Do you want a FREE $5.00 Gift Card? Sign up for Upromise and you can have it!
Upromise is a site that I’ve recommended for years! They offers coupon codes for your online purchases and you can earn between 1 – 25% cash back. You can also load ecoupons to your shoppers cards and put that saved money into your Upromise account. Right now, when you sign up for a Upromise account you will receive a free $5.00 Gift Card, if you make a qualifying purchase within 14 days of opening your account. They have a few different gift cards to choose from, including:, CVS, or Barnes & Noble! You can keep your card and use it yourself or wait until you have a few and find a website where you can sell gift cards. Either way.
Instead of getting cash back in the form of a check {like Ebates} your savings are deposited into your Upromise college savings account. From there you can choose to move that money into a high-yield savings account, a tax deferred 529 plan, to pay down a student loan, or you can request a check to be used how you want. The best part is that you can open one up for yourself, a child, or a grandchild! This is a great way for grandparents to help put their little ones through college without spending any additional money.
To get even more savings you can sign up as a preferred diner. Once you register your credit or debit card at (completely safe) you can find participating Upromise dining restaurants and find special dining offers. When you go to pay your bill with the credit or debit that you registered with you will automatically save a percent of your order (up to 8%!). This money will be deposited into your account without you having to even think about it!
Upromise also offers eCoupons on everyday items that you are buying already. After you’ve registered your grocery and drugstore cards you can come back monthly to your Upromise account and download coupons to automatically apply to your order at checkout. The money won’t come off your total bill but will be directly deposited into your Upromise account. We have our parents and grandparents cards on file on our account and we go at the beginning of the month and download all possible coupons. It only takes a few seconds and the purchases that our parents and grandparents make send money to our Upromise account without them having to lift a finger.
If you haven’t signed up for Upromise yet what are you waiting for?
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