What would you say if I told you I was visited by a fairy this week? Would you think I was crazy? Out of my mind? Lying? Well, make no mistake about it, this week I was visited by a fairy.
It’s true, the Fairy Hobmother to be exact! He was gracious enough to bestow on me an Amazon gift card courtesy of the folks at Appliances Direct. Trust me, the Fairy Hobmother couldn’t have come at a better time – tax time is right around the corner and we owe big!
Would you like an extra special, magical visit from the Fairy Hobmother? All you have to do is leave a comment below and you might be the next person to receive an Amazon gift card!
*Throws handful of glitter in the air.*
Disclosure: I received a gift card to facilitate this post. See, this is proof that the Fairy Hobmother does exist!
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