home office will be used to conduct business with clients, the office entrance and furnishings must meet very high standards of cleanliness, safety, and professionalism. A home office that will be used exclusively by one person can be very casual and convenient without the emphasis on image and access.


2. Write Three Guiding Principles

Based on the established purpose of the office, every home office owner can write down three statements concerning costs. For example, “I will compare prices from three sources prior to purchasing furniture, supplies or services.” Another example might be, “I will purchase second-hand goods whenever possible to save money.”


3. Set A Budget

Actual dollar amounts should be assigned to the office set-up efforts which will include phone and internet connections, lighting, office furniture, filing supplies, and security measures. If a desk constructed from an old door resting on two file cabinets is all that is required, the budget should reflect this approach. When the home office must present a professional image, more money will be required to create a welcoming environment for clients.


4. Assess Value Of Time

Based on the anticipated income of the business, the value of the business owner’s time must be calculated. The importance of this detail cannot be overstated because choices must be made between completing tasks personally and hiring craftsmen and office assistants. If someone else’s time can be purchased for less money, help others by hiring them for their services.


5. Buy Quality Second-Hand

There are many sources of high-quality second hand goods, including: electronics, computer equipment, office supplies and furniture. When the office can be furnished over time, beautiful furnishings can be acquired for a fraction of the cost. When businesses close or move, they will sell equipment and supplies at great prices.


6. Enlist Help Appropriately

Saving money can also create income streams for people who have valuable skills. Building a custom piece of furniture might be a great weekend project, but it might be faster to hire a gifted woodworker. When printing a large print job, investigate the cost of hiring out the job to save your time and supplies.


7. Beware Of Costly Bargains

Free software might be a great asset for task completion, but some of that software can bring problems to your computer. Understand the difference between inexpensive printer ink and cheap printer ink. Some computer problems are caused by faulty cables and unreliable power sources.


8. Develop Internet Knowledge

Many great computer services are available on the internet, and the business owner with some internet savvy can save money on virtually anything. Powerful websites are available for accounting software and other business functions that are available for free or for a minimal charge.


9. Understand Every Actual Cost

Utility rates differ between daytime and evening, and every business owner should understand the benefit of positioning the home office to use natural light. Prices for supplies and services must be available to make decisions concerning outsourcing functions such as printing documents and photos so that money-saving decisions are easier.


10. Save But Do Not Skimp

Wise money spending means that needs are met, but waste is avoided in every category. Cheap paper will cause printer jams that can cause costly repairs. Cheap ink will not produce appealing documents because the ink will smudge and bleed. Cheap office furniture made from particleboard can be dangerous under the ever-increasing weight of books and files.


Every home office purchase must be weighed against numerous factors to ensure wise use of every dollar. Even the most lucrative business must restrain office expenses in favor of directing funds to areas of the business that will generate revenue. Waiting to make certain purchases will yield better value, but delay in other areas can cause additional expense because of the trends in commodity prices. Follow the three guiding principles written in step 2 to make wise purchases every time.


Currently employed by a company in Manchester that is mostly made up of printer cartridge and toner experts, James Adams is the office expert on HP cartridges in the office and can usually be found writing about them on the internet.

5 Tips to Be a Better You

Be honest—have you ever driven by a jogger alongside the road and thought,Why do they want to do that? She is crazy!


I know several runners, half marathoners, full marathoners and even one triathlete—and they will be the first to tell you that, yes, maybe they are a little crazy.

You must be weird to run for three or four hours, right? Sometimes, you may be out there sweating at 5 a.m.  You may endure extreme heat or possibly rain. You might have to dodge drivers on the roads who won’t set their smart-phones down. You could find yourself fighting off bees or stray dogs, all while wearing spandex and a neon blinking vest.  These things are pretty common for serious runners.


Training to run a race isn’t something you do last minute. You have to make a plan and stick to it.  You need to be prepared for the aches and pains and ups and downs that will come.  You just need to remember that it will all be worth it when you cross that finish line.  You have to pace yourself and, literally, take one step at a time.  If you rush off the starting line too soon you are destined to fail.


Just the thought of running a marathon might make you tired (it does me!), but the truth is that physical endurance training isn’t that different from a maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Both take work!  If you can make a plan to live healthier, you can make a plan to run a marathon.


Just about anyone can run a marathon. The training is all about discipline and commitment to change your lifestyle.  If you’ve ever worked your body into shape, then you know the kind of determination and commitment that is needed to follow through.

You can’t train inconsistently.You have to commit to doing the necessary steps. If you do the steps, you’ll succeed and have fun doing it. If you skip steps, you’ll struggle and hate the process and result.


Just like working toward a healthy lifestyle, training for an endurance race is something you have to take in small bites.  If you jump in thinking you’re going to get healthy overnight or run 10 miles on your first try, then you’ve got another thing coming.


In order to succeed you must start small with measurable goals and build upon them.  With training, start with something small like setting your alarm clock for 5:00 a.m. and get up and run for 30 minutes.  For healthy living, start small by taking vitamins twice daily.  Take half of your multivitamin in the morning and half in the evening.


Besides being similar in nature,  exercise and living a healthy life are both components of a well-rounded life.  If you run a few mile everyday but are skipping your vitamins and eating unhealthy foods, then you’re only working on part of the problem.  If you’re eating healthy but never get off the couch you are also missing the big picture.


Take that same sense of commitment and self-sacrifice you put toward _______ (you fill in the blank) and focus it on your health. Whether you train for a 5K (the only race I’ve ever ran), a triathlon, or you want to simply stay on your treadmill for twenty minutes, you’ve got what it takes to succeed.  Put in the time and the effort, and you’ll see results.


As a new mom, it’s easy for me to feel overwhelmed from constantly focusing on my baby.  In order to stay refreshed I need to do everything I can to stay healthy and alert.  Here are the tips that have helped me be a better me and hopefully they can help you be a better you!


Nature Made

Daily vitamins! This is #1 not only because it’s the first thing I do every day but also because I know how important it is for my overall health.  Follow this link to see a short video from Dr. Oz explaining the Critical Daily Vitamins all women should take.  I’ve even read that some studies show optimum nutrients can slow aging!  Who wouldn’t want that?  Vitamins give me increased energy which is something I could never have too much of!  Taking vitamins daily also makes me feel that I’m doing something good for my body and in turn good for my family.  Nature Made vitamins are made with the best ingredients and they are affordable for any budget.  Even though it may seem like a good idea to save a little money by skipping out on vitamins, the cost to your health could be very expensive.


– Drink water! Make time to drink a big glass of water every morning.  This is easy to do if you combine it with the first tip, take your vitamins.  I’m told that we lose a lot of oxygen through the night and to rejuvenate our cells, we need to supply them with water and oxygen.  Drink a glass of water every morning and within a week you’ll begin to feel less tired.


– Get sleep! Yes, everyone knows this but it’s oh so important to actually do it!  Insufficient sleep can make you forget your vitamins, make you too tired for exercise, make you crave junk food and make you, well, grouchy.  Your body and your mind both need that precious rest.  If you have trouble going to bed at a decent hour a good tip is to set an alarm on your phone to remind you it’s time for bed.


– Eat healthy! Healthy eating requires replacing junk food for nutritious food.  You won’t stick to a diet that only removes the bad food from your diet.  You have to add healthy, delicious food into your diet to remain satisfied.  Make it a goal to include plenty of colorful vegetables, fruit, whole grains and other high fiber foods in your daily diet and eliminating refined high glycemic foods.


– Be positive! I believe with all my heart that it is our attitude that is the driving force of healthy living.  According to Abe Lincoln, “Most people are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”  So make up your mind to be happy and healthy today!


Motherhood is a joy, and so is womanhood. Embrace them both.  Remember, it takes discipline, creativity and sacrifice to win in all areas of life.


I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Nature Made and received promotional items to thank me for taking the time to participate. Vote for my entry at between 9/20/11 and noon (PT) 9/26/11.

Beauty Tips from Arm & Hammer

Arm and Hammer Beauty TipsWhen I think of uses for Arm & Hammer baking soda I usually only think of two things, a box sitting in my fridge to deodorizing it and chocolate chip cookies.  When Mom Central asked if I would like to join their Arm & Hammer blog tour I was overwhelmingly excited!  If you know me, you know that I love to find new uses for every day products and I never knew that there are so many uses for baking soda.  I am going to share with you what I have learned and I think you will find a new love for baking soda too!

Uses I already knew that baking soda was great for:

  • Treatment for insect bites

Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply this natural salve to the affected area.

  • Cleaning hair brushes

Remove natural oil build-up and hair product residue by soaking hair brushes in a mixture 1 tbs of baking soda in a small sink full of warm water.  Rinse and allow to dry.

  • Natural soft scrub

I learned this mixture when I was pregnant and afraid of the harmful fumes of regular products.  For light cleaning, sprinkle water and baking soda and scrub with a damp sponge.  For extra cleaning umph make a paste of baking soda, coarse salt, and dish liquid soap.  Let the mixture set on your dirty surface for a few minutes then scour off.

  • Natural deodorant

Sprinkle baking soda under arms to absorb odors and feel fresh.

Beauty treatment ideas for baking soda:

  • Facial glow

Mix 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water (1 part oatmeal is optional).  Cleanse skin as usual followed by this gentle scrub.  As with all scrubs be sure to avoid the eye area.  Rinse with warm water.

  • Brightening manicure

Dip brush in baking soda and scrub nails and cuticles.  Make a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water.  Rub in a gentle circular motion over hands and fingers to exfoliate and relax.  Rinse clean with warm water and apply polish as usual.

  • Pedicure foot soak

Dissolve 3 tbs of baking soda in a basin of warm water and soak feet (a drop or two of lavender or your sent of choice is nice too).  Gently scrub tired feet with a paste of baking soda, water, and brown sugar for smooth feet.  Towel dry and apply a rich moisturizer and cotton socks for ultimate softness.

  • Soothing bath soak

For a relaxing bath experience, add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your bath.  This will neutralize acids on your skin and help wash away oil and perspiration.  You will feel refreshed and your skin will feel silky smooth.


I have to tell you that Arm & Hammer gave me a very nice gift basket!  It came with a box of Arm & Hammer, a shaker of Arm & Hammer, a glass tea cup, tea, a manicure set, nail polish, a head band, soft wash cloth, and a few other little goodies.  I loved trying out the foot soak and manicure for myself!


My husband will tell you that I adore and need beauty products…they are what I like to call “pamper me products.”  They aren’t items that are needed to get ready each morning but they are things that make me feel good about myself.  I can’t go to the spa everyday, I choose not to spend money on manicures and pedicures but I like to feel good about the way I look.  I’m not alone, am I?  The time I spend taking a long bubble bath gives me the renewed energy and enthusiasm I need to keep up with life’s daily tasks.  I am happy to now have a nice pamper-me-product without a large price tag.


Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Arm & Hammer and received a beauty basket to thank me for taking the time to participate.

Ten Time Saving Tips for Holiday Entertaining

10 Time Saving Tips for Holiday Entertaining

Here are my top ten time saving tips for holiday entertaining.  I hope they will help you save time and make your holidays more enjoyable!

10.) Set your table the day before your party.  This is a huge time saver and you’ll now have more time to get ready and relax yourself.  Remember it’s you that ultimately sets the mood for your party.

9.) Avoid making multiple last-minute grocery trips by stocking up on cooking and baking ingredients early.

8.) Make ahead meals are great for holiday parties.  There is less mess involved for clean up and you won’t be stuck in the kitchen cooking during the party.

7.) Buy a pie instead of making one.  I know some of you are gasping at this but Mrs. Smith’s pies are hard to beat (and a LOT quicker)!

6.) With a little creativity you can mix homemade and store-bought foods to save a ton of time.

5.) Assign a teen or tween to the door to greet and gather coats as they come.  Have them take the coats to a pre-cleaned out closet or to lay gently on a bed.

4.) Let guests who want to help do so.  They will feel good that they could contribute and that is one less side dish or dessert that you’ll have to fix.

3.) The night before the party lay out each serving dish with it’s appropriate utensils and label what does in it.  The labels will be a great asset to your party volunteers and will allow you to focus on more important things.

2.) Clear dishes and load them in the dishwasher as you go.  This will save you from an enormous pile later on.

1.) Avoid the late night gift wrapping crunch by wrapping gifts soon after you buy them.  If you don’t have time to immediately decorate the packages with ribbon and bows label the gifts with sticky notes.

Do you have any time saving tips that you swear by?

Swagbucks: Get Paid to Search Online

If you are like me, you probably do a lot of searching online.  If I need to find a how-to instructional, help spelling a word, a quick math problem, Google is my best friend.


I’ve been a fan of Swagbucks for quite some time now – so long that I can’t honestly remember where I first heard of it.  Swagbucks is an awesome online search engine that rewards you for searching online.


At first, I thought “Okay, the gift cards are Search & Winprobably real but it must take years to get a small one.”  I did some investigating and quickly learned that Swagbucks is super simple to sign up for and every blogger I spoke with about it loved them.  One told me that they had earned over $100 in gift cards in just four months.  I was in, it took me about one minute to sign up. There are no fees, no credit card required, and no phone number or address requested.  If I remember correctly they only ask for your name, email, password, zip code, and birth date.


As soon as you sign up you are credited free points to your account (these vary depending on the special they are running, it could be from 3 to 30).  When you download the toolbar you earn a few more points.  After only 450 points earned, you can get a free $5 Amazon gift card.  Or at 1,300 points, you can get a $10 Starbucks gift card.  There are dozens of other prizes, too…including PayPal cash!


Now, I’m sure there are some of you thinking, “What’s the big deal if I only earn a $5 or $10 gift card every so often?” Well, you’re right, $10 isn’t that exciting but it’s a start and soon your earnings will be large before you know it.  Want to know what I’m planning on buying with my many, many Amazon gift cards?  Drum roll please….I’m going to buy fancy pants SLR digital camera for myself for Christmas!  I’m very excited because I’ve wanted a good camera for a while but could not imagine spending hundreds on a camera.  This feels like free money because I’ve done nothing out of the way to earn it- I would have done searches on Google anyway.  For those wondering, I’ve also bought other people Birthday, Baby Shower, & Christmas gifts from my Swagbucks account, I’m not greedy with my bucks. 🙂


Want to know another way to earn Swagbucks?  This is one that I haven’t taken advantage of before now.  Tell others about Swagbucks!  Surely you know other people who search the internet.   Send them your referral link, and you’ll not only instantly receive points when they sign up but you’ll also earn points for the searching they do online.  How crazy is that?


Well, sign up with me and then go and tell everyone you know about Swagbucks and soon you’ll be on your way to funding your entire Christmas budget with free gift cards from Swagbucks.  Now that is something to get excited about!


For those of you who have a blog or a Facebook page you’ll especially want to share your referral link there.


Let’s review, Swagbucks…

– Is Free.

– Won’t rob you of your time.

– Could generate a nice stream of free gift cards for you.


So what are you waiting for?  Go sign up for Swagbucks today! 🙂

The Best Time to Buy Everything

The Best Time to Buy Everything
I hope this calendar will be helpful but please consider this as a general guide.  Keep your eye on the sales circulars and this blog to help you find the best deal because there will always be exceptions.  Don’t forget the awesome power of negotiation too!

Other tips:

  • Airline tickets tend to be least expensive when bought on a Tuesday afternoon through Thursday. The worst prices will come when you shop Saturday and Sunday.
  • Jewelry sales are common, except around Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and Christmas. So plan to buy early and always shop from a local jeweler, (from my experience) the selection will be better with more unique items, the prices will be lower and the salesman more knowledgeable and helpful.





CDs and DVDs

Christmas trees, decor and gift wrapping accessories





Treadmills and ellipticals




Chocolate (post Valentine’s Day)

Houses and condos


Winter clothing

Sleighs and other snow toys

Treadmills and ellipticals




Digital cameras


Small electronics (MP3 player, Blu-ray player, etc.)

Winter coats



Candy (after Easter)


Digital cameras

Spring clothing

Lawn mowers

Tires and other car care supplies




Athletic clothes and shoes

Lawn mowers

Cordless phones

Camping gear

Small electronics






Fresh produce

Indoor furniture

Performance theater tickets

Picnic/party supplies

Gym memberships

Small electronics





Indoor furniture

Fresh produce

Outdoor furniture

Performance theater tickets

School/office supplies




Lawn mowers


Air conditioners


Fresh produce


Outdoor furniture

Pools and pool supplies

Snow blowers





Digital Cameras

Gas grills

Lawn mowers

Trees, shrubs, perennials

Small electronics

Snow blower





Digital cameras

Gas grills

Lawn mowers

Tires and other car care supplies

Winter coats



Baby products

Baby furniture

Baking supplies




Carpeting and other flooring

Disposable baking pans

Gas grills

GPS device

Halloween costumes








Carpeting and other flooring


Disposable baking pans

Gas grills

GPS device

Ham and turkey

Home appliances (large & small)


Small electronics





If you loved this list be sure to bookmark this page and for more money saving tips follow us on Facebook.

9 Ways to Save Money on Laundry Costs



While I can’t eliminate laundry from your to-do list, I can help you save money on laundry with these frugal laundry tips.  Laundry can be as expensive or as inexpensive as you want it to be. Not all tips are right for every one; just choose the ones that will work for you and enjoy lower utility and laundry supply bills!  Here are 9 different ways to save on the cost of doing laundry, ranging from quick and easy to long-term solutions. Enjoy!


1. Buy Energy Star rated appliances. That Energy Star emblem means they use less energy therefore it will cost you less to use. When replacing old or worn out appliances, check for the Energy Star rating when making your replacement choices.


2. Cut dryer sheets in half. One box lasts twice as long when you cut the sheets in half. As soon as you buy the box, break out the scissors and cut your dryer sheet expenses by 50%! Or you could use each dryer sheets twice, this works just as well with less work!


3. Use correct amount of laundry detergent. Be sure to read and follow the recommended amount of detergent for your size load. Detergent caps are misleading! Often they will have 4 or 5 lines but only require detergent for the first line or maybe the second for a large load.


4. Use less detergent and liquid fabric softener. You can usually get by with using only half of the recommended amount without sacrificing performance.  Give it a try!  This works great even on heavily soiled garments.


5. Clean the lint trap before every load of laundry. A clean lint trap lets your dryer work more efficiently and dry clothes faster. Spend an extra 20 seconds and empty it before you start the dryer. Every 3 months scrub your lint trap with soap and water to eliminate invisible dryer sheet residue. Your dryer will run more efficiently and a clean lint trap cuts down the risk of a dryer fire!



6. Line dry your clothes. Hang items to dry outside or inside over store bought racks. Personally, I don’t use a dryer for undergarments (they’ll last a lifetime longer and hold shape better if you don’t!), nice shirts or sweaters, & t-shirts with large print on them (they will crack & look older faster if you dry them).


7. Do less laundry. Wear jeans several times before washing, use bath towels more than once (change wash cloths daily). Sweaters and jackets easily be worn more than once if you wear them layered with a shirt underneath. Make sure you hang up clothes that can be worn again so that they’re not wrinkly or washed by mistake.


8. Dry loads back to back if possible to keep the dryer from heating up again (save time and energy).

9. Wash in the coldest temperature recommended for your clothes. Save your water heater energy when possible. Cold water temperatures are proven to clean just as well as hot and will also help to preserve the fibers of your clothing so it won’t wear out as fast.

9 Things Everyone Should do Daily

Do Daily


Of course, these are only my opinions but I think they’re good ones. : )


1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day, and while you walk, smile. This will lift your spirits every time!


2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Thank God for what He’s done, talk about what is going on in your life, & read the Bible (The first two parts of this can be done while walking…the last part if you have the Bible on an Ipod).


3. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement,
“Today I will__________ . I am thankful for______________ .”


4. Drink plenty of water & eat a piece of fruit.


5. Try to make at least three people smile each day.


6. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a college student. : )


7. You are not so important that you have to win every argument. Remember to agree to disagree.


8. Do at least one sacrificial thing for someone else each day.


9. Each night, before you go to bed complete the following statement:
“I am thankful for__________.”