Header Contest!

I’m looking for creative people to help redesign the most important icon of Beauty4Moms….the header!

Requirements: Must include the site name (Beauty4Moms), our tag line “Helping Moms Find Beauty in Themselves and Their Surroundings” and our lovely lady image found on our button.

The top ten submissions will be put to a vote (anonymously of course) and we’ll see what our audience has to say on which designs they prefer. All designers will be revealed and get their due credit after the voting period is over.

Our Prize: The winner will win a $30 paypal payment from Beauty4Moms.blogspot.com as a thank you and your design will be the newest header displayed on our site!

To Enter: Please email your headers to Beauty4Moms@gmail.com by Wednesday, July 1st. You don’t have to be a professional designer to enter. You may enter up to 5 different header designs into this contest.

Good Luck Everyone!

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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