I don’t usually post deal posts so early but I am positive this hot coupon is not going to last long! Print the new $2/2 REACH Toothbrushes coupon available on Coupons.com. Print it and then hang onto it for the following deal at Rite Aid:
Rite Aid Deal (starts March 18, 2012)
Buy 2 Reach Total Care Toothbrushes at $2.99 each (the 2 or 3 bundle packs are the same price! and your store may allow these for the UP)
Use $2/2 printable coupon
Spend $3.98 plus tax out of pocket, Get $4 UP Rewards (Limit of 2 UP Rewards)
Score up to 2 Free toothbrushes after coupons and UP Rewards!!!
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