PinkBerryBoutique Item of Choice Giveaway!


About the owner (in her own words):
“I’m a daughter, a wife, and a mom…but not always in that order. I’ve been married for 18 years and we have two awesome kids. My family is my support group, my husband is my therapist and my kids are my fans and critics all rolled up into one.

I recently discovered online selling. I don’t know why it’s taken me this long especially since I discovered online buying way back in the day! I can now finally reason away my growing collection of fabrics.

Also, please visit me at my other shop

This giveaway is for one item of the winner’s choice!

To enter: Visit PinkBerryBoutique and leave a comment in this post telling me which item is your favorite (choose carefully the item you choose will be the one you receive if you win).

Bonus Entries:
Remember to leave your email in the post.
Also, don’t forget to post an extra comment for each additional entry!

* Follow the Facebook pages of Beauty4Moms & PinkBerryBoutique (5 extra)

* Enter another Beauty4Moms giveaway (1 per giveaway)

* Follow me on Twitter (1 extra)

* Tweet Tweet (1 extra daily)

* Kirsty, Digg or Stumble (2 extra for each)

* Grab my button (3 extra)

* Grab the Beautiful Summer Giveaway (3 extra)

* Blog about this giveaway with a link back to Beauty4Moms and PinkBerryBoutique (10 extra)

*Buy any item from PinkBerryBoutique store and come back with the transaction # (10 extra)

Contest begins July 19, 2009 and ends August 19, 2009 at 9 P.M. EST. Winner chosen through The winner will be announced on Twitter and will be contacted via email. The winner has 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be drawn and you’ll forfeit your prize. One entry per an entry method per a person. This giveaway is open to entrants from around the world!

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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