Enter Brown Cow Yogurt’s Daily Giveaway

Brown Cow YogurtIf you love natural foods or just really good yogurt you’ll want to enter Brown Cow Yogurt’s giveaways that they are hosting all month long!  To enter to win, go to Brown Cow Yogurt’s Facebook page each day and answer their question of the day.  Today’s question is “What’s the best current food trend?”  {My answer was cake pops.  I know it’s not healthy but I just adore them!}  Each day there is a new question and a new prize to be won.  You can enter today to win a flash drive with recipes on it and a long sleeve t-shirt.  Also, each daily entry gives you another entry to win their two big grand prizes!  Good luck!


Don’t forget to let me know if you win!


Follow Embracing Beauty on Facebook to interact with 7,000+ other money-saving beauties!


Thanks Cindy for letting me know about this great giveaway!

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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