Healthy Night Light Review and Giveaway Ends 4/1

Purely Products

It’s definitely cold/flu season around my area.  Everywhere I go, there are people hacking, coughing, or sneezing.  I’ve became somewhat of a germaphobe since becoming pregnant.  I know I won’t be able to take strong antibiotics if I get sick so I’m trying my absolute best to avoid becoming ill.  I know I can’t protect myself from all germs and viruses (and it probably wouldn’t be good if I could) but there are a few things I can do to help promote wellness in my home.

Healthy Night Light WorksOne way that I have been trying to promote wellness is by cleaning the air with a Purely Products Healthy Night LightPurely Products is a company that provides responsible products for responsible living.  The Healthy Night Light is an ionizer, meaning it creates negative ions that attract positively charged allergens, thus removing those allergens from the air in our home.  Allergens include dust, mold spores, pet dander, etc.  This night light works for a room 12′x12′ in size.  Another plus is that studies show that negative ions actually help the body to release more seratonin, which, in turn delivers more oxygen to the brain, also helping the person to just feel good.  How neat?

We put the Healthy Night Light in our room.  With cold/flu season upon us we figured that would be the best place.  I would definitely love to have them all over our home, but I’ll at least buy another one for our nursery.  This handy little night light just plugs into any wall outlet.  The light automatically turns itself on and off, but it purifies the air even when off.  I was curious to see how hot the bulb would get to see if it’s safe to put in our baby girl’s room but it is cool to the touch.  It’s LED that lasts up to 35,000 hours, or about 1,458 days.  It only uses 1 watt of electricity, so it won’t even make a small dent in our power bill.  I would say that it’s a medium-sized night light, it’s not the smallest night light I’ve ever seen, but it certainly wouldn’t be classified as large either.  It still leaves room for something else to be plugged in.  It has a great, soft glow that isn’t too bright or too dim.  Even though I can’t actually “see” the night light woHealthy Night Light Whiterking to make our room a healthier place but I do feel like we’re taking a step in the right direction with this night light.

You can purchase the Healthy Night Light in either a 1 Pack or 2 Pack, priced at $19.95 and $29.95, respectively BUT right now they are having a sale!  You can get 2 for $19.95 plus shipping and handling.  I’m not sure how long this sale will last so if you’re interested I would buy now.  You can get it in 3 different colors: cream, pink, or blue.  We have the cream, as it’s a more neutral color that goes with more things.  Purely Products has a “100% Happy 2 Year Warranty” on this product.

Purely Products is a company that gives to others. The founders of the company started a nonprofit called diaperlove that provides diapers to babies in need. Changing diapers. Changing lives. Did you know that WIC and Food Stamps don’t pay for diapers? Crazy, right? I have heard horror stories of moms actually washing out their disposable diapers to reuse them. Oh, I know, if only they knew about cloth, but…some moms don’t even have access to their own washer/dryer, or aren’t allowed to use laundromats for diaper laundry… so I’m glad to see a company reaching out to moms in need. When you shop at Purely Products, you are “buying for bottoms” as well, so you are helping out too!

We are giving away one Healthy Night Light to one lucky Embracing Beauty reader! You can enter to win by doing one or more of the following; just be sure to leave a separate comment for each way that you enter.  I’ll draw the winner, via, on April 1st.  The winner willl have 48 hrs to respond before a new winner is chosen.  This giveaway is open to U.S. and Canada only.  Good luck everyone!

  • Visit Purely Products, and tell me one product you would most like to try.
  • Tweet about this giveaway including a link back; you can tweet daily to earn extra entries.
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  • Subscribe to Embracing Beauty through email or Rss.
  • Blog about this giveaway, being sure to link back to this post.
  • Submit this post to a current giveaway linky; you can do this unlimited times to earn extra entries.

Disclosure: I was given one Healthy Night Light to facilitate my review but the opinions expressed are solely my own.

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.


  1. shala_darkstone says

    Hi, I’d like to try the Pet CFL lightbulb.

  2. shala_darkstone says
  3. shala_darkstone says

    I Like Beauty4Moms on Facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).

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  7. crystle tellerday says

    pet cfl light bulb

  8. GENEVA LOVE says


  9. Sandra U. says

    I would love to try the Ionic Lifestyle. It sounds very interesting and very easy to use.

  10. Sandra U. says

    I Like Beauty4Moms on Facebook

  11. Sandra U. says

    I Like Purely Products on Facebook

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    email subscriber

  14. I would love to try the Pocket Purifier.

  15. daily tweet-

  16. I like Beauty4Moms on facebook.Shari D

  17. I like Purely Products on facebook.Shari D

  18. I follow you on twitter as 409cope.

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  20. Adrianna C. says

    I visited their website and I also really like the Pet CFL.

  21. Adrianna C. says
  22. Adrianna C. says

    I like Beauty4Moms on FB as A.C. Cabrera!

  23. Adrianna C. says

    I like Purely Products on FB as A.C. Cabrera!

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    I follow you on Twitter as @ChamboriBlog!

  25. Adrianna C. says

    I subscribe via email!

  26. Mary Beth Elderton says
  27. Mary Beth Elderton says
  28. daily tweet-

  29. the pocket purifier.

  30. Mary Beth Elderton says
  31. daily tweet-

  32. I’d like to try the Pocket Purifier.
    Dove056 at aol dot com

  33. I follow you on Twitter. @Dove056
    Dove056 at aol dot com

  34. I like Purely Products on FB. Cindy D.
    Dove056 at aol dot com

  35. Cheryl Raymond says

    I would love to try the pet CFL

  36. Cheryl Raymond says

    I like Beauty4Moms on facebook

  37. Cheryl Raymond says

    I like Purely Products on Facebook

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  40. Mary Beth Elderton says
  41. daily tweet-

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  43. I too would like to try the pet/nightlight
    I live in a rural area and run 2 airpurifiers 1 humdifier and tea kettle on pellet stove. and still am stuffed up all 4 Seasons long.
    Thanks Kindly~

  44. Mary Beth Elderton says
  45. Mary Beth Elderton says
  46. daily tweet-

  47. Brandie D says

    I’d like to try the Healthy Night Light – not too original but I’d like to put one in my 3 yr olds room.

  48. Brandie D says

    I like Beauty4Moms on Facebook

    Brandie R-Dery

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    (Brandie R-Dery)

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  54. Mary Beth Elderton says
  55. Im quite interested in the pet CFL

  56. I like you on FB

  57. I like them on FB

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  61. Mary Beth Elderton says
  62. Sandra U. says
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  64. Mary Beth Elderton says
  65. Mary Beth Elderton says
  66. daily tweet-

  67. Mary Beth Elderton says
  68. daily tweet-

  69. I’d be interested in the Pet CFL
    vlbsweeps at gmail dot com

  70. I like Purely Products on Facebook Vickie Bartlett
    vlbsweeps at gmail dot com

  71. Mary Beth Elderton says
  72. daily tweet-

  73. Mary Beth Elderton says
  74. daily tweet-

  75. Mary Beth Elderton says
  76. The Pocket Purifier looks cool!

  77. I follow Beauty 4 Moms on Twitter @Xocaisgood!

  78. I like Beauty 4 Moms on Facebook! (Helena.L)

  79. I like Purely Products on FB! (Helena.L)

  80. daily tweet-

  81. Mary Beth Elderton says
  82. Mary Beth Elderton says
  83. Mary Beth Elderton says
  84. Mary Beth Elderton says
  85. Mary Beth Elderton says
  86. I like the pocket purifier.

  87. Like Beauty for Moms on FB

  88. Like Purely products on FB

  89. Email subscriber

  90. Mary Beth Elderton says
  91. Mary Beth Elderton says
  92. Mary Beth Elderton says
  93. Mary Beth Elderton says
  94. The Pocket Purifier looks neat too.

  95. i think the SunMate™ is a healthy product to have around and help keep your family safe.

  96. Jill Myrick says

    I also like the Pocket Purifier from Purely Products.


  97. Jill Myrick says

    I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


  98. Jill Myrick says

    I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.


  99. Jill Myrick says

    I am a fan of Purely Products via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


  100. Jill Myrick says

    I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

  101. Mary Beth Elderton says
  102. I love the SunMate! It’s a great way to know how much protection my little girl need when going out.
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  103. I Tweeted this giveaway.!/lisalmg/status/53181289225924608
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  104. I like Beauty4Moms on Facebook user Lisa Garner.
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  105. I like Purely Products on Facebook user Lisa Garner.
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  106. I’m following Beauty4Moms on Twitter @lisalmg.
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

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    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  108. kittycardero says

    Like Beauty4Moms on Facebook.

  109. kittycardero says

    Like Purely Products on Facebook.

  110. kittycardero says

    Follow @Beauty4Moms on Twitter.

  111. susan smoaks says

    i would also love to try the pocket purifier

  112. Mary Beth Elderton says
  113. With one dog and three cats, I would really like to try the pet CFL.

  114. I would like to try the Pet Cfl Lightbulb.

  115. email subscriber

  116. The pocket purifier.

  117. I’m an email subscriber.

  118. Mary Beth Elderton says

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