Pledge Fabric Sweeper Review & Giveaway!


Pledge sent me a Pledge Fabric Sweeper to review. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, and although I was hoping for the best I was secretly preparing myself for another let down. After all, keeping up with fur on furniture is kind of an impossible task.

I used to use my vacuum attachments to clean the couch cushions, but quickly became very cumbersome to haul a heavy vac up and down the steps so I only did that occasionally or before company (when I enter full-on cleaning mode). I thought I had found my lifesaver when I bought one of those rubbery, bristled, hand-held brushes. I’ve found it to be helpful for cleaning the hard to reach fur in the crevices of our steps but it certainly wouldn’t do to “sweep” fur off the couch. We have dozens of the sticky lint rollers around the house and in the cars, but we only use them for clothes since we’d probably go through two a week if we were also using them on fhe furniture. I’m a little embarrassed to say that our current solution was to change into comfy clothes when we get home so we don’t have to worry about the fur that transfers onto us!

Now you can see why I was hesitant about this Fabric Sweeper! If you go to the website, you can watch a little video on how this magical product works. You make short, side-to-side strokes with the Sweeper because it’s not made of rollers; it has half-rollers that only rotate so far. It’s designed so that one roller flicks fur from the other into the top collection area. It doesn’t spit the fur back out in clumps!!! I tell you, the Pledge people are geniuses in my book.

All in all, it took me maybe a couple of minutes to go over the couch, love seat and chairs. I was excited to show my husband the Fabric Sweeper when he came home from work and he was thrilled to try it out for himself. He immediately took it out to his car and started cleaning the back of the seats. You see, our dog resides in the backseat during our long trips and has turned the tan seats black with fur. I couldn’t get my husband to stop long enough to snap a picture of the difference just a few swipes made. He was on a roll! He finished the car and then went to de-fur our bedspread. He has even told his friends about this Fabric Sweeper! It takes a lot to get a man excited about cleaning and the Pledge Fabric Sweeper did just that for my husband. : )

Want a Pledge Fabric Sweeper of your own?

I have two to giveaway to my fabulous readers!!!

To enter: Simply leave one comment telling me why you need the Pledge Fabric Sweeper.

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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