Pizza Hut: Free P’Zone ($5 Value)


Don’t feel like cooking tonight?  Then head over and “Like” Pizza Hut on Facebook and click on the “Get your P’Zone” tab for a free P’Zone pizza ($5 value) when you place your order online!  If you don’t have a Facebook account you can sign up for Pizza Hut’s email newsletter to get the same freebie. Offer ends August 21, 2011.

As always, I recommend calling your local Pizza Hut to make sure they are participating before ordering.

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.


  1. Melissa Lynn Benham says

    It didn’t seem to work. I clicked the Like Pizza Hut link and it just took me to my wall.

    • Anonymous says

      Are you signed into Facebook? If so, the link should take you to Pizza Hut’s page. If you’re still having problems you can locate Pizza Hut through the search option on Facebook. I hope this helps!

      • I had trouble at first as well. Look on the left side of Pizza Huts Fb page and click on the Free P’Zone tab (I can’t remember exactly what the tab is named, but you should be able to figure it out).

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