MADART’s Giveaway


MADART is all about uplifting, nature-inspired art and design. As you know, I enjoy featuring handmade objects, crafts and art. That’s why I’m really excited to give away a picture from one of my favorite artists, MADART.
A signed 8×10 “Diva Dog Stroll” print is going to be given away to one lucky winner!

Enjoy looking through her shop to choose your favorite item. Below are a few of my favorites:

How to enter:

Visit MARDART’s etsy shop or website and come back here and leave me a comment letting me know your favorite item.

You can also enter by retweeting the following text:

RT @madartgallery @beauty4moms – MADART modern art giveaway:

You may only retweet this once daily. Don’t forget to leave a comment with a link to your tweet.

More entries will be announced via twitter so be sure to follow.

This fabulous contest will end on August 16th midnight eastern time so be sure to enter on time!

That’s it folks, it couldn’t be simpler.

Winner will be chosen by and will be notified via email by August 16th!


About the artist:
“My name is Megan. I hope you enjoy my Art as much as I have enjoyed creating it. I have painted and drawn traditionally most of my life. After God and my family my art is my passion. I am a self-taught artist that has been blessed with a talent I love to share with others. I grew up in the bush of Alaska with none of the modern amenities most of us take for granted. The only way to get where I lived was by boat or float plane, there were not (and still are not) any roads. The only source of electricity was generator. Heat was provided by wood burning stoves (there was a lot of firewood to be cut and stacked!) My family didn’t have phones or cable TV, it was roughing it at it’s best! Living in Alaska and Florida (and even Hawaii for two years) has allowed me to get close to nature in many different ways. Alaska is all about nature and natural beauty. In Florida I have experienced tropical beauty and I enjoy scuba diving and other outdoor activities that allow me to stay close to nature. This has allowed me to truly appreciate the beautiful world God has blessed us with and to try to capture that beauty in my paintings.

Good luck and happy tweeting!

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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