Vinyl Fruit – Wall Decal Giveaway Ends 5/15

Flying Bird Decal Giveaway
If you’ve been a reader of Beauty 4 Moms for long you know what a huge fan of vinyl decals I am! I LOVE them. It’s a wonder that I haven’t plastered our entire house with them by now. I have a great little vinyl decal shop from etsy that I would like to introduce to you. The shop name is Vinyl Fruit and they have some cute, more modern looking decals.

They are kind enough to give one Beauty 4 Moms readers a $20 gift card (w/free shipping) to their store!

Love birds vinyl decal giveaway contest
Ready to enter and win?

To win: Simply visit Vinyl Fruit and come back here to tell me what you would choose if you won.

Extra entries: (please leave a comment for each additional entry)

-Share this giveaway on twitter &/or facebook (no special points but don’t forget to be a fan of us there too!)
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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.


  1. I would for sure choose "Birdie Tweet Conversation". I would love to put this in my daughters room, or maybe have a custom one made for my son's room as well.

    Great Giveaway!!!!

  2. MrsAshley says

    To enter be sure and fill out the form above. 🙂

  3. Team Edward with heart Twilight vinyl wall decal or bumper sticker
    WOW….I am so glad you shared this sight!! LOVE IT! Thank you thank you thank you!! I am a twihard freak!!! 🙂 awesomeness!!! Could almost cry!

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