Kids: Earn a FREE book when you read this summer!


Barnes and Nobles has a Summer Reading program where your children can earn a FREE book when you they read 8 books this summer.

Here’s how:

  1. Read ANY 8 books and record them in the Summer Reading Journal.
  2. Bring the completed Reading Journal to any Barnes and Nobles store from May 26th to September 7th to receive your coupon for a free book.
  3. Choose your FREE book from a list of specified titles. (You can view the entire list in this file.)

Limit 1 form per school age child (Grades 1 – 6). Teachers: Barnes & Nobles also has a kit you can download to distribute to your students!

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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