Today I just have it in my head to do something crafty or artsy. You know that compelling urge, don’t you? It’s like a gnat that keeps buzzing around your head until you swat it. Or in this case, do something about it.

I sat down at my computer/crafting table and went to to get inspired. Martha is absolutely the best for fresh ideas. As always, I visited her site and just d-r-o-o-l-e-d over her seemingly endless creativity. I found countless projects that I would like to work on and I enjoyed looking so much that I nearly spent all of my time browsing instead of crafting. I’m going to go and get creative painting but I wanted to let you know that I’m going to post a new Mother’s Day gift idea craft starting tomorrow through Saturday. Since Mother’s Day is quickly approaching I’ve chosen all simple and inexpensive crafts with the longest project first. I hope you’ll enjoy them!
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