Do beauty pageants truly pinpoint authentic beauty? Of course not. I think we’d all agree that beauty, true beauty is found on the inside of a person and not the exterior. MomDot is challenging women to think about what beauty really is. Here’s what I believe it is:
I’m not against beauty pageants or trying to look attractive. I’ve even entered to be the Face of e.l.f. 2010 because I think it would be a fun opportunity to take a few pictures & make a little money. Having said that, I don’t believe being entered or even winning would make me beautiful. So what is beauty?
When we look at things that are authentic, true, & real they are always more favorable than things that are fake. A diamond ring far more valuable than a cubic zirconium. So what does it mean for us to be genuine?
I believe it’s being able to accept ourselves for who we are and be who we are created to be. It’s not important what others think about us or what others want us to be. It’s all about being who we are created to be!
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. (Psalms 139:14 NASB -emphasis added by me)
We don’t allow ourselves to feel beautiful because too often we have a poor self image. When we think poorly of ourselves we’re often looking for a quick fix to cover up the outside but really we are beautiful just we way we are.
You are beautiful! Women, whether you are single or married, with children or without you are beautiful. God loves you just the way that you are.
Smile, hug your family, sing in the shower, love your life because this is your life and you are BEAUTIFUL!
Joy is the best makeup. -Anne Lamott
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