10 Reasons to Cancel All Your Credit Cards

Cutting Credit Card

I know credit cards can be controversial and I’m not trying to open up a can of worms on here but I have an article I want you to read.  Crystal from MoneySavingMom shared this article from Smart Money called “10 Reasons I’m Canceling My Credit Cards” today and I loved it.  I think it had a lot of great points on why you should stop using credit cards and several of the points were ones that are rarely talked about.

I want to encourage everyone to take a few moments to read the article and see whether or not you agree with it.  Even if you disagree with it take time to consider the points made and think about why you have chosen to use credit cards.

Here’s a little preview:

Cash helps people I want to help. The money goes to the merchant and his suppliers. When I go into my local credit union to cash a check, I’m keeping a couple of local tellers in work. Credit cards? I’m helping finance bank executives, marketing teams and call centers in India. I am sure they are all fine people, and I wish them well. But if I had to choose, and I do, I would rather help my local merchants and credit union staff.

You can read the full article here – “10 Reasons I’m Canceling My Credit Cards

As always, I love to hear your thoughts!  Because this can be a heated issue, please remember to keep your comments kind.

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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