If you have been thinking about starting you & your family on a shopping budget, then couponing is definitely something you should look into doing. Couponing is a great way to save a few bucks at the grocery store. Just remember, you don’t need to start out buying 30 bottles of mustard, start small, and evaluate your family’s needs. If you’re a beginner couponer, here are some tips you might find helpful:
Search – Where to get my coupons?
Well, this would be the best (and obvious) place to start because without coupons you simply cannot save money on groceries. You should definitely also take advantage of printing coupons off the internet. You are allowed 2 prints per coupon per computer. There are also a few other ways you can get your coupons besides just buying newspapers. Check out Embracing Beauty’s post Where to Find Coupons for more creative ideas.
Sample – Try new things
The one thing I have learned from years of couponing is that you have to be open to trying new brands and products. First off, you will save more money and second, you will open your mind (and tummy) to products you never knew existed. For example, my household were Scott’s snobs (yes I’m talking about TP), until one week my store ran a sale on Marcal (it was during dollar days) so essentially, the Marcal TP was FREE, so I decided to try some, we used it and liked it, we saved a ton of money and tried something new! Now if someone asks if I’m brand loyal, I always say “Yes, to whichever brand is on sale that week!”
Schedule Meals – Plan ahead
Planning your weekly menu, based on the coupons you have, is another great way to maximize your savings. For Example: I purchased Chicken Thighs for $0.69 lb for a 4 lb package (when it was on sale) at that price, I bought 4 packages. Then I cut up some Onions ($1.49 Bag) Carrots ($0.75 Bag) I added some spices and put it in the crock pot. I made enough that I froze the remaining leftover for another day in the week. Total spent making that meal, $5.00!!!
When we are able to purchase products for free or at a very low price we purchase multiple items of it. Sales of products go in cycles. If you’ve got a coupon for basic non-perishable items such as toothpaste, Toilet paper and paper towels, take advantage of them even if you aren’t running low on supplies yet. There’s nothing wrong with stocking up on some items if you know you’ll eventually use them.
Remember that the ultimate goal behind couponing is to save money! Just because there is a coupon, don’t feel obligated to use it. You maximize your savings by pairing up your coupons with your store’s sale cycle. Always remember, if you do overbuy (which I think all of us do when we first start out) it’s OK, you can donate what you will not use before expiration to a charity.
This is a guest post from B and V Savings. They strive to bring you the very best (and most reliable) coupons, samples and freebies around. Together they have saved their families over $6500.00+ in groceries. Their goal is to spread their knowledge and provide tools to help you save!
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