To celebrate Chick-fil-A’s annual Cow Appreciation Day our family got dressed up and went to Chick-Fil-A for some free food. It was so much fun! I thought that my little girl made one cute calf so I entered her in Chick-fil-A’s best calf costume contest. I would love it if you would take two seconds to vote for her. Simply click to Chick-fil-A here, click the yellow vote button, and then enter the captcha code. Thank you!
Playtex Baby Facebook Contest
Most moms enjoy sharing their pregnancy stories and now when you share your most unexpected pregnancy or new Mom moment with Playtex you could win big!
Beginning April 16th Playtex Baby is holding a contest on their Facebook page where they are asking Moms to share honest, unexpected moments of pregnancy and motherhood. Seven lucky grand prize winners will be flown to LA for the premiere of What To Expect When You’re Expecting. The film will feature Playtex Baby products including the Playtex® Nurser with Drop-Ins® Liners and the Playtex® Diaper Genie® Disposal System! There will also be daily prizes that will be given throughout the two-week contest!
To enter just head on over to Playtex Baby Facebook Page. Good luck!!!
“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Playtex Baby. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating”
Vote for Me in the Cheap Sally Contest!
Update: Thank you for all of your support! The contest is now over and I didn’t win but I want to give congratulations to Melissa who did! I can’t think you enough for standing behind me through this.
First of all let me say thanks so much for all of your support thus far in the Cheap Sally Bring Home the Bacon Contest!
For those who don’t know I have entered the Cheap Bring Home the Bacon Contest and I have a chance to win $100,000! I need your help to win. I can’t make it to the next round without you. Please Click Here and vote for me. You can vote once a day through Nov. 28th. I’m a work-at-home mom who blogs for a living. My family strives for a debt free life and we look forward to the day when we can pay off our house and build our kid’s college fund. Check out my little sweetie pie trying to win me votes.
If I win this contest I will be blogging for Cheap sally and helping you find amazing deals! You can rest assured that nothing will change here at Embracing Beauty. You’ll still get the same coupons, freebies, deals, & giveaways like always.
I need your help to make it to the third round! It will be a shopping competition to find the best deals and I would LOVE to compete!
I am counting on all of you to help!
I would really, really appreciate if everyone could do two little clicks to help me win:
1. Go to my contest profile:
2. Click the orange “Vote For Me!” button with the heart
You can vote daily! Once per phone and once per computer.
If you need a reminder reply to this with the best way to remind you {email, Facebook message, Twitter message, etc}.
Each vote counts as 2 votes on the 26th & the 28th!
3 Ways You Can Help Spread The Word!
1. If you have a Twitter account, retweet the following on Twitter – Vote for @Beauty4Moms in the @cheapsally $100,000 #bringhomethebacon #contest!
2. If you have a Facebook page any post you would write encouraging people to vote for me ( would be greatly appreciated.
3. If you have a blog any post you would write encouraging votes would be wonderful. Here’s the link to share –
I love you for being a faithful follower and I hope I have your vote!
Vote for my Mommy in the Cheap Sally contest!
It’s true…your clicks will help my family send our little one to college!
I’ve made it to the 2nd round in the Cheap Sally $100,000 contest and in order to make it to the 3rd and final round I need a lot of votes! I need to be the #1 in NC out of 5 people {I’m currently #2}.
You can vote daily until Nov. 28th.
I would really, really appreciate if everyone could do two little clicks to help me win:
1. Go to my contest profile:
2. Click the “Vote For Me!” button with the heart
You can vote daily!
If you want to vote daily but need a reminder leave a comment with the best way to remind you {email, Facebook message, Twitter message, etc}.
Thank you so much! Your support in this contest means more to me than you know!
Please Vote – I’m Nominated for the Parent’s Magazine ‘Best Mom Fashion Blog’ Award!
I just found out that a few of you wonderful readers nominated for the Parent’s Magazine Best Blog Award in the Best Mom Fashion category!
First, thank you {thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!} to those of you who nominated me. I’m thrilled beyond words! If I’m going to win, I’ll need your help! Please go to the Best Blog Award page and click on the little pink oval to vote for EmbracingBeauty! Voting closes on October 15, 2011, and the winning blogs will be announced shortly thereafter. This is a one time vote unlike the CheapSally contest.
By the way, I’m not doing this for any sort of monetary prize or tangible award. The winners will be noted in an upcoming issue of Parent’s Magazine, and I’m just hoping to reach more people to share the ways of frugal living with!
Thanks again to those of you who went out of your way to nominate me! I also want to say thank you to ALL of my amazing readers! Your motivation and inspiration is what keeps this site going. You are greatly appreciated!
Vote for Heather’s Mom: “LaCroix is our team’s fuel of choice…”
Heather from Freebies 4 Mom has been an incredible blessing to me since I started blogging 2 years ago! She’s always there if I have a question and she’ll hold my hand until I understand it. I know my blog wouldn’t be what it is today without her!
Having said that, Heather’s mom is in a photo competition on Facebook and needs our help. Since you’ve been great to vote daily for my $100,000 Cheap Sally contest I would like to ask you to vote for Heather’s mom’s photo entry “LaCroix is our team’s fuel of choice for the 130 mile relay!” If her photo wins they’ll receive iPads for her team from LaCroix. To vote you just need to click on the “Vote now” button on La Croix’s Facebook page. Once you cast your vote you will have the opportunity to share this contest on your wall if you so choose. Remember, you can vote once per day through Friday, Sept. 30 to help make her a finalists in this photo contest.
As I talked about last week in my 5 Tips to a Better You, I am NOT a runner or speed walker but I greatly admire those who are! It takes preparation, determination, and a dozen other positive character traits to be a runner/speed walker. Heather is proud of her mom and the 130-mile relay she does with her friends every year and so am I. Please take a few seconds and vote for Heather’s mom’s photo entry “LaCroix is our team’s fuel of choice for the 130 mile relay!” Thank you!
Sears Craftsman Big Show Off Contest
Has your family recently completed a do-it-yourself project using craftsman tools? We just took our front door off the hinges to paint it then put it back up…I don’t think that will count, do you? 🙂 If you’ve recently completed a project (better than mine) you should submit a photo of your work and a short essay (less than 100 words) in the Craftsman Tools Big Show-Off Contest and you could win 1,00,000 Shop Your Way Rewards points – $1,000 in Sears merchandise!!! Hurry, this entry period ends Friday, October 15 when the top ten finalists will be chosen and voting on those ten will take place from Oct. 18 through 31. Good luck!
Growing Tree Toys: Win up to $1,000 in Toys
I am excited to share Growing Tree Toy’s latest contest, Win your Wish List contest! Anyone who creates or edits a wish list at from Oct. 1-31, 2010 is eligible to win – up to $1,000 in toys! Visit Growing Tree Toys and register or log in to begin your wish list and be automatically entered to win!
List of Giveaway Host/Linky Sites
Here you will find giveaway links for each day of the week.
As bloggers, we often host giveaways to promote and advertise for our sponsors. Each giveaway and the accompanying exposure is great for advertisers. The giveaways also guarantee traffic to our sites, which is always nice, right?
As readers, entering giveaways are awful fun! We wanted to create this list for you so you can blog hop each week to find the best giveaways that you want to enter. There is no need any longer to blog hop aimlessly looking for giveaways, we have listed all the giveaway sites in one place for you so you can save time finding the best giveaways!
If you host a giveaway link on your site and want free advertising just let me know and I’ll add your site to the list. Please tell me what day you post your linky and a direct link to that page. Also, if you see a inactive or wrong link please let me know that too. Thanks and enjoy!
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