$100 American Express Gift Card Giveaway! Ends 12/31

AMEX 100 Gift Card

Update:  This giveaway is now over.  Out of our 583 entries, our winner is Cindy P.!  Congratulations, Cindy!!!

I have an amazing flash giveaway for you – a $100 American Express Gift Card!


You can use it buy yourself that Christmas gift you wanted but didn’t get, a gift for an upcoming birthday, or even pay bills.  The choice is up to you!

Here’s the super simple way to enter:

  1. Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter.
  2. To be eligible all you need to do is like our Facebook page.
  3. If you want to go the extra mile and gain additional entries you can do so after you complete the mandatory one.  These are only optional though!
  4. This giveaway ends at 12:01am on 12/31.


Thank you for being an Embracing Beauty reader and good luck!!!

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.


  1. Thank you for the nice giveaway!

  2. just plain old Mike says

    new stay at home dad here 🙂 and newbie to blogs and twitter also LOL 🙂 thanks so much for the chance to win this awesome giveaway!

  3. Danielle Davis says

    Thank you for the giveaway!
    Facebook name is Danielle Grady
    Twitter is Proudmama2boyz
    Google Plus is Danielle Davis
    Email is suchaproudmama@yahoo.com

  4. Christina Perry says

    Thanks so much!! Have a Happy New Year!

  5. Christina Perry says

    Who was the winner of this giveaway? I haven’t seen it anywhere?

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