Coffee Giveaway – Today Only! 9/1/09

Green Onions
My friend, Karen, over at Green Onions is having a birthday today! Stop over at her blog and say hi…and while you’re there you can enter her giveaway for a bag of delicious Rwandan specialty coffee from “Land of a Thousand Hills”. She says that it’s amazing coffee with a wonderful story behind it as well. Giveaway ends Sept. 1, 2009 (today!) at 6 PM EST so hurry!

Image of Limited Edition: Live Revelations/Real Redemption t-shirt.

To learn more about this coffee visit

To wish Karen a Happy Birthday and enter this giveaway visit her blog, Green Onions. …oh and if you would, please tell her that Beauty4Moms sent you. Thanks! : )

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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