Print your coupon to Save $1.00 on any 9.5 oz. bottle of Starbucks Frappuccino Coffee drink. I LOVE these! You can bet I’m going to print this coupon twice. This is a manufacturer’s coupon and can be used at any store that sells these single bottles.
Through tomorrow (August 1, 2009), single bottles of Starbucks Frappuccinos are on sale at Walgreens for $1.25 with the in-ad coupon. Use the $1/1 coupon to get them for just $0.25 each.
AND, if you purchase them today (July 31, 2009), you can also use the 15% off coupon to get them for $0.06 each (or lower if the 15% is deducted from the regular price).
Be sure to hand the 15% off coupon first, then the manufacturer’s coupon, and then the in-ad coupon. Couponing is great isn’t it?
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