Recently, you may have noticed that my site, this site, was down. If you have any anti-virus/malware software at all you were notified when visiting that it had been infected with malware and you…
[Continue reading...]Boogie Wipes: 83% Off Retail! Stock Up While You Can!
Rite Aid Deals for the Week of February 17-23, 2013
CVS Deals for the Week of February 17-23, 2013
Walgreens Deals for the Week of February 17-23, 2013
Sunday Newspaper Coupon Insert Preview 2/17/13
Call Me Maybe Nail Art

These sweethearts whether near or far will always be connected by their love. Right now, they’re talking on the telephone and he’s making her blush. One of my good friends, Emily from Live2Save2Live, told me about a nail design contest that Sally Hansen was hosting. I didn’t really figure I had a shot but […]
[Continue reading...]Losing Quote

They who lose today may win tomorrow. – Cervantes I needed this little dose of encouragement today and I thought that maybe you could use some too!
[Continue reading...]Restoring Your Skin, Hair, and Nails After Chemotherapy

Today I got a note from one of our readers named Wendy. She said, “I have breast cancer and I just got done with chemo, I was just hoping you could help me with some products that I could use for my skin and nails. Thank you!” Wendy, I have a good friend who is […]
[Continue reading...]Inexpensive, Unique, & Homemade Valentine Gift Ideas!

5 Inexpensive, Unique, & Homemade Valentine Gift Ideas for you to give your sweetheart!
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