My friend has two autistic children {possibly three} and she is trying to sell 60 puzzle piece necklaces in order to get a free iPad for her kids. They are only $20 a piece and the proceeds go to Autistic research foundations. I had no idea of the profound impact an iPad can have on an autistic child until I watched the “Apps for Autism” segment on 60 Minutes which aired at the end of October. I know you are a generous bunch so I thought I would share this with you in case you are interested in helping another mother out. Here’s her story:
Hi, My name is Char. I’m a work from home blogger, friend, wife, and a mother to three adorable boys. Two of my boys have been diagnosed with Autism and my youngest will be tested at the end of the year.
I started blogging in May of this year at Freebies4Real. The original purpose of my blog was to have a way of sharing legitimate freebies, but it soon morphed into something much larger. It’s now a medium for the exciting and beautiful chaos that makes up my life. It’s also a place for giveaways, deals, and work from home opportunities. When my husband had an accident a few months back it needed to become a new means of income. With the help of blogging friends I’ve learned how I can share awesome freebies and deals while also making a little money as well!
My personal relationship with God didn’t start until later in life, and it has grown stronger every day! My faith in the Lord has sustained us though every bump in the road. I am thankful to Him every day for the many blessings with which I’ve been gifted. As a mother of special needs children I FIRMLY believe that I rely on God for my strength and encouragement to raise these children. I know that without him it would not be possible. I feel blessed to be their mother and feel that them being born to me is truly a blessing. My relationship with God has enabled me to look at their special needs through a different perspective and to encourage others dealing with the same trials to not give up hope, but to instead hold on to faith. And that’s the HONEST truth.
Seriously if I didn’t have faith I think I would have gone crazy by now. Everyday is unpredictable. Like right now, on top of taking my husband to therapy I have to take one son to the doctor. My 3 year old has had nosebleeds for 3 days.
Riah who is7 and Septi who is 5.
A few months ago I found an organization called The Puzzle Piece that helps raise awareness and money for Austism research. They have a promotion now where I can receive an iPad for my children if 60 people purchase a necklace and enter my name at check out. If 60 people buy a puzzle piece they will not only send me an iPad for free but the proceeds of the necklaces will go to help fund Autism research {Autism Speaks, Sandra C. Slomin Foundation, Surfers For Autism and Family Center For Autism}! At first I was hesitant to post about this but I decided to give it a try anyway. My motto has always been, “It’s better to try than not to and never know if you would have succeeded!”
Follow these steps to help Char get an iPad for her children:
1. Go to The Puzzle Piece and choose your favorite necklace or key chain.
2. In the space provided for Challengers Name type or paste the name Char Watkis and then add to cart.
3. It will then take you to PayPal to checkout.
4. If you don’t have a PayPal account, follow the same steps and on the next page you will be given an option to purchase as a PayPal guest.
If you have any questions please email me {Char} and I will answer as quickly as possible. Thank you for your consideration and support.
We never stop fighting. We never stop praying. We never stop hoping.
Isn’t she sweet? I just love her! She has been a blessing and encouragement to me since I first met her!
I just purchased a key chain to help her get one step closer to her iPad. She needs 42 more people (as of Dec. 8th) to help out and make a $20 purchase. $20 isn’t a lot of money for most of us to donate, the proceeds go to a good cause, you get a necklace or key chain to keep, and most of all you are helping a mother. She’s a mom, just like every other mother, who wants what’s best for her children. She would buy an iPad on her own if she could but she simply can’t afford it.
Char is so sweet; she wants me to make sure I don’t pressure anyone into buying one. Please don’t feel pressured to buy one but please, buy one if you have the money, and feel led to! You can also feel free to leave messages of encouragement in the comments for her to read. 🙂
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