This is a guest post from my blogging friend, Jamie! Since my baby is coming upon her 1 year birthday I’m looking back at my hospital visit with a lot of fond memories. I’ll interject a few comments of my own in teal throughout her post. If you enjoyed the post or think of another “must have” to add to the list please leave us a comment. I’ll turn it over to Jamie now.
I have a few friends who are about to be new mothers (how exciting!) and some that just became new mothers. I have been asked a few times about the best items to pack for your trip to the hospital and things to do or remember beforehand and after. I love helping new moms so I decided to put this packing list together, along with a few tips for when you bring baby home and before you even leave for the hospital. To print this list off please click on the green “Print Friendly” button beneath this post. I hope you find it helpful. *These statements are my opinions and I am in no way a professional.
Things to do before you leave:
- Install baby car seat (Weeks before, you’ll think these things were invented by NASA!)
- Have both you, your partners, and baby’s bags ready to go weeks before!
- Buy travel size everything if possible
- Buy extra SD cards, batteries and phone cards. (If applicable)
- Buy Disposable Cameras
- Buy Baby Book {Have it open to the foot stamp page so the nurses can quickly do this stamp for you!}
- Buy Journal (Optional)
- Buy paper plates, plastic cups, and utensils if you can. You will not feel like dishes when you first come home.
- Buy extra sheets for bassinet and/or crib (you will thank me later.) {Layer the bed with a waterproof pad, sheet, waterproof pad, sheet, etc. so you can easily peel off dirty layers in the middle of the night}
- Have care lined up for pets
- Try to get things organized and tell your husband where everything is for you and baby. You may be sore esp. for c-section moms and will not feel like getting up and searching for things.
- Have everything in place for baby. {If the rest of your house is a mess, make the baby’s room a place of solitude. You’ll need all the order you can get in your life.}
- Have a pediatrician picked if possible and all info ready.
- Have the house stocked up with groceries. You will not want to have to go grocery shopping with a newborn! {Yes! Frozen meals are divine!}
- Have a babysitter or help lined up for the siblings if need be.
- C-section moms, if you have a high bed, get a step stool. Trust me.
Items to Pack for You and Husband:
- Camera, batteries/charger, & extra SD card.
- Camcorder & charger {A cord to connect your camera to share pictures on your laptop}
- Disposable Camera (Just in case technology isn’t perfect because you don’t want to lose those precious moments.)
- Cell Phones (For both you and your husband) & chargers.
- Phone Card (If needed)
- Lap Top (Optional) and charger
- List of Important Phone Numbers {Don’t forget to call your photographer. They like to schedule a newborn shoot before a baby is two weeks old}
- Things to entertain you and your husband. Books, mags, laptop, etc. (I had 23 hours of labor with my first son, you could be there a while.) {We found iPad games to come in handy during this time}
- Lip Balm (Your lips can get pretty dry and chapped when your huffing, puffing, and pushing.)
- Mints or Gum ( Some hospitals will not allow you to eat or drink ESP for C-sections, so this will help curve hunger and keep your mouth moist if they allow it.) {I devoured Jolly Ranchers. I’ll never eat one again without thinking of my sweet baby!}
- Pads (LOTS of pads, you will have a pretty decent amount of bleeding after.)
- GRANNY Panties in a size or two larger than normal. Especially for C-sections, you do not want them rubbing your stitches. Bring EXTRAS.)
- Comfy BIG Pant (You will hold water for a few days and your tummy will sit different, even the pants you wore when you came in may not fit the same. I recommend big PJ pants with elastic cotton band.)
- Slippers or Flip Flops. Weather Permitting (Your feet will swell afterward and regular shows won’t feel comfy.)
- Nursing Pads (Even if you do not breast feed.)
- A couple change of clothes for you and your husband.
- All toiletries for you AND you husband (Shampoo & Conditioner, Soap, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Deodorant, Brush, Make-up, ect.)
- Blow Dryer and/or Straightener (Optional)
- Night Shirt (If you do not want to wear a gown.)
- Belly Band (Optional)
- Change for Vending Machine and Money for Cafeteria/Parking
- ID (Driver License)
- Insurance Cards
- Glasses (if needed)
- Bath Robe (Optional)
- Your Own Pillow and Blanket (Optional) {I brought my favorite soft throw and it was a comfort to cuddle with}
- Bathing Suit for Partner (Optional for Water Birth)
- Note Pad and Pencil {To write down important stuff & sweet memories.}
- Snacks for your husband and you afterward.
- Large Envelope or a folder for all the documents the hospital will give you.
If you plan to Breast Feed:
- Nipple Cream (Just in case.)
- Breast Pump (You many need it to help you produce and get started. My hospital supplied one.)
- Nursing Bra
- Nursing Top (Optional)
If a sibling will be present:
- Things for them to sleep on
- Gift
- Change of clothes
- Activities to keep busy
For Baby:
- Diaper Bag
- Diapers (Hospital may provide SOME. Bring some size 1 ALSO. My boys were big (9lbs.) and did not fit into Newborn!)
- Wipes
- Vaseline (For boys being circumcised)
- Gauze (For boys being circumcised)
- Going Home Outfit {Make sure it has legs so they’ll fit nicely in the car seat. I also got one that snapped all the way up so I didn’t have to fit it over her tiny head.}
- Bottles (If not nursing)
- Formula (Hospital may provide.)
- Pacifier or Binky
- Blanket
- Sleepers
- Hats/Beanies
- Burp Clothes
- Socks
- Mittens (Their nails are long when they are born. They will scratch their little faces.)
- Anything for pictures. (Accessories and such.)
- Baby Book (For prints and to write things down.)
- Anything you want their prints on.
- Car Seat and INSTALLED Base
- A Preemie Outfit (Optional) (My boys were both 9 lbs. and new born clothes were still to big!)
For Pets:
- Have someone bring a piece of babies clothing or blanket home before baby to introduce baby’s scent to pets.
- Have someone let out and take care of pets while you’re away.
- Have thank you cards and a gift on hand for after you’re back home.
Tips for when you come home:
- Have everything organized in the baby’s room so you won’t be up in the middle of the night searching for it. Gather and organize diapers, wipes, burp clothes, extra sheets, blankets, diaper rash cream, etc.
- Sleep when the baby sleeps if you can!
- Get on a sleep schedule as soon as possible!
Did we leave anything off the list? If you have an questions or comments please leave a comment below!
Jamie is a mother of two boys, ages 1 and 3. She is married to her high school sweetheart. Currently she is a stay at home mom going to school and running the blog Money Saving Mommas and Poppas. Here you will find ways to stay frugal, hot coupons, frugal cleaning tips, DIY projects, giveaways, reviews and more! Everything you need to help you be a frugal Momma or Poppa!
Remember, this while in labor. The pain you’re feeling can’t compare to the joy that is coming!
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