Enter to win 1 brand new BumGenius Freetime cloth diaper in the color of your choosing. Please fill out the Rafflecopter form below to enter. Good luck!!!
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Enter to win 1 brand new BumGenius Freetime cloth diaper in the color of your choosing. Please fill out the Rafflecopter form below to enter. Good luck!!!
Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.
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NEver give up… there is always a fix and don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are lots of places to get it. 🙂 I have been Cloth diapering for about a year and a half
I have not cloth diapered yet as baby is due in August. But the best advice I’ve received is to try several different brands to see what works best for you and baby and then buy a stash. 🙂
I cloth diapered my son for almost 2 yrs, until he potty trained, and will be using cloth on #2 when he gets here in August. My best tip is to try lots of diapers, even types you don’t think you will like, because you will likely be surprised at what works best and is your favorite.
I’ve been cloth diapering for about 6 months now. Best tip is to have a diaper sprayer!
We have been cloth diapering our infant and toddler for four months now, and wouldn’t have it any other way. We find ourselves looking at huge stacks of disposable diapers in Walmart and giving eachother THE LOOK and laughing about how much money we used to throw away. We LOVE it.
Oh, and for a tip – Don’t get discouraged!! If something is wrong, it’s really trial and error. Just go through the steps that people suggest to you one at a time until you fix it. It’s super simple!
I’ve been cloth diapering for 9 months, and my favorite tip is to line dry in the sunshine as much as possible.
I just started cloth diapering my 13 month old about a month ago…. And my best tip is to use Bac Out to spray the diapers in the pail to prevent them from stinking!
Ive been cloth diapering for 2 years now – we are in the early stage of potty learning. And my #1 one is to use bac out for poo diapers and always hang dry your diapers.
I don’t have any tips because I haven’t started cloth diapering yet! My little one is due this winter and I can’t wait to meet him or her!
I’ve been cloth diapering for about 17 months. My tip would be that you don’t have to spend a ton of money on cloth diapers. You can start off with enough prefolds to diaper your baby for around 50$. After that, you can buy more expensive diapers one or two at a time. Used diapers are a good way to save money too.
I used cloth diapers for 2.5 yrs ago with my first and now I am cloth diapering my newborn son
Best tip is to try all sorts of kinds! I have been CDing since my son was born so 6.5 months
I cloth diapered my first 13 years ago but not with my two girls, then I have been cloth diapering for months now with my last. My best tip is to use virgin coconut oil as a rash preventative/cure. It doesn’t harm cloth and cures so fast! Even faster than Domboro Powders!
I helped my roommate use cloth diapers and I sewed all of the cloth diapers for her son. I used them for a little over a year. My tip is baking soda is your friend especially if you are on a really tight budget for diapering your child. We used in the diaper pail. We used a dry pail. For us poop wasn’t a problem we never dipped the diapers in the toilet to rinse if the poop didn’t fall off which was easier if we waited a day to dump the poop out we just washed them. we had very little staining. But we were working with a formula baby and his formula was thickened with cereal from the time he came home from the hospital.
Stephanie Hungerford
I have used cloth diapers since my daughter was first born, she is 6 months old now. I like to use tea tree oil in the wash to keep the diapers smelling fresh.
i use cloth diapers for over a year now. started at 5 month. my tip is to keep your wash routine simple.
They’re not as delicate to wash as people think.
I diapered my daughter for about a year and now my son for 5 months. So 1.5 years, but I started using cloth 3 years ago!
I’ve used cloth for over 2 years now and my fave tip is line dry everything! It keeps your CDs looking better than if you put them in the dryer!
I’ve only been cloth diapering for about 2 months. My advice is to try lots of different styles and not give up if the first style you try doesn’t work.
I’ve only be cd’ing for about 10 months as my daughter is my first. My favorite tip would be to don’t be afraid to use bleach! It really does help keep stink away
Line dry your covers to make them last longer. (CDing for about a year and a half)
My favorite cloth diapering tip is to hang dry diapers on the drying rack.
im due in november so no tips or favs yet – just excited!
I am new to cloth diapering, so no tips yet. From what I hear, air drying vs. using a dryer will extend the life of your diapers.
New to CDing, so I’m open to new tips! 🙂
I’ve been using cloth for about 6 months, ever since my twins were big enough to fit in them. When we started doing tummy time, we’d get some leaks out the belly because the lining wasn’t flat at the stomach. I put a cloth wipe there with each diaper change to help catch anything. Once the babies are upright more, I won’t have to do this, but it works for now!
Don’t give up! There were a few times when I first started (only been cd’ing now for 3.5 months) that I wanted to give up because of ammonia or leaking. I sought out online suggestions, and picked a few. Now those diapers are great! And I’m so glad I stuck with it! Also, don’t let anyone tell you that it’s dirty, nasty, and you shouldn’t do it. It’s not much different than changing a disposable!
i have been cloth diaper for 16 months, my best tip is to try everything! you may be surprised what you find that works best!
Don ‘t give up! You don’t have to drop a bunch of money up front to get diapers. Over 1 year into cloth diapering and we still use disposables part time to save on the upfront cost of buying cloth.
Been using cloth diapers for about 6 weeks. Advice is – don’t keep disposables! Too tempting!
I’ve been using cloth diapers for almost four years now. My best tip is to try different kinds before settling on one.
I have only been cloth diapering for about 3 months and a great tip I learned is to sun your diapers if they get a stain. It works amazingly well on clothes too!
I haven’t started cloth yet, because I don’t have my own child. However, my step daughter’s mom cloth diapers her, and I would like to be able to do the same when we have her! I’m trying to build up my stash for her.
I’ve used cloth 2 1/2 years – currently have 2 in cloth. My best tip is to be sure ALL the detergent is rinsed out of your diapers! That can save you from the stinkies.
I will CD from the beginning. It is important to have a good stash to start with and accessories, like wetbags, a diaper pail, cloth wipes, etc. Start strong and you won’t ever need disposables
My favorite tip is to try a lot of different diapers and I am not CDing yet, building my stash while we wait to adopt a newborn 🙂
I’ve been cloth diapering since my 4 month old was a month old. My best tip is to not invest a lot of money in one brand or style of diaper until you’ve tried it and are positive you like it. I purchased 15 of the same kind of diaper when I was pregnant to make up the majority of our stash, and they were on ebay after maybe 2 uses!
I haven’t cloth diapered but best tip I could give is join a group with other cloth diapering moms so they can give you tips to get the best for your money.
I’ve been cloth diapering for 2 years and 4 months. My best tip: research your diapers before purchasing. Some diapers are not the best quality and will fall apart on you. other diapers will last you through several children making them the better investment.
how do you delete comments; I meant to use my online handle. wp you are not cool
I’ve been cloth diapering for 2 years and 4 months. My best tip: research your diapers before purchasing. Some diapers are not the best quality and will fall apart on you. other diapers will last you through several children making them the better investment.
Get a diaper sprayer! Cloth diapering for 18 months!
We’ve been using cloth for about 2 1/2 months and we are in love with them! I try to convert everyone I talk to about making the switch! The one thing that we have fallen in love with is our diaper sprayer : ) I would recommend one for everyone because it has been so helpful!
We’ve been in cloth for about 6 mos. Try several types of diapers. What you thought was GREAT in the store/site may not work so well for you and your baby irl.
i have been doing it 2 months with my new baby boy and love it! i suggest sunning the diapers when ever possible! it does wonders!
I have used cloth diapers for 10 months now and love them. I would say that expensive is not always better, and I have found that homemade seem the best! 🙂
I used them for 22 months before little man potty trained and will use them with baby boy due in Aug. My best advise is to try out a few different types before you buy a whole lot of of one type. You may find that what works for one baby and body type might not work for your baby.
I have used cloth diapers full time for about 7 months and I’m fully addicted. My advice would be to try a couple of different brands to find what works best for your baby before investing too much money on one type / brand of cloth diaper.
I’ve been cloth diapering for almost 5 years now – now cloth diapering my third newborn. My best tip is that different diapers fit different babies – try out a few diapers before you buy a whole stash of one kind.
One month cloth diapering. Not much for tips except your stash probably needs to be bigger than you think.
never buy all of one kind of diaper. and 5 months:)
I’ve been cloth diapering for about 7 months. My biggest tip would be try lots of stuff, anything, and everything you thought you might not like. I ended up loving things and trying things I didn’t think I would, as I became more educated
Don’t really have any tips. I have only been cloth diapering for 2 months! But what has really helped me is to have a laundry schedule and I stick with it. That way my sons always has something clean to cover his bottom.
I’ve been cloth diapering my son for 8 straight months now. My biggest tip would be to always stay on top of keeping your cloth diapers cleaned, soaked and ready to go.
No tips yet because we are starting diapering tmw! We just received our first diapers in the mail today and had to get them all washed up! I am excited to start, but hoping to get my stash bigger so I can switch to cloth full time!
I honestly have not started cloth diapering but I have a newborn on the way and would be open to at least trying it.. winning a diaper would make me a bit more likely to take that step lol
I’ve been cloth diapering for about 2 years and my tip would be to use the sun to dry your diapers (if you can). Not only is it free to use the sun as your dryer, but it brightens and whitens too!
My tip would be to be very mindful of how much detergent you use in the wash, less is almost always more when it comes to washing fluff! We’ve been using cloth diapers for almost a year and a half.
Try different types and brands of diapers. You may find that you like certain ones for some situations and others for other situations. I have been cloth diapering for 15 months.
Sun drying cloth diapers is the best if possible.. if not tumble dry low heat! Been using them for about 5 months.
We have been cloth diapering for 4 1/2 years and my favorite tip is to get the stains out use the sun
Get at least one really nice wet bag for when you have to go places and make sure it is big enough to suit your needs.
I’ve been cloth diapering for a year.
I’ve been using cloth diapers for over 2 years. And my cloth diapering tip is to try different kind of diapers and not just purchase a whole stash of one kind.
Try a little bit of everything! Not just one brand/style.
I am looking forward to beginning with cloth diapers! LO due 9/1
Try all different types of cloth diapers! Been using cloth for 4 months.
I’ve been cloth diapering about 18 months and I would say don’t just stick to one brand or type of diaper. Try them all out. Also if you have hard water use calgon water softener with your diaper laundry.
I have been cloth diapering for 2 or 3 months. My favorite tip is to buy different brands at first, they all fit differently and not all will work for your baby.
i dont really have too many tips, other than trying multiple brands to see what you like best.
we’ve used cloth since march 2011
We have been using cloth for about a year now. My best tip is to rinse out the inserts before putting them into a pail or wetbag. It helps cut down on stink issues.
I havent used cloth yet but i plan to coming soon!
My tip would be to get a variety of styles of CD since some will work better than others, we’ve been CD for almost seven months
My favorite cloth diaper tip is not to go more than two days before washing when your little one is no longer EBF.
Oh yeah, I’ve been cloth diapering for almost 20 months.
My tip is to try all sorts of different ones. don’t commit a whole stash to any one diaper. Your baby will change shape a lot during the diapering years.
I have cloth diapered for one year.
We’ve been using cloth for about 2 months and LOVE it!
We’re still pretty new. We’ve been CDing since our baby was 1 month old (2 1/2 months now!). My one tip would be you can make a diaper work for you, so don’t worry if it’s not perfect from the get-go (at least that’s been my experience thus far)
My favorite tip so far has been to not over think cding, this is so true since there are so many options. Start using different diapers to see what you like best and go from there. We’ve been cding for 8 months 🙂
My favorite tip is not to buy too many of one brand until you know what you like. I’ve been CD for 8 months!
Don’t buy too many of any one thing – try them first!
I don’t have any tips, but I’ll be cloth diapering starting in August when our little one is born! 🙂
Do your research before buying! Almost a year.
I have been using cloth diapers for 1.5 years. My tip is to try diapers that seem “scary” or that you think you won’t like, you may be surprised to find that you like them the most!
im totally new to cloth diapering. i have a 10 year old and am ready for TTC. I just happened upon a youtuve video and it has opened the door to a world i never knew existed 🙂
Just use cloth diapers! It solves the diaper rash problem quickly!!!
I am still a newbie and have had to learn not to take my cd too seriously. Allow myself to use a disposable occassionally if I need to do laundry.
Tide is your friend! Been CD’ing for 7-1/2 months
Tip: Try out a variety before you choose what you like. A cloth diaper trial with a store is awesome! We’ve been cloth diapering for almost 2 years now.
I haven’t done cloth diapering, yet, but I am very interested in trying!
I use vinegar in in cloth diaper loads about once a week and I have been cloth diapering for 19 months with my daughter.
I’ve been cding for about 5 months. My tips are never wash too many diapers at a time, use prefolds with covers or fitteds for newborns, line dry whenever possible, use vinegar once a week to avoid stinky diapers and try not to go too overboard buying new prints 🙂
I’ve not used cloth diapers yet, but I plan to with my second child. She’s due in 6 weeks and I’m beginning to think we’re going to need more than we currently have on hand.
Used Cloth Diapers for 8 months. Best tip is get a good wash routine, it will save you a ton of trouble and time:-)
I havent cloth diapered yet, Because baby isn’t here, but i cannot wait to start!!
I have never tried cloth diapers before but would love to try them out 🙂
I’ve never used cloth before ty for the chance!
For a friend pg
Tip double up
I have not cloth diapered yet, but I really want to!
Hi! I was just wondering if the diaper winner was announced. Thanks!