50 Photo Prints & a Pocket Photo Book for $1.99 Shipped!

Free photo deal Kodak pictures book
Kodak Gallery is currently running a promotion where you can get a free photo book and 50 free photo prints!!! If you have a Target store nearby, you can get them shipped to your local store and only pay $1.99 for the photo book and 50 photo prints! Here’s how:

Sign up for a new account with Kodak Gallery and you’ll have 50 free prints credited to your account absolutely Free!

Go to the Target website and follow the simple steps to claim your free photo book.

– Enjoy creating your photo book, choose your 50 free prints, and add everything to your shopping cart.

– Use coupon code “TGTFREEBOOK“at checkout and choose in-store pickup and you should only pay $1.99 out of pocket for everything!!! I love photo freebies!

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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