I was thrilled to review two adorable Polly Pocket sets! They are so much fun to set up and play with. I think I enjoyed them just as much, if not more than the kiddos.
[Continue reading...]Embrace God's best for your finances, home, and life.
I was thrilled to review two adorable Polly Pocket sets! They are so much fun to set up and play with. I think I enjoyed them just as much, if not more than the kiddos.
[Continue reading...]Happy Birthday to My Girl! My dearest daughter, Happy birthday to my snuggler, my alarm clock, my good morning hug, my bookworm, my sweetheart, and my ornery child. Happy birthday to my daughter. I never quite knew what love was before I met you. I can’t believe you’re already two years old. Your Mommy and […]
[Continue reading...]This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and All You, but all my opinions are my own. #lifeforless #pmedia http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO I love a great dessert recipe, don’t you? Especially an easy one! I usually find a new recipe by browsing Pinterest or one of my favorite blogs but this recipe […]
[Continue reading...]It’s time for the Photo of the Day Challenge! Each of our Photo a Day Challenges keep getting bigger and better. Welcome to our July Photo a Day Challenge!
[Continue reading...]Desire2Learn Incorporated is starting the summer off right with a Facebook video contest that awards the winner a $2,000 education grant! Isn’t that fabulous!? The edtech company is providing K-12 students and their families with the opportunity to win education money by simply by uploading a 30 to 60-second home video to YouTube and posting […]
[Continue reading...]This post is sponsored by Arm & Hammer Tooth Tunes™ My little girl loves to brush her teeth…for approximately five seconds. After that she wants to move on to the next step in our bedtime routine which is to climb up in the rocking chair and read books with Daddy. We’ve tried to give her different […]
[Continue reading...]“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and GoodNites, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #BetterNights http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO.” Potty training is an adventure that every parent must face at one point or another. I’ve heard many moms say that potty training was the hardest part of […]
[Continue reading...]Have you ever wanted to share a cute home video with just your friends and family but weren’t sure how to do it? If so, I have a solution for you that doesn’t include complicated sharing/viewing options…
[Continue reading...]My Dearest Daughter, One of the happiest days of my life was the day you were born and I can’t believe your second birthday is coming up so soon! Your birthday will always be important to me because it’s the day I became your mother. That’s something that nobody else but me can be. Your […]
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