Here are the best deals at Stop & Shop this week (9/2-9/8) thanks to Amy at SavvySavingCouple
Perdue Low Fat Chicken Cutlets, or whole grain breaded or New Cars Chicken Breast Nuggets-2/$7
Use $1/1 Perdue Whole Grain Breaded Chicken 8/7/2011 RP Insert
As low as $2.50 per package
Kellogg’s Pop Tarts-3/$5*must buy 3
Use $1/3 Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts or Pop-Tarts Mini Crisps 8/28/2011 RP Insert
As low as $1.33 each after coupon wyb 3
Pillsbury Ready to Serve frosting-4/$5,
Use $1/2 Pillsbury Frosting or Brownie Mixes 6/12/2011 RP Insert
As low as $.75 each wyb 2, after coupon
Kraft Velveeta Cheesy Skillets – 2/$4,
Use-$1/1 Velveeta Cheesy Skillets Dinner Kit 8/21/2011 SS Insert
As low as $1.00 after coupon
Hood Sour Cream-2/$3,
Use-$1/2 Hood Products 8/21/2011 SS Insert
As low as $1 each wyb 2 after coupon
See the full list of Stop & Shop Deals at SavvySavingCouple.
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