Kindle Giveaway Group 8

This page is for a Kindle giveaway that goes from May 21-26,2012. Please check out giveaway tab for the entry form.


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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.


  1. lpninpain says

    Another facebook page with out any pages for me to like I reloaded the page and waited twice

  2. Deanna_boocock says

    one didn’t work for me in Canada. The one above The Vagabond Studio

  3. All worked for me except the one above Vagabond Studio.

  4. Journeysof TheZoo says

    I too couldn’t get the one above the Vagabond studio!

    journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com

  5. Barbara Palermo says

    Cant’ like the Facebook Public Profile after the Vagabond studio!

  6. Myra Rzepa says

    cant like the fb profile after Rowell Reviews ! its not working! just tought i should let you know.

  7. Joanne Boudrias says

    I can’t like the fb profile after Rowell Reviews. Tried reloading page. No go

  8. stacey dempsey says

    This page can’t be seen by the current user. Please check page privacy and visibility settings.
    so i dont know who it is , entere the rest stacey dempsey on rafflecopter

  9. this page will not load, I’ve tried several times

  10. Cherie Adams says

    No “likes” on this page either šŸ™

  11. Willdebbie says

    there are two that you can not like and no name to fine either

  12. Mystikafaith says

    couldn’t like one because it said This page can’t be seen by the current user. Please check page privacy and visibility settings. entered all the rest of them (candice kelly)

  13. Jessica Baynard says

    Refreshed the page and they all worked Yey

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