I Applied to be a Ford #FiestaMovement Agent!

fiesta movement

So a good while ago a blogging friend of mine told me about an amazing upcoming campaign by Ford.  This will be the second year of the campaign and it’s going to be BIG!  I’ve applied and I’m anxiously waiting to hear if I’ve been chosen.  Let me tell you a bit more about the #FiestaMovement.

Ford #FiestaMovement Campaign

The Movement needs 100 agents to introduce the Fiesta. As an agent, you will be the voice of the 2014 Fiesta. You’ll complete missions, have tons of fun, and share the outcomes with your fans and followers. And here’s the twist. We’re going to share the best of the best content with the rest of the world. So if your stuff rises to the top, it could be your photo in prints ads or your face on TV.

How incredible is that?  The best part though will be driving a new Ford!  Ford will gas up the car that you get to keep for quite some time, insurance included. Those chosen will get to drive around town strutting their stuff, talk about it with friends and family, and make fun videos to share with the world.  Plus, to make it even more fun you get to do select missions.  I should say, you have the opportunity to participate in these missions because not everyone would enjoy jumping out of a plane, bungee jumping, etc.  For each mission you take you’ll bring along 1.) Yourself (duh!) 2.) your stylish Ford Fiesta, 3.) your video camera!  If I get selected I hope I can bring along a friend or two to celebrate Ford with me.

What You Need to Apply

A valid drivers license (that’s a given though, right?), a great attitude, and a video camera.  You will fill out a form with the required information, name, address, phone, email, etc. The form is simple, they really just want to know who you are, what you do, and what are your “mad” skills (for example I can whip out a video camera in .2 seconds at any given notice!). Then you are going to put those skills to the test and submit a video telling Ford (and the PR company) why YOU should be the next Ford #FiestaMovement Agent.

I’ve sent my video and application in.  I was even contacted the next day for a phone interview and they were over-the-top nice!  Yay! I got an interview!  They asked  fun questions about me and my hobbies and interests. I thought it went well but I know they have hundreds and hundreds of submissions to wade though so I hope I stood out.  {Ford, if  you’re reading this, please pick me!}

Please show me your support and leave a comment. I’m just really excited about this opportunity and can’t wait to see who all will be chosen on April 30th. If you are interested in applying you can do so here: Ford #FiestaMovement Agent Application.

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun! Hope you win.

  2. It should be fun!!

  3. Jennifer Clay says

    Good Luck!! Sounds super fun!

  4. Patti Matolyak Purelli says

    Good Luck Ashley ~ They would be crazy NOT to choose you!! xoxo

  5. Hanan - Lilac City Momma says

    Good luck!

  6. Danielle F says

    Good luck – this sounds like fun!

  7. cookiesandclogs says

    Ooh, I hope you get it!

  8. Good luck…that sounds like fun!

  9. Good luck!

  10. Dawn Kropp says

    What a fabulous opportunity! Congrats on the interview, Ashley! I hope you get to be come a fiestamovement agent… you deserve it 🙂

  11. Wow I wish you the best of luck,I know a few ppl who would be really good candidates for this also! awesome opportunity.:)

  12. that is a crazy cool opportunity…hadn’t heard of it til your blog, but it sounds like great fun. good luck!!

  13. MD Kennedy says

    How awesome is that! My husband and I spend quite a bit of time in Greece and there are oh so many more Ford Fiestas here than I see in the US. Wonder why? Because they are great on gas! Gas here is about $7.00 a gallon…

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