MBS Power Wheels FB like page 2


Please be patient and let the page load:)

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.


  1. Liked and Following all, Thanks!
    Devin O

  2. Janice Crespo says

    I couldn’t get any of them to load to see if I follow them or not and add the ones that I didn’t follow šŸ™ Oh well šŸ™

  3. shanon hyatt says

    nothing loaded?????

  4. christine woskobunik says

    nothing loaded.

  5. LLMG1960 says

    Your page is not loading

  6. Debbie Bishop says

    I have refreshed several times but nothing loads!

  7. Tiffany Banks says

    I refreshed 6 times and nothing has loaded on the page ??

  8. Rossel Encarnacion Dacio says

    same here…nothing loaded.

  9. shanon hyatt says

    ok I came back today hoping the page would load-I’m sure you already know that it didn’t-so I’m sorry for repeating this-It shows in the browser that it’s down load-but there are no links to see.

  10. Mizturygurl says

    Liked all..Thanks and Goodluck to all

  11. Jessie Hay says

    Not loading for me either!

  12. Sherrie C. says

    Nothing loaded. I’ve refreshed the page four times šŸ™

  13. Same here, nothing loaded…

  14. Cheyenne Wilkerson says

    Liked them all ^^

  15. nothing loaded for me either cbmd1999@yahoo.com

  16. Nichelle Clemons says

    nothing loads refreshed several times.

  17. It wont load in Chrome. Try IE instead.

  18. Carolyn Colley says

    I’ve tried to load several time, the page will not load
    PLEASE CHECK IT, thanks

  19. Carolyn Colley says

    still not loading

  20. cistran29 says

    nothing happens

  21. Trayce Mc says

    Not sure if this will help anyone but from my smartphone I was able to get the page to load with Dolphin browser. Good Luck šŸ™‚

  22. Kept refreshing, but nothing shows up šŸ™

  23. Page loaded!! liked all on facebook

  24. Sam Herrmann says

    I have tried several times to load this page on Firefox and IE, and on a different computer, and I am still not able to get any likes to follow. Will those of us who can’t get it to load still be able to have our 25 entries? tsalmherrmann at hotmail.com

  25. Tried in IE, Firefox, and Google Chrome with multiple refreshes. Nothing is showing.

  26. nothing came up –ok—–

  27. Try using the page source… you can find all the links there.

  28. Broken

  29. nothing loaded so nothing liked

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