February Photo a Day Challenge

Because our January Photo a Day Challenge was so much fun I decided to host a February Photo a Day Challenge!


Did you play along with us last month?  If you’re a regular photo-a-day’er or if this is your first challenge we welcome you to come and join us!  This is all for fun so if you skip a day or two you can make them up later or just forget about them.  No pressure!  This is just a fun way to slow down and focus on the beauty in life.  Every day moments in life are beautiful!


February Photo a Day Challenge


It has been a joy to see all of your fun pictures and to get to know some of you better!  I can’t wait to get started looking at this month’s pictures.


How to participate:

All it takes to join in is to simply take a photo and post it on a social media site with the hashtag #EmbracingBeauty.  I’m using Instagram and sometimes I’ll post them on Twitter and Facebook too.  When you tag your photos with the #EmbracingBeauty hashtag they’ll join the list of photos under the #EmbracingBeauty hashtag.  If you click on the “#EmbracingBeauty” it will pull up everyone’s photos who are playing along.  You can see all the fun photo ideas other Embracing Beauty readers are sharing.  What fun!!


Who’s ready to join me?

Life Lately: Trampoline Park, Super Bowl, & More!

Trampoline Park

My little girl had so much fun at her friend’s birthday party last week!  This was the first time we’ve been to a trampoline park but it certainly won’t be the last.  That place was awesome!

Happy Baby

Here’s a picture capturing sweet Daddy & daughter time before bed.  It warms my heart!

Last week went by insanely fast, so I guess it only makes sense that this one felt sluggish and rough.  Even though it was stormy and rainy today we’re supposed to have temperatures in the high 70’s for the next few days.  That would be nice!  Some of our family should be visiting in a few weeks, that is, if everyone can stay well.  {This month has been awful for illness, hasn’t it?}  That will be a nice break from our regular routine and if the weather’s nice it would be a good chance to get out and enjoy it.  It’s hard to believe the Super Bowl is this weekend!  While I’m not one to really care about The Big Game (you know the one!), but you can guarantee that I’ll watch the commercials.  After we TIVO it that is.  I have my Big Game nail art all ready and ready to cheer on…wait, I haven’t consulted with my husband about which team we’re cheering for.  Can you tell I have no clue about football?  I know my husband likes the Georgia Bulldogs and Mark Richt but other than that I’m clueless.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and thank you for letting me share a little about what’s going on in my world lately!  How are things in your neck of the woods?

The Big Game Nails

This post contains affiliate links.

Football Nails


With the Super Bowl just around the corner I’m celebrating with a little nail art!  I don’t know why but I just get in these nail design moods from time to time.  I hope you enjoy my Big Game nails!  I included both teams because I don’t have a favorite in this game.  Actually, I only watch the Super Bowl for the commercials and the fun snacks {check out my favorite The Big Game dip recipe!}.


Here’s what I used to make this manicure happen:

If you like this manicure feel free to pin it on Pinterest.  If you give this manicure a try yourself I would love to see your pictures!

Are you excited for the Super Bowl?  If so, what teams are you cheering for?

7 Ways to Exercise at the Office!

7 Ways to Exercise at the Office
In my list of 10 Things I’ve Learned About Blogging my number 6 is to exercise.  Blogging is an insidiously sedentary activity and without exercise it’s easy to put on extra pounds.  For some reason, this year, I’m anxious to find ways to exercise while I work at my computer.  Maybe it’s the many new years resolutions that I’m seeing posted on Facebook, or the fact that I just finished my 6 month journey with Shaklee’s Cinch {now called Shaklee 180}, or maybe I’m just tired of being lazy.  Either way, I’ve done a lot of research on the subject and now I’m sharing it with you in case you want to join me in my weird experiment to use exercise equipment in the office.  Who’s with me?  Here are 7 Ways to Exercise at the Office!exercise ball desk chairExercise BallThe exercise ball also goes by other names such as fitness ball, exercise ball, or balance ball.  It’s made from a thick durable rubber that can easily hold your weight and allows you to do a variety of exercises.  One simple way to use it is to sit on the ball while you work.  I’m thinking that this is a good option for me!  Sitting on it works your core muscles as you maintain good postural alignment.  Check out this awesome exercise ball chair that I found on Amazon!  It’s on sale for $101.99 {marked down from $188.94} with free shipping.  That’s a 46% savings! 


Step elliptical trainer

Elliptical Trainer

This is an elliptical like none other because it fits under your desk.  We sold our elliptical a few years ago to make better use of our space but I do miss it.  This would be a great way to get a little exercise in without really thinking about it.  I could just peddle while I worked. This elliptical trainer is on sale for $87 {marked down from $200} with free shipping on Amazon.  That’s a 57% savings!



Under desk cycle


This is similar to the elliptical that rests under your desk but instead of an elliptical motion it moves like a bicycle.  If you put it on top of your desk you can even use it to work out your arms.  However, I wouldn’t recommend this unless you work form home.  You might get made fun of. : )  This adjustable height cycle is on sale for $35.99 {marked down from $60} with free shipping from Amazon.  That’s a 40% savings!

balance diskBalance Discs
I will probably avoid these because I have no sense of balance…or maybe I should get them to improve my balance?  These balance disks are thick rubber that’s filled with air.  Whenever you’re standing at your desk, say on the phone, you could stand on this ball.  It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to use it while wearing heels though!  This balance disk is on sale at Amazon for $15.30 {marked down from $24.99} and it ships for free with Amazon Prime.
resistance bands
Resistance Bands
I have one of these that I got as a freebie last year from a vitamin company’s Facebook offer.  Resistance bands are made of a durable rubber that has plastic handles on each end.  You can do many stretches with these throughout the day and I need to start!  A resistance band is great for shoulder presses, lateral raises, triceps extensions & other exercises I don’t exactly know the names of.  There are a variety of resistance bands out there but I found this set on Amazon for only $17.99 plus free Amazon Prime shipping.  This set reuses the same handles for all of the different strength resistance bands.
treadmill desk
Treadmill Desk
If you’re pressed for time and aren’t able to go to the gym, you can bring your gym to your office with a treadmill desk.  This apparatus has a workstation complete with space for a laptop, books, phone, and water bottle.  You simply walk at a slow pace as you work.  Hey, maybe your mind will be so distracted by what you’re doing that you’ll forget that you’re exercising!  I’m sure I’m not coordinated enough for one of these and I don’t have a treadmill due to space limitations, but I have to say that I would love to try this and see if I could handle working and walking at the same time!  I love a challenge!  This treadmill desk is on sale at Amazon for $483.77 {marked down from $589} and ships for free!
pedal desk
Pedal Desk
Similar to the treadmill desk, the pedal desk allows you to work on your computer while getting a work out.  With the pedal desk you can cycle to your heart’s content while having your computer at your fingertips.  This isn’t as appealing to me as the treadmill desk but I’d still like to take it for a spin!  This pedal desk is on sale at Amazon for $253.96 {marked down from $289} plus free shipping!


What about you?  What ways have you found to briefly exercise while at the office?

Choosing a Potty Training Seat

potty seat


As I’ve announced before, I’m in the early stages of potty training my daughter and today I’m ready to buy a potty seat.  One of my friend’s daughter is 18 months and she pottied in the toilet for the first time today and that has me motivated.


When looking for a potty seat I first found the ever popular Baby Bjorn toilet trainer.  This has great reviews and has been around for a while so it should be the obvious choice, right?  I thought so too until I saw the new Arm & Hammer Secure Comfort Potty Seat.  It also has great reviews but it’s about $20 cheaper and comes with an air freshener and handles.  I’m excited about the handles. Isn’t that a great idea?!


The Baby Bjorn toilet trainer is $33 on Amazon and the Arm & Hammer Secure Comfort Potty seat is only $11 + Free Prime Shipping with $25 total purchase.  I’m strongly leaning toward the Arm & Hammer Potty Seat but before I make my purchase I wanted to run this by ya’ll and see which one ya’ll preferred and any pros and cons you have.


Little Looster's Looster Booster


Oh, and I also found this awesome little step stool for kiddos.  It’s called the Little Looster’s Looster Booster and is on sale now at Amazon for $34.50 + free prime shipping.  That means if I buy this and either one of the potty seats they’ll both ship for free.  This looks pretty incredible but I’m open to any potty step stool advice you may have too.  Thanks in advance for any advice you share!!


Oh, by the way!

If you know my husband very well you probably know that he likes to goof off and play around.  Part of that includes singing.  Singing constantly.  Not too many of them are songs you would actually know but a few are.  Most of them he makes up to the melody or rhythm of other songs but by my request he won’t make a parody of George Strait or Alabama.  {Is it melody or rhythm?  I have no clue about music!}  The only exception was when he rewrote George Strait’s song, Baby’s Gotten Good at Goodbye.  The original lyrics are, “That’s got me worried thinking maybe my baby has gotten good at goodbye” and his lyrics are, “That’s got me worried thinking maybe my baby is having her baby tonight.” I promise I had that song stuck in my head during labor!  I love him!  If you’re still reading, you can tell by now that this is one of those personal babbling type posts that probably won’t add much to your life but I hope it’s fun to take a peek inside mine. : )


Where was I?  Oh yes, my husband likes to sing. A lot.  Whenever we are going throughout the course of our day and one of us will accidentally say a line from a song he’ll start singing the song. It’s pretty fun actually!  I’ve always done this in my head but now I’m married to someone who does the same thing, except out loud.  I love it!  If you have no clue what I’m talking about, here’s an example.  While writing the fourth sentence to this paragraph {The third, if you don’t count “A lot.” as a sentence} I typed, “Whenever we” and I started singing in my head, “Whenever we go out, the people always shout, “There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt!” Na na na na na na na.”  It’s really a wonder that I get anything done!


One of the songs my husband frequently sings is By the Way by Joe Scruggs.  I’ve heard him sing this song for years now so I know all of the words but today he messaged me excited that he had finally found a video of the song so I could hear it.  It’s a cute song, here are the lyrics to it!


By the Way

It’s Monday morning,
I’m running late,
There’s not a minute to spare.
Mom calls out, “Come on, let’s go,”
As she finishes drying her hair.
Now I’m in my place with a smile on my face,
Just thinking about my day,
Then I think of some things I’m supposed to bring,
And that’s when I say,
“Dear Mom, oh, by the way,
I need an orange juice can,
Four cotton balls, and
Six rubber bands,
And by the way, I’m an angel in the play,
I’m gonna sing and I need some wings.
Well, I guess I’ve induced some stress
Mom’s smile begins to fade,
And she runs to the kitchen and digs though the trash for the can from the lemonade.
Now I start to protest but she’s doing her best so then I try to make it right…
I say, I need everything by 8:15. BUT I don’t need the wings till tonight.
Oh by the way, I need an ORANGE juice can, if it’s lemonade will the teacher understand?
And by the way they’re having meatloaf today,
if you don’t mind a bunch…I’m gonna need a lunch.
Sometimes I just don’t believe how resourceful mom’s can be.
She gets the cotton balls and the rubberbands from her vanity.
I’ve got a lemonade can not quite the right brand, but mom says ‘It will do.’
Then we’re out of the door it’s 7:54, I won’t be late for school.
Oh by the way, meatloaf is better than it seems…
for my lunch mom packed a can of sardines.
And for the play it’s sisters costume from ballet I’m gonna sing in her butterfly wings.”


Ha! Ha!  Isn’t that awesome?  I can see why my husband loves it so.  How many parents of elementary school children have not lived that morning before at least once?  If you can’t identify with this song from your present circumstances in life, maybe you can remember doing that to your parents at one time or another.  I know I sure can!  My poor Mom put up with so much.  Mom, if you’re reading this, I love you!


Doing a little research I found that Joe Scruggs got his singing career started by writing songs for his wife’s kindergarten class.  Who knows, maybe my husband will be the next great parody song writer?  I really think he would do awesome at it.  He’s got some good ones!  Weird Al, are you listening?  If you need any ideas, I know someone who can help!


You can watch the video of “By The Way”  here on YouTube.


Oh, by the way, once you’re there don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel. : )

January Photo a Day Challenge!

Because our December Photo a Day Challenge was such a hit and so much fun I decided to host a January Photo a Day Challenge!


Did you play along with us in December?  Or did you get busy and fizzle out somewhere around the end…like I did?  Ha!  That’s okay.  This is all for fun anyway and besides January is a new month.  Please come and join us again.  It has been a joy to see all of your fun pictures and to get to know some of you better!

If you haven’t played along before, don’t worry, you can jump in now!  It’s okay if you miss a day…or two…or 10…it doesn’t matter.  This is just a fun way to slow down and focus on the beauty in life.  Every day moments in life are beautiful!


January Photo a Day Challenge


All it takes to join in is to simply take a photo and post it on a social media site with the hashtag #EmbracingBeauty.  I’m using Instagram {unless they decide to mess with their TOS again} and sometimes I’ll post them on Twitter and Facebook too.  When you tag your photos with the #EmbracingBeauty hashtag they’ll join the list of photos under the #EmbracingBeauty hashtag.  If you click on the “#EmbracingBeauty” it will pull up everyone’s photos who are playing along.  You can see all the fun photo ideas other Embracing Beauty readers are sharing.  What fun!!


Who’s ready to join me?

Month 6: #Cinchspiration Weight Loss Update

I’ve done it, I’ve reached the sixth month of my Cinch program and I’m awful proud of it!  I’ve spent the past six months going through my personal work out boot camp while on the Cinch program and sharing that on a public stage.  You’ve been able to see my struggles as I’ve tried to find balance in living a healthy life as a mom.  The world has been able to watch my ups and downs through their computer screens.  The goal, besides reviewing the Cinch program, was to inspire and show how life’s challenges can be overcome. Of course, the ultimate goal was to learn how to eat and live a healthy lifestyle and to pass those values and habits on to my family.   Now for some fun before and after pictures!!  

Before and After

Okay so I know that these facial pictures don’t show a major difference but the difference is huge to me.  You see, my face has always been chubby and always will be.  Growing up my family use to comfort me by saying that the baby fat on my face would go away as I got older.  If it hasn’t gone away yet I don’t think it ever will.  Even when I weighed around 100 pounds I’ve had a face chubbier than some women who weighed double what I did.  It’s something I have to live with and I’m okay with that.  However, I did gain some weight in my face when I was pregnant and I’m excited to slowly be losing it.  It might not be a dramatic difference for you to see but it makes a HUGE difference in how I feel about myself.  I love it!

I’m sad to say that I don’t have before and after pictures for you just yet.  I have them!  Well, sort of.  I took before pictures and I’ve taken after pictures but the before pictures are stuck on a computer that freezes as soon as we restart it.  I’m really sad about this.  We’ll be taking the computer to get it fixed soon and you can bet that I’ll be showing them off when I get the pictures back!  I’m excited to see the before and after pictures side by side for myself.  I would show you the after picture now but it’s really not that impressive unless you saw what I looked like before.  I still don’t have an athletic build with 6 pack abs but I know that I look better than I did.  I sure feel better anyway! Update: I have pictures for you!!!  Yay!

Before and After

I’ll be honest, when I eat healthier I have more energy. Always!  I might not always like to admit it but it’s true.  I’ll take any extra bit of energy I can get.  Sure eating a candy bar and drinking a pop {or soda, or coke, or whatever} will give me a temporary bit of energy but it’s temporary and it’s usually followed by a sugar crash.  Skipping the sugary sweets alone has helped with my energy but the metabolism boosting Cinch supplement is there to give me an extra oomph.  Plus, their amazing snack bars are a great alternative to a sugary snack.  They have something magical in them that helps keep me fuller longer.  They’re great!

Are you ready to hear how much I lost?  Drum roll please…….

I’ve lost 25 pounds AND 24 inches!

I have to say, “Results and experiences are unique for each person, so results may vary. People following the weight loss portion of Shaklee 180 can expect to lose 1-2 pounds a week.”

That’s more than my kid weighs!  That’s pretty significant for me.  While I can rejoice in this small victory I’m not finished yet.  I still have weight that I want to lose and muscle that I want to tone up.  I hope you’ll continue to follow me on my weight loss/inch loss journey even though my official blogging time with the Cinch program has reached it’s end.

Come and see my final Cinchspiration video here on YouTube if the video doesn’t load below!

I’d like to close by saying a big THANK YOU to the Shaklee program for this opportunity and to Sommer for being such a wonderful friend and cheerleader through it all.

The Cinch™ program {which now goes by the name of Shaklee 180} was provided to me free of charge for 6 months in exchange for my honest opinion!  The posts I’ve written have been 100% my own and have not been edited by Shaklee.  No other compensation was received.

Cookies, Smoke, & Chaos, oh my!

We had so much fun last night getting together with some friends of ours.  The ladies baked and decorated cookies and biscotti while the men babysat and played video games.  Super fun!  We were able to talk, eat yummy treats and bake treats to give to others.  It was great!

Now fast-forward to today just before lunch.  I was sitting at the kitchen table working on finishing and publishing my last video for the Cinch program.  I knew my little sweetheart was going to wake up any minute now so I wanted to get our lunch ready beforehand.  I grabbed our lunch and laid it by the oven that I had just turned on to preheat.  I sat back down and chatted with a few blogging friends of mine on Facebook as I waited on the oven.  It never beeped so I decided to go ahead and go upstairs to get her anyway.  To my surprise, when I stood up, I notice that the kitchen AND living room are both filled with smoke!  Loads of it.  I’m in a panicked state of confusion.  My mind raced to think of what we had for dinner last night to see if by chance anything could have spilled over.  I thought, “Chicken pot pie? No.  Lasagna? No.  We had spaghetti!  No that wouldn’t cause it.”  I noticed that the back burner was smoking every so slightly so I calmed myself down and reassured myself that it was only a dirty tea pot causing the burner to smoke.  I don’t know what I was thinking, the burner wasn’t even on!  I removed the teapot to examine it but I quickly learned that it wasn’t the culprit.  When I picked it up smoke began rushing out like a geyer.  I quickly put the tea pot back.  I stood there for a moment to muster up the courage to open up the oven and see what was inside.  What on earth could cause an empty oven to produce so much smoke and possibly fire!  Oh, no, what if it wasn’t empty?  A lost teddy bear, a dish rag, who knows at this point.  I quickly peer inside as a wave of smoke attacks my face.  I see a pan of something that resembled burnt cookies.  I quickly shut the oven and breathed a huge sigh of relief.  No fire, no precious dolly, just cookies.  No big deal.  I turned off the oven and went and opened a door.  As I walk past the smoke detector, which clearly doesn’t work I realized that I didn’t know what to do next.

I called my husband in a panic because I needed to get this smoke out fast.  What if one of the upstairs smoke detectors went off?  My emotionally sensitive dog would be a mess, much less my sweet toddler.  Panic ensued.  My husband didn’t answer and I shook my fist in the air.  How dare he be at work, probably at a Christmas party, while I’m here trying to save our house from burning down?   Yes, I was a little dramatic but my heart was racing and adrenaline was flowing.  {Come to find out that he was at the pharmacy picking up a prescription for me.  How sweet!  I should have called his cell phone!}  I got online and messaged those blogging friends I was talking with just a few minutes before.  I was too jittery to explain much.  My message was something along the lines of, “HELP! Cookies started burning in the oven. Not fire but smoke everywhere. Don’t know what to do. Take outside? Let smoke out slowly? Help!”  They took longer than 30 seconds to respond so I tried to think of someone else to call who wouldn’t humiliate me for not knowing what to do.  Finally, I thought, “My mom, of course!”  She answered when I called and so sweetly and calmly instructed me to open the windows and doors on the other side of the house to let the breeze go through.  Why didn’t I think of that?  Even though I just vacuumed yesterday dog hair tumbleweeds were blowing through the house and out the door.  That gave me confidence that the smoke was headed out too .  Not to mention, a new idea on how to get rid of dog hair!  It’s very windy here today and the Christmas tree was rocking with all of it’s beautiful glass ornaments.  I run to the other side of the room, hurdling Christmas presents that had been blown to the middle of the floor and removed the ornaments that were most important to me before heading back to the kitchen.

Coming in the kitchen I see that my friends have replied to me and instructed me to take the burnt cookies outside.  I once again stand in front of the oven gathering courage to open it’s door but this time I’m prepared with an oven mitt.  I grab the pan and make a mad rush for the door.  I set the hot pan on the porch to cool down out as I rush back to the other side of the house to try and help direct the smoke out.  I don’t know how much I helped swishing a dish towel in the air but I felt productive.

Burnt Cookies

Now the rooms are much more visible with hardly any smoke left in sight.  The UPS man drops off a present and in the process nearly gives me a heart attack.  I’m a very paranoid person and I don’t usually leave my front door open so seeing a big man there, even though he was waving, was startling.  I composed myself and re-accessed the smoke situation.  The house looks empty of smoke so I begin closing the windows and doors.  When I get to the back door I find my dog eating as many burned pieces of coconut cookies as she can before I take the pan away from her.  I don’t know how she even knew that those charred remains were once delicious cookies.  I laugh at her, begin to relax, brought the pan inside and went up to get my daughter.  I’m thinking that she’s probably bouncing off the walls at this point but when I went in I found her sleeping.  I stood and watched my little sweetie sleep for a minute while thanking God for her, our warm house, and for keeping us safe.  As I walked back downstairs to make myself a warm cup of tea, I thought, “Hey, this will make a great blog post.”  Now here I am, sharing my humiliating and comical day with you in hopes that it will make you smile.

A Day of Silence

Blogging Break