Walgreens: $.25 Special K Cereal

Here is a great cereal scenarios at Walgreens!

Kellogg’s cereals are $1.50 each after Register Reward next week.

This scenario will help you get them for $.25 each or possibly FREE!

Buy 2 Boxes of Special K $5.00
Use BOGO Special K Coupon
Pay $2.50
Get $2.00 RR
$.50 for both or $.25 each

It gets even better if Special K Blueberry is included!

Use the $1.00/1 printable and it becomes FREE cereal + overage!

Also, the Smart Start Cereal is part of the deal –

Buy 2 $5.00
Use (2) $.75/1 printable coupons
Pay $3.50
Get Back $2.00
$.75 after RR and coupons

Enjoy the savings! : )

Thanks, Charlene

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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