Today my husband and I celebrated my 10,000th day being alive! He said that it’s more significant than my actual birthday because this is the last time I’ll ever add a digit to that number. Isn’t he the sweetest!?
He’s been building up this day up for weeks without telling me the significance of it and it’s been driving me crazy. I’ve called friends and family to see if they knew of any significance the date held. No such luck. I thought I could pry it out of him after midnight last night but that didn’t even work. Finally, today came and he took me out for breakfast and told me the news. I am officially 10,000 days old! When you say it like that it sounds old. ha. It’s sad that it’s starting to sound old when you say it in years.
I can’t complain. I’ve had a fabulous 10,000 day birthday. My life is good! I have a wonderful Savior, I’m married to an amazing man, I have a sweet daughter, and it’s been a great 10,000 days! Here’s to the next 10,000+!
Have you ever celebrated a unusual day just for the fun of it?
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