Earth Fare: Free Coca-Cola Coupon

Earth Fare

Earth Fare this week to get a free Coca-Cola with any $5 purchase.  Sign up for a Earth Fare account or log in to print your coupon.  The coupon is valid Wednesday, 9/7 through Sunday, 9/11.

This free Coca-Cola coupon is for a different kind of Coke!  This is for one that is made in Mexico, with real sugar, and without HFCS.

Here’s what it doesn’t contain:

High fructose corn syrup

Articifial fats

Artificial trans fats

Artificial colors

Artificial flavors artificial sweeteners

Artificial preservatives

Bleached and bromated flour

Antibiotics and synthetic growth hormones in fresh meat and dairy

I really don’t  see why there’s a big fuss over High Fructose Corn Syrup but to each his own.  I’ll still enjoy the free Coke!

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.


  1. Kim @ What's That Smell? says

    At first I was going to comment about a healthy store offering free Coke…then I finished reading LOL. For the most part sugar is sugar and your body reacts to it the same way, I personally however prefer to use it less processed and would go for the NO HFCS but I’m not a freak about it.

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