Christmas Cash Giveaway!

Christmas Cash Giveaway


Please note:  This is not the giveaway!

This is information for fellow bloggers to sign up to co-host this cash giveaway for our readers.  Check back soon to enter to win!!


Join me in hosting “A Christmas Cash Giveaway”, and give your readers a chance to win a PayPal Cash! Entries will be open to US and Canadian Residents.


This giveaway is to help increase your fan base.  I will be using Rafflecopter for easy of entry. Facebook “likes” will be mandatory with up to three additional entries. Cost will $15 for mandatory entry with an additional $1 for each additional entries.


The giveaway will run Dec. 1st. – Dec. 10th  I will send you an image, Rafflecopter code, and a sample post at least 24 hours prior to the start of the giveaway.


Please fill out the form below to join. Spots will only be held once payment is received. Please send via Paypal {as a gift} to MrsAshleyWalkup (@) gmail (dot) com.




While I have your attention, please take a second and vote for me {Ashley} in the Cheap Sally Bring Home the Bacon Contest. I’m trying to win a $100,000 and I am SO very close!  It only takes a second and you can vote every day through Nov. 28th. Thank you so much!

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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