If you’ve never tried Dazzle Dry’s 4 steps to dazzling nails then you are missing out! It delivers a glorious shine that lasts and lasts as long as your nail polish does.
Step 1 – Nail Prep gently cleans and conditions your nails.
Step 2 – Top Coat dries in 2 minutes flat and helps your nail color stay put for the long haul.
Step 3 – Nail Polish goes on smoothly in just one coat but the bottle recommends two.
Step 4 – Top Coat goes on and dries in a breeze leaving you with shiny, gorgeous, dazzling nails!
Check out these four new beautiful spring colors Dazzle Dry just came out with. Aren’t they lovely?
Dazzle Dry says that they’ll dry manicures completely in 5 minutes and it’s true! It takes longer than 5 minutes for all the steps and for the painting itself but once painted they dry very fast.
I’ve used Dazzle Dry for years ever since my mom bought be my first set. When I received this set in the mail, compliments of Dazzle Dry, I noticed that the base coat looked different than it usually did. I thought it was just a new formula but as I was reading the small instruction booklet that came with it I found out that my base coat had actually turned to gel in the cold weather. I’m glad I had read about it before trying to apply it like that! The weather should be turning warm soon but I just wanted to post this and warn anyone who may be purchasing these in the future and who may receive a gelled base coat in the mail. It’s a simple fix, all I had to do was soak it in warm water for just a few minutes and it turned back to liquid again.
Check out these Easter egg nails I painted in celebration of spring! For the full step by step tutorial you can visit Shore Savings with Patti.
All in all, I highly recommend this set to anyone who is serious about beautiful nails. It holds the color for a long time and the shine is unsurpassed!
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