A Ann Taylor (clearance rack)
B BMoss.com, Brookstone, & Bed Bath and Beyond
C CVS Craigslist.com
E Etsy.com
F Freecycle.com
G Gap
H Home Goods
I Ikea
J JCPenny
K Khols
L LayersClothing.com
M Marhsallsonline.com Mary Kay
N Neiman Marcus (clearance rack)
O Overstock.com
P Pottery Barn ProFlowers.com
Q QVC.com
R Rugged Wearhouse RedEnvelope.com
S Stein Mart
T T.J. Maxx, Target, & Tuesday Morning
U Uncommongoods.com
V VistaPrint.com Victoria’s Secret
W Walmart Walgreens
X Xerox.com? ha
Z Zappos.com
What are your favorite places to shop? I’d love to hear where you shop and find good deals!
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