Feeling Crafty in Time For Mother’s Day

Today I just have it in my head to do something crafty or artsy. You know that compelling urge, don’t you? It’s like a gnat that keeps buzzing around your head until you swat it. Or in this case, do something about it.

martha stewart create logo

I sat down at my computer/crafting table and went to MarthaStewart.com to get inspired. Martha is absolutely the best for fresh ideas. As always, I visited her site and just d-r-o-o-l-e-d over her seemingly endless creativity. I found countless projects that I would like to work on and I enjoyed looking so much that I nearly spent all of my time browsing instead of crafting. I’m going to go and get creative painting but I wanted to let you know that I’m going to post a new Mother’s Day gift idea craft starting tomorrow through Saturday. Since Mother’s Day is quickly approaching I’ve chosen all simple and inexpensive crafts with the longest project first. I hope you’ll enjoy them!

martha stewart free clip art doilies craft

I just hate to wet your appetite and not share a new idea with you so here’s a short craft good for any time of the year! You can make adhesive doilies using Martha Stewart’s free clip art and a clear full sheet of ink-jet labels from Avery. These adorable doilies just need to be printed and cut and then are ready to be adhered to any surface you want. I think they would look nice on the top of a country styled canister set. They might even look nice in a picture frame and for that you could use plain printer paper. What creative ideas can you think of? Remember to check back all this week for new Mother’s Day craft ideas!
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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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