Food On The Table – EASY Online Meal Planning!


Food on the Table is an easy meal planning service that is based on sales at local grocery stores.  With Food on the Table, you’ll be able to:

– find thousands of easy, healthy recipes

– save money by knowing the items that are on sale

– simplify your shopping experience with a well organized grocery list


How cool is that?  I found this site last night when I was searching for meal ideas for the coming weeks.  I just signed up and I am excited to check it out!  It’s free if you use the service for 3 meals or less a week {that’s what I chose to start with}. For more than 3 meals a week and more recipes, you can upgrade to the premium version for a low introductory rate of $5/month. Click the image above to sign up!


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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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