Minnie Mouse Slippers, Cup, Robe, Costume, & More On Sale!

I don’t know why but I’ve been on kind of a Minnie Mouse kick lately.  I tell  you, I’m crazy about that girl!  While searching for Minnie Mouse slippers for my daughter I found quite a few good deals at the Disney Store and I thought some of you might be interested too!


If you do decide to buy something be sure to click through Ebates for 3% cash back and use a coupon code.  The coupon code DVC10 will get you 10% off your entire purchase and BONUS20 will save 20% off of toys and plush.


Here are my favorites that I bought tonight!: 


Minnie Mouse Slippers Minnie Mouse Slippers -Reg. $14.50, on sale for $12  Could slippers get any cuter?



Minnie Mouse Mug

Minnie Mouse Mug – Reg. $12.50, on sale for $7  Merry Christmas to me!!



Minnie Mouse Cup Minnie Mouse Tumbler w/ Straw – Reg. $6.50, on sale 2 for $12  {It has floating glitter and bows in it!!}


Adorable Minnie Mouse Items on My Wish List: 


Minnie Mouse Robe Minnie Mouse Personalized Bath Robe – $29.50, personalization $5.95   Adorable!!



Minnie Mouse Straw Cup Minnie Mouse Straw Cup – Reg. $6.50, on sale 2 for $12  Soft straw for young kiddos but super cute!



Minnie Mouse Plush Minnie Mouse Plush – Reg. $19.50, on sale for $12 What a deal!

Minnie Mouse Placemat Minnie Mouse Placemat – $6.50



Minnie Mouse Costume Minnie Mouse Costume Collection – Reg. from $7.50 – $34.50, on sale from $7.50 – $24.15

Personally, I like my homemade DIY Minnie Mouse Costume better but in case you don’t here’s a deal on the Disney brand costume.  By the way, in case you want to you can go here to see my cute little girl dressed up in her Minnie Mouse costume.


As always, don’t forget to shop through Ebates to earn 3% CASH BACK on your Disney purchases!

December Photo a Day 2012 – Days 6-13

I’ve been a little behind on posting my photo a day photos but I’m here to catch up!  I’ve been posting them on Twitter and Instagram but just not my blog.  Without further ado…


Day 6 – Toys This is a picture of my husband breaking down and removing the batteries from an old toy so that we could make room for new Christmas toys.



Christmas Lights

Day 7 – Bright This is a strand of VERY bright LED lights.  I’m not a fan.



The Money Saving Mom's Budget

Day 8 – Good Book This is a picture of one of the latest drafts of Crystal Paine’s book, The Money Saving Mom’s Budget, that she sent me before it was published.  It’s a great book and I would recommend it to anyone looking for practical ways to save money!



A Beautiful Sight

Day 9 – A Beautiful Sight This is my little sweetheart and I think she’s beautiful!



Christmas Tree

Day 10 – Christmas Tree This is the sad picture of my Christmas tree with LED lights in the middle of it.  One of our strands of lights bit the dust this year and apparently very few people still sell regular old glass light bulbs.  These plastic bulbs are dull looking up close while being blindingly bright and many are sharp to the touch.  I am very disappointed.  Oh, and to make things worse, our very bottom strand of lights just died tonight too so now we’ll have to buy more LED lights unless we buy the old fashioned lights online and those won’t arrive until after Christmas.  I can’t decide what to do.  Remove all the lights and put them back on more sparingly, buy a large LED strand, buy old lights online and pay an outrageous amount for quick shipping, or buy several 2 feet strands of the old lights for $5 a box at the only place we’ve found them at in town.  Decisions, decisions!


Day 11 – Something Yummy

This is amazing!  It tastes so much better than my poor pictures shows.  This is a Moravian Sugar Cake which I was recently introduced to.  It’s ridiculously good!  If I find a recipes for it I’ll be sure to share it with you.



Julep Nail Polish

Day 12 – Sparkle

This sparkly bundle of nail polish is from Julep.  I’ve enjoyed just about every bottle I’ve got from them but their glitter is out of this world.  It brings out the child in me for sure!!! They have full coverage glitter, medium coverage and get this, glitter with different size sparkles!  Yea, I’m hooked.


Someone I love

Day 13 – Someone I Love 

Of course I was going to take a picture of my family!  It was between my daughter and my husband and my daughter was the only one home at the moment.  If you’re reading this, I love you too, Michael!!


In case you haven’t heard what all this Photo a Day talk is about, you can go here to December Photo a Day for all the information.  The basic gist is that everyday throughout the month of December we’re given a specific theme to take a picture of.  I’ll be taking a picture with Instagram and I’ll share my picture here on my blog.  I also have a linky attached to the main post so you can link up your photo of the day that you’ve published on your blog.  Plus, if you want to participate but don’t have a blog you can use the hashtag #EmbracingDecember to share on Twitter or Instagram!  I hope you’ll join us!

I’m A Pull-Ups “First Flush” Ambassador!

My Daughter


I’m super excited to be participating in the Pull-Ups First Flush Ambassador Program. I’m grateful for this opportunity because we are just beginning the Potty Training phase with my toddler.  When I say beginning, I really mean thinking about.  Thinking about it and reading book after book!


I’m glad to be apart of this program for many reasons but one of the biggest is that I get to host a “Why Wait?  Let’s Celebrate – First Flush” party with my friends.  I’m eager to gather them all together, feed them, play games, and ask them a bazillion potty training questions that I have. By the way, if you’re interested in holding a “First Flush” party with your friends you can find more information on First Flush section of Pull-Up’s Facebook page.


Just a few of my questions are:

  • Is a potty chair really a necessity? {They disgust me!}
  • If so, what are things to look for in a potty chair?
  • What are some things you wish you knew before you started potty training?
  • Toilet paper or wet wipes?
  • Are flushable wipes really flushable?
  • How do you reward them? {I’ve read about candy, dances, hugs, etc.}
  • How long did it take your kids to be potty trained? {Both all day and all night}


My biggest question is, how do you know when they are ready?  As I’ve said before, I have read and read about potty training but none of the answers have satisfied me on knowing when to start.  Whether a mom started at 6 months or 3 years, everyone says, “When they are ready.”  For crying out loud, HOW CAN YOU KNOW THAT?  Some books say when kids take an interest in underwear.  I haven’t even bought underwear yet for her to be interested in.  But if I do, does carrying it around or putting it on her head show interest?  I’ve read about how starting too early can be damaging to the child physically and emotionally so I guess that’s why I’m so worked up about when to start.  I just need to get surrounded by real moms who have been in my shoes recently and can say, “It’s fine.  If you try and she doesn’t seem interested it’s okay to stop and try again later.  You won’t scar her for life.”  Sometimes only another mother can comfort the heart of a worrying mom, don’t you agree?


I’m very excited to become a Pull-Ups “First Flush” Ambassador and I hope you’ll follow me along on this journey.  Don’t worry, no indecent pictures will be shown, just stories about the ups and downs {haha!  Get it? Pull-Ups} of potty training.


To stay on top of the latest Pull-Ups info, you can visit their Pull-Ups website, like Pull-Ups on Facebook and follow Pull-Ups on Twitter.


“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Pull-Ups. I received product samples to facilitate my review and to host a party. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”

Creating Christ-Centered Christmas Traditions

Creating Christ-Centered Christmas Traditions

“Change is good but tradition is better,” I always say.   I’m a sentimental person and I love traditions.  As my husband and I are growing in our relationship and beginning to raise a family we want to start our own family traditions.  Each year we’ve tried to incorporate meaningful experiences into our Christmas season in hopes that they will become a part of our Christmas traditions.  Both my husband and I were very blessed to have grown up in such wonderful families and had great Christmas traditions growing up.  Now that we’re the adults we have to pick and choose what we’ll do and how we’ll spend out time.  That’s a big responsibility!  As our little one is growing older we’re really wanting to focus on finding more Christ-centered activities that we could do together to remind our family of the significance of the season; the birth of our Savior –  Jesus Christ.

Reading the Christmas Story

This is one of the traditions that my grandmother always had.  She chose a different family member to read the Christmas story, Luke 2:1-20, every Christmas Eve.  I think this would also a great passage to memorize as a family!

Special Church Service

My husband’s family celebrated the Christmas season with a candle light service a week or so before Christmas.  It’s been a while since I’ve participated but if I remember correctly there was a message, songs were sang, and then everyone gathered around a the church carrying the unlit candle that they were given when they walked in.  The pastor would light his candle and then he would share it with his wife so she could light hers.  She would light her kid’s and then they would light the person’s candle beside them.  This went on one by one until the room was glowing.  This is symbolic of the lights that we are to be in the world.  Our church doesn’t have a special service like this and we live too far away to go to my in-laws but I think this is a nice tradition that we would keep if we had the opportunity.

Gift Giving

Most everyone participates in the tradition of giving gifts but I think it’s a great tradition to give to others who won’t be giving a gift back in return.

  • A tradition my Mom and I had while I was growing up was to fill five shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  I received so much joy from this and I look forward to passing this tradition on to my little girl.  I’m sure she’ll enjoy picking out the gifts as she gets a little older.
  • My husband’s family had a tradition where his mom and sisters had a baking day.  They baked dozens and dozens of cookies and later that evening they went around and delivered tins of cookies to their neighbors.  One of his sisters told me that she’s carried this tradition on with her girls and the first time she went to deliver cookies to her neighbors people actually tried to pay her for the cookies.  People aren’t use to getting something for nothing but the very best gift of all is free and what a great time of year to tell people {while giving them yummy cookies}!
  • I hope to start the tradition of donating new and used toys to local charities every year around Christmas.  This year, many of the items we’ve received for our Christmas Gift Guide will be donated to local charities.
  • My husband’s work finds a couple families every year who is in need and gets their Christmas list from them.  Many kids request things like socks, pink gloves, and a coat.  I love donating to them and as my daughter gets older she can help pick out the items with us.
  • Giving anonymously to someone you know who is going without is one of the biggest blessings you can ever receive!


I know that too much emphasis can be put on decorating but I think making your home a pleasing, pleasant place to be can be a wonderful thing.  Ann Voskamp once said, “Creating is good theology. In the beginning God created.”  I love that!  Stores are full with a variety of Christmas decorations but what kind of decorations can help bring your focus to God?  How about leaving a Bible laid open to Luke 2?  I knew someone who use to decorate the top of her tree with different names of God.  I think that’s a neat idea.  The nativity scene is always humbling, isn’t it?  The thought that God “made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men” (Phil.2:7).  If that doesn’t humble you, nothing will.  Sure, snowmen and snowflakes have their place in decorating but I want to try to make it a tradition of my home to have Christ shine through the glitter and tinsel.

Christmas Movies

I’m a fan of just about every Christmas movie from Hallmark’s lovey dovey Christmas movies to Elf but I want to add in a few Christ-centered movies too.  The Nativity is a great movie for sure but I would like to find some kid-friendly ones.  If you have any that you can recommend, please let me know!

Church Christmas Play

Being the timid child that I was I had a love/hate relationship with Christmas plays.  I loved the thought of performing well but I hated the lump in my throat that inevitably came every time I spoke in front of a crowd. Usually, I was fortunate enough to have play directors who understood that and gave me minimal roles.  If any of my previous directors are reading this, thank you!!  Looking back now I remember several different plays vividly.  I was only a small child but they had an impact on me!  Being grown now, I realize that it can be awkward and sometimes even painful to sit through the poor acting of other people’s children.  We’re much more forgiving of our own children’s mistakes.  Whether it’s an Oscar winning performance or not, I believe that giving your children the chance to be in a Christmas play will help reinforce the real story of Christmas.  My little one is still too little to participate in plays just yet but I’m hoping that shortly down the road this will be another one we can add to our list of Christmas traditions.

Please share some of your favorite Christmas traditions with us!  This is a great time to re-focus on why we celebrate Christmas. If you don’t have any traditions of your own, I hope these ideas that I’ve shared will help you in making Christmas an extra-special time for your family.

God bless you and yours this Christmas season.  Merry Christmas!!!  May you fill your homes and your hearts with His peace and share the light and love of Christ with all who surround you!

December Photo a Day 2012 – Day 4 & 5

I thought I might get behind on this December Photo a Day Challenge a day or two throughout the month but I had no idea it would be this soon.  I have a good reason though!!  I have contracted a nasty little illness.  My doctor said that it’s a sinus and bronchial infection although I told my husband it feels more like the plague.  I haven’t been sick for over two years and then I get hit with a bad cold in October and now again in December.  I am very thankful to have a dear husband to take care of me, insurance and money to pay for medicine, and a sweet baby girl who always makes me smile.  Now, on to my photos for day 4 & 5.  If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you may have already seen these because I did take them on the correct day but they didn’t make it to my blog then.



Day 4: Joyous

 Doesn’t that picture truly represent the word joyous?  My little girl is joyful 98% of the time.  She is such a blessing to me!

Today's Temperature

Day 5: Today’s Temperature

This weather around here has been absolutely crazy lately.  Yesterday was overcast and 69.5 at the time I took this picture but I’m pretty sure it reached the 70’s a day or two before.  60 & 70 degree days in DECEMBER!  That’s wild!


In case you haven’t heard what all this Photo a Day talk is about, you can go here to December Photo a Day for all the information.  The basic gist is that everyday throughout the month of December we’re given a specific theme to take a picture of.  I’ll be taking a picture with Instagram and I’ll share my picture here on my blog.  I also have a linky attached to the main post so you can link up your photo of the day that you’ve published on your blog.  Plus, if you want to participate but don’t have a blog you can use the hashtag #EmbracingDecember to share on Twitter or Instagram!  I hope you’ll join us!

December Photo a Day 2012 – Day 3


Georgia Bulldogs Hat


For today’s Photo a Day Challenge I chose a picture of my husband’s beloved Georgia hat.  The challenge today was for something red.  Our house is still mourning over the loss the SEC Championship title and the opportunity to play Notre Dame in the national championship.


For those who haven’t heard the tragic news, the Bulldogs ran out of time in Saturday’s game before they could get in another play.  They clock ran out and they lost.  By a mere 5 yards.  It was heartbreaking!  They went from being a #3 team playing the #2 team and because they lost, that close game, it bumped them down to the #7 team.  I hope many of you are supporting a much merrier red for  your photo a day picture!


In case you haven’t heard about our December Photo a Day Challenge and you wonder what on earth it is I’m talking about, let me tell you a little more.


Every day throughout the month of December I’ll be taking a picture with Instagram {feel free to follow me there too!} and I’ll share my picture here on my blog.  I’ll have a linky attached to the Photo a Day Challenge page so that you can link up your photo of the day that you’ve published on your blog.  Plus, if you want to participate but don’t have a blog you can use the hashtag #EmbracingDecember to share on Twitter or Instagram!  I’m loving the awesome pictures that everyone is coming up with.  If you haven’t yet, I hope you’ll join us!  It’s a lot of fun!


December Photo a Day 2012 – Day 2



This is my second picture for our December Photo a Day Challenge 2012!


Today’s topic: Favorite Holiday Movie


One of our favorite Christmas movies is Frosty the Snowman.  I thought the frosted snowman doughnut captured it perfectly. 🙂


Every day throughout the month of December I’ll be taking a picture with Instagram {feel free to follow me there too!} and I’ll share my picture here on my blog.  I’ll have a linky attached to each day’s post so that you can link up your photo of the day that you’ve published on your blog.


Plus, if you want to participate but don’t have a blog you can use the hashtag #EmbracingDecember to share on Twitter!  I’d love to see what creative pictures you come up with!


December Photo a Day 2012 – Day 1

Teddy Bear in a Chair

Here’s my first picture for our December Photo a Day Challenge 2012!


Today’s topic: Your View Today


Remember, you can participate by adding your blog post to the linky below or you can share your photos on Twitter using the hashtag #EmbracingDecember!  I can’t wait to see your pictures!


December Photo a Day Challenge 2012


December Photo of the Day Challenge 2012


I know that December can be a busy, busy month but it can also be one of the best months of the year!  Every year I try my hardest to  slow down and enjoy December but before I know it it’s the new year.  This year, I thought it would be fun to host a December Photo of the Day Challenge.  Every day throughout the month of December I will take a picture with Instagram {feel free to follow me there too!} and I’ll share my picture here on my blog.  I was going to have a linky attached to each day’s post but I that became confusing so I’ve added a linky to this post so that you can link up your photo of the day that you’ve published on your blog.  My goal is for this to be a reminder to myself, and everyone, to slow down and enjoy each day we’re given.  Sure, the lights will inevitably get tangled but what a beautiful picture it would make! : )


If you feel up to sharing your photos with me but don’t have a blog, feel free to use the hashtag #EmbracingDecember on Twitter or Instagram!  I’d love to see what creative pictures you come up with!


Doesn’t that sound like fun?  We can get a peak into everyone’s life, support each other’s blogs, and most importantly take time to enjoy our family and remember the real reason for the Christmas season.  I hope you’ll join me!!  Come and link up below!


My photos:


Add your photos:



Pull Apart Poultry Kids Toy

Pull Apart Poultry


While browsing for fun and educational gifts for kids to add to our Christmas Gift Guide I ran across this Pull Apart Poultry stuffed bird at Land of Nod.  I had to stop, take off my glasses, and rub my eyes to make sure I read that right.  A pull apart stuffed poultry toy for kids?  Seriously?  One part of me thinks it’s educational and good for kids to know but the other part of me thinks it’s kind of gross.


Here’s what the description says: 

“Ready to let your little one take care of preparing the big holiday meal? No? We didn’t think so. That’s why we figured this plush dinner would be a better alternative. With a soft, plush construction and sturdy frame, it’s sure to last you many pretend meals to come.”


My husband and I have been learning how to cut a whole chicken to save money.  Well, I should say that my husband is the one who actually does the cutting but I feel that I deserve some credit for rewinding YouTube tutorials over and over again as he is learning.  As soon as I saw this stuffed bird I had to email him at work to show him.  He quickly replied back, “Good to teach her early.  Kids should know the nugget isn’t a part of a chicken.  I like it.”  He makes me smile.  I never did add this to our Gift Guide but you can find it on Land of Nod for $20 if you think your little one would enjoy it.


What think ye?  Pull apart poultry – yea or nay?