Investing in a new energy-smart appliance could be the best thing you could do for your energy bills, short of not using your electric at all! A new fridge for example uses 42% less electricity on average than one bought 30 years ago, this isn’t just because of wear and tear but the manufacturing process of appliances and the amount of energy used has been refined over the years. Ours is probably around 20 years old and we’re seriously thinking about making the plunge to buy a new one.
When deciding on a new appliance, a lot depends on the needs of your household. For example, if you are living with just your spouse, you can get away with a much smaller smart washing machine than perhaps a larger family could. A slimmer design means you’re not wasting any space. I’ve read that with fridges it is recommended that 10 cubic feet is a good amount of space for a couple and then an added foot for each additional person in the house.
It’s also important to decide on what features you want your appliance to have. Smart energy efficient appliances are great for saving money but they also have amazing new features offered that weren’t offered previously. For example, some fridges now have areas within that keep food regulated at different temperatures. This is a good feature for a family that eats a varied diet with ingredients that require differing environments. I also love the energy efficient pull-out lower freezer! These fridges are also very roomy inside to allow for a few leftover casserole dishes side by side, a large snack tray for a party, or even a tall cake. Can you tell what style of fridge it is that I’m leaning towards?
I’ve done a lot of research on energy-smart appliances and I was surprised that the cost of them. They are very comparable to the same appliance that isn’t energy efficient. Some of these smart appliances even come in smaller models with an even lower price. If you are looking to buy a large appliance I recommend you think about the needs of your family, look for a brand that is known to be dependable (we called an appliance repairman that we know and asked which one he recommends) and have great customer service, and lastly shop around for a great price.
I don’t know of any in my area but you could also go to an energy smart specific retailer that would be able to give you further advice on your needs and have expert knowledge in the field, a dishwasher from Appliances Direct for example, may be the same as from another retailer but the advice you get in choosing the right appliance could be very valuable.
Last but not least, when thinking about buying a new appliance you’ll want to think about the disposal of your old appliance. This isn’t a problem for us because we’re going to put our old fridge into our garage and stock it with drinks and frozen meals. However if you don’t have the room or your old appliance is broken, you may want to check if the retailer you’re purchasing from will offer their services to get rid of your old appliances for you.
That’s all the advice I have to offer from my shopping experience! Now it’s your turn! I haven’t decided on a new fridge yet and I would really like your input. Do you have a fridge that you love or hate? Is there a function that makes it worth it’s weight in gold? What about an option you thought would be great but ended up being just a nuisance? Please, please, share your knowledge! Thank you!
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