Hope. Do you have it?
Satan seemed victorious in the Garden of Eden and then again when Jesus died on the cross. Thankfully, things aren’t always as they seem. God had a much greater plan.
His plan was Jesus. The Son of God who, with a loving heart for you and me, died a brutal death as a sacrifice to pay for our sins. He then proceeded to conquer death when He arose three days later and ascended into Heaven.
Satan was defeated. Because of the love of Christ, we now have hope beyond the grave. We no longer need to fear death. We can choose to have eternal life in Heaven.
Hope. Do you have it?
Think of Paul, a man who was a great Christian example for us to follow. His goal was to know Christ, to be more like Christ, and to make Christ known. It was this goal that consumed all of his energy.
We should have the same desire to know Christ, to follow Him, and to make Him known.
- With our hope in Christ, we can look away from past guilt and failures knowing we have been forgiven.
- With our hope in Christ, we can set our focus to become effective in our work for God.
- With our hope in Christ, we can look forward to Christ’s return.
Hope. Do you have it?
There is a wonderful reward that lies ahead. But like an athlete, we need to train hard and run well on our journey through this life.
Friends, there is a beautiful reason to hope.
In our great darkness, God promised to send a light to shine on the world. It is the light of Jesus Christ.
“For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given…”
– Isaiah 9:6
There is hope in Christ.
Dear friend, if you are unsure where you will go when you die, take a few minutes to read over these truths about man and God:
- God designed and created the universe and all that is within it, and it is by His power that everything holds together. Colossians 1:16-17
- God is perfect in all areas and completely without sin. Psalm 96:9
- God designed mankind in His own image to reflect His glory. Genesis 1:27
- Mankind chose to disobey their Creator and by doing so brought sin’s curse upon the earth and eternally separated them from the One who created them. Genesis 3,Romans 5:12-13
- Because of sin’s curse, and my sin, I am born separated from God and deserving of His everlasting punishment. Romans 2:12, Romans 3:10-12, Romans 6:23
- God’s Son Jesus Christ came to earth, lived a perfect life, died on the cross to pay sin’s penalty, and rose again on the third day defeating sin and death. Romans 5:6-10, I Corinthians 15:3-4
- By turning to Christ from our sin and trusting in His work on the cross alone to save us from our sin, God imparts Christ’s righteousness on our behalf and we are freely given eternal life with Him. He gives us the power to enjoy fellowship with Him and live a life that is pleasing to Him. Romans 5:1-2, Romans 3:23-24, John 3:16-17
If you have questions about God or salvation, please feel free to leave a comment or contact me. I would love to discuss this life changing truth with you!
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